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 Why do people try to argue with those, who only want to preach? (23)

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Why do people try to argue with those, who only want to preach?

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1 point

Is the answer something as simple as" they just wanna talk"?

Or do they not realize the futility in attempting to convince a zealot that they are wrong?

Is it more emotionally based? For instance; an expressal of anger or discontent?

I am completely befuddled. During my growth, I've noticed that I was surrounded by brick walls and the only way to move them out of my path, was to smash them. I soon found out that those walls had a titanium core and only hurt myself in the process of attempting to move and smash them.

Turns out...I could just walk around them. /facepalm.

After that excerpt, I will now ask....Are they masochists?

1 point

do they not realize the futility in attempting to convince a zealot that they are wrong?

i believe it's more to do with the order in which these things are realised. you're a wiser person when you consider more than what you've realised (something i'd love to be able to do on the spot), typically realising something else after that.

i think 'it's futile' is a realisation normally due for halfway through the discussion

After that excerpt, I will now ask....Are they masochists?

nice anecdote

from an external perspective which has considered more, certainly. but again, order of realisation.

Jace(5222) Clarified
1 point

Honestly? Boredom. Perhaps the opportunity to practice phraseology in order to elicit exponentially absurd statements to indirectly persuade undecided, observing parties. But, mostly, boredom.

31337(560) Clarified
1 point

Lol. But there are some who actually continue to try and convince the preachers, fail after fail, no? Those are the ones I'd like to know the mentality of.

If someone wants to preach, that's fine. But when someone wants to force something down everyone's throat, then it's not fine.

1 point

Keeping an open mind and being prepared to dispassionately consider any opposing opinions on their merits is a characteristic of a well balanced and rational person. To doggedly stick to a viewpoint which has long since been disproved bears all the hallmarks of a shallow minded, deranged zealot.

1 point

Everyone wants to preach, talking is preaching.

31337(560) Disputed
1 point

But not everyone only wants to preach. Pew pewed.

instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

No one only wants to preach, everyone wants to drink and eat too or they'd die.

Pew pewed.

People do it without realizing it. I do it to without realizing it. lol

1 point

I don't. I argue against being told I must live THEIR way, or go to hell! I argue against someone saying THEIRS is the ONLY WAY! I argue against them trying to pass laws based on THEIR Bible, which I don't believe in .... other than the common sense they managed to get into it. I would also argue against the "rules" of any other religion, at least the ones that go beyond what I consider "common sense". In common sense, majority rules, NOR religious majority.

1 point

Good point. Keep fighting.

31337(560) Disputed
1 point

You don't? And yet you described people who tend to only want to preach...

You should apply a more thorough on what's being asked here.

Cos they are trying to get points for their account......................