
Debate Info

Single payer vs Privatized
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 Single payer vs (3)
 Privatized (5)

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NewsOfTheDay(12) pic

Why you shouldn't want Socialized healthcare

Single payer vs

Side Score: 4


Side Score: 5
1 point

Why you shouldn't want Socialized healthcare

Hello N:

I don't argue with videos.. If you can't handle the load by yourself, you shouldn't be debating..

But, I'll entertain you... MY socialized health care plan WORKS for everybody and we'll have money left over for a couple aircraft carriers..

See how that works?


Side: Single payer vs
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

The FUCKIN IDIOT speaks !!!!!!!!!! LMMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, I'll entertain you... MY socialized health care plan WORKS for everybody and we'll have money left over for a couple aircraft carriers..

ROTFFLMMFAO !!!!! SUPER STUPID'S socialized health care plan WORKS for everyone !!!!

SUPER STUPID has it a HEALTH CARE plan in CONGRESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Privatized
1 point

But, I'll entertain you... MY socialized health care plan WORKS for everybody and we'll have money left over for a couple aircraft carriers..

See how that works?

Not really.

The United States could see a shortage of up to 120,000 physicians by 2030, impacting patient care across the nation, according to new data published today by the

AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges). reportshortage04112018/

And just think. That's with them making ungodly money. Guess what happens when you cut their salaries and force an unsermountable amount of new patients on them.

We'll hit the threshold of hell, and it will be the left's mindless ideology's fault because it works on idealism and not reality.

Side: Privatized
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

The United States could see a shortage of up to 120,000 physicians by 2030

Hello again, bront:

Nahhh... MY plan is NOT that plan.. MY plan will protect EVERYBODY for EVERYTHING, with money left over to buy a couple aircraft carriers..

You see, MY plan is based on actual arithmetic.. Yours isn't..


Side: Single payer vs
1 point

Canada doesn't have your back: Free health care only goes so far, especially for some seniors

Op's video that you aren't obligated to debate against. It was rather compelling.

Side: Privatized
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

You FUCKIN IDIOT have you not been told by CNN that MEDICARE is going to be BANKRUPT by 2026 ?????????????

Where is the LEFTIST health care for ALL going to come from you WATER CARRYING LEFTIST ????????????

Side: Privatized
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

SUPER STUPID what can you debate ????????? When you are FACTUALLY IGNORANT!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Privatized
1 point

I agree with you on not engaging with those who find it necessary to call on videos to support or wholly present their arguments.

If everyone adopted that mode of debate the site would be no more than video vs video circus.

Side: Single payer vs
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