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Kuklapolitan(4313) pic

You're Having An Intimate Dinner For 6 - Whom Would You Invite?

We all have our favorite people and we all know exactly why they appeal to us.  If you were having dinner for 6 people and could invite anyone you wish, living or dead, who would those 6 people be?  If you're really ambitious make it 10 if you like!  Smile

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3 points

Honestly, I don't think I'd want any celebrities or politicians there. I prefer to acknowledge celebrities for their work because once I know too much about their personal lives (i.e. Tom Cruise) I might just hate them. And politicians are phony. :)

So: Me, my parents, my 3 siblings, my maternal grandparents, and 2 of my cousins (but my favorite cousins who are closest in age to me! :D) Well, out of these 10 people, myself included, only one of them has passed, but whatever. I was allowed to invite living people as well. lol

Side: The closer the better

That's so sweet and it says a lot about how you view your family...with respect!

Side: Party Hearty
1 point

Thank you so much! I love my family. I realized a long time ago that my family members will always be my closest friends and will be the only people in the world to forgive me for almost anything. Obviously, they get on my nerves a lot, but if any of my friends got on my nerves like my brother does, I'd punch them! LOL.

Celebrities and politicians are overrated. :) Except I like the idea of Jesus. But I believe in Heaven and yadda yadda yadda.

Side: The closer the better

Well, if we are talking Intimate then I'd say 6 hot nymphos that have the hots for me and each other ;)

Otherwise, I'm with MKIced and chose family.

BTW, try typing "6 hot nymphos" in the tag line and see if you don't get Iron Man after submitting. Don't worry, you can always edit it later. But something's not working right.

Side: nymphos
2 points

Vincent Van Gogh, Regina Spektor, Conor Oberst, John Lennon, Cassius(from Julius Caesar's time), guys may make fun of me, but...Jesus. :D

Side: nymphos

No one is going to make fun of you Awen...Inviting Jesus would make for very interesting conversation, I think!

Side: Party Hearty
1 point

I think so too! Plus he was just a good person, with some cool philosophies(be loving to the adulterers and cheaters, and yell at those who think they're better than everyone else. :]) Even one of my friends who is basically an atheist loves Jesus. :D

Side: Party Hearty
1 point

The only people that would make fun of you for saying Jesus are people who either take offense to that or who are way-too-proud atheists. :p Great choice. :)

I chose family because they're the only people in the world who will be there for me no matter what (well, if you do something REALLY bad, they may turn their backs...). Also, I believe in Heaven and I try to live a moral life to return there and then I'll be able to see Jesus! :D lol

Side: The closer the better
1 point

Yeah, totally agree with Jesus. At least you know he'll bring a good red and some wafers for desert.

Side: The closer the better

Mohandas K. Gandhi, Katherine Hepburn, Robert Redford, Pope John Paul II, Margot Fonteyn & Mikhail Baryshnikov. What a party! I'll pick one extra for my partner...Abraham Lincoln or Angelina Jolie!!! LOL, I haven't decided if it's a gay thing or not!

If I were doing 10 I would add Jesus Christ, Pontius Pilate, George Washington and Lafayette.

Side: Party Hearty
1 point

Haha, I didn't see that you had Jesus on yours too! x]

grr 50 character rule.

Side: Party Hearty

I just added to mine Awen. I had six and I made it 10 just for support of you. Besides I do think it would make for interesting conversation with Pilate there!

Side: Party Hearty
1 point

Ghandi, as always, Vonnegut and his second wife, my grandfather's mother, Obama (he needs a talking too), and Meghan McCain.

Side: Party Hearty
1 point

Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Mitt Romney, and Barack Obama.

okay just kidding (;

This one is for real:

Rush Limbaugh, Albert Einstein, J.K. Rowling, Andrew McMahon, Conan O'Brien, Glenn Beck, Tom Hanks, Dave Groll, George Washington, John Adams.

I decided to mix it way up. (:

Side: Party Hearty
2 points

Imagine the culture shock at that dinner party! Just explaining everything to Washington and Adams would take all night! ;)

Side: nymphos
1 point

Winston Churchill

Immanuel Velikovsky

Herman Wouk

Judy Garland

Victor Borge

William Harvey

Side: nymphos
1 point

Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, George W. Bush, Tom Cruise and Richard Dawkins.

Side: nymphos
1 point

Wow. Sounds annoying and chaotic at worst, fascinating at best.... Have fun. ;D

Side: nymphos