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 Why do 95% of African Americans keep voting for Democrats when they are treated like saps? (3)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Why do 95% of African Americans keep voting for Democrats when they are treated like saps?

Decade after decade Democrats use Black people purely for their votes? They spend every election cycle fanning the flames of concocted racism by constantly regurgitating race bating rhetoric.
So after 8 years of the most Liberal Democrat, how did African Americans fair? Well if you call welfare a career, they are doing great. If you call 72% of Black children living in broken homes a good thing, they are doing wonderful. If you call 45% black children under 6 years old living in poverty a good thing, then keep voting Democrat. Black people have twice as much unemloyment and twice as many people on welfare when you do the percentages.

With numbers like these, one might ask why they would keep voting for Democrats who have proven for decades to have no answers other than keeping them tied to welfare and thereby controlling their vote.
The OBVIOUS reasons for their problems is the number of broken homes with no father influence. Do you hear Democrats speaking to this problem and coming up with any answers? Nah, nothing as usual.

If I were African American, I would trying something different and start asking the GOP to come up with solutions if they gave them their vote.
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I'm sure the reason varies from person to person but I'd include:

1) Tradition. I'm not kidding. Heck, most people no matter what their race or origin simply default to the same party affiliation as their parents. Or they simply follow the majority in their own state. And once they're in a party the majority of people just stay there for life. This is probably true for you too.

2) Neither of the major political parties have their back, so it's either just pick one or just be an independent. I think you'll find far more are independent than Democrat.

3) Like it or not, Republican leaders have more of a history of saying inflammatory things that upset the African American community. And members of groups like the KKK are far more likely to belong to the Republican Party than the Democratic Party.

The Democrats have them exactly where they want them: dependent of government and at their beck and call. To liberals that is a smashing success.