
Debate Info

Oh God Yes! Hell no!
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 Oh God Yes! (6)
 Hell no! (7)

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Hellno(17753) pic

Would You Buy a House that Someone was Murdered in?

Oh God Yes!

Side Score: 8

Hell no!

Side Score: 9
2 points

Sure why not,as a matter of fact because someone was murdered there that would drive down the price because of our silly superstitions involving death, and if in the unlikely even that something paranormal is going on in that house i would love it ,being a person with scientific mind i would not think its ghost i would think its rips in space and time connecting parallel universes strengthening my thoughts on string theory lol.

Side: Oh God Yes!
2 points

Yes because then I could say how did OJ kill you .

Side: Oh God Yes!

I don't see what the difference would be.

Side: Oh God Yes!
GuitarGuy(6096) Disputed
1 point

Is that because you already live in a house like that?

Side: Hell no!
3 points

It wasn't when he bought the place ;)

Side: Hell no!

Mhm. Sometimes the voices speak to me.

Side: Hell no!
1 point

If the house looked nice sure. I'm happy with my house now but if it's a luxury type house then sure. I'm not into that superstitious bullshit.

Side: Oh God Yes!
1 point

Don't see why not. There might be the added bonus of a ghost.

Side: Oh God Yes!

Yes so I could isolate myself from others. And start a cemetery business in my back garden. - Still after that try to prove I killed them, I'm sorry but the house is haunted, you can't blame me without the evidence. Until my semen gets analyzed I'm in heaven.

Side: Oh God Yes!

It would be a creepy thought that something like that had happened in my house.

Side: Hell no!
1 point


Side: Hell no!
1 point

Nope - I'm superstitious, and I don't give a donkeys ass! I don't want to be a ghosts play toy.

I'm so good on this one !

Side: Hell no!

I would feel uncomfortable about it. I would get the willies at night.

Side: Hell no!