
Debate Info

dogs are adorable animals it is not their dog
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:5
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 it is not their dog (3)

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chloe12345(6) pic

should it be illegal to photographthat focuses on someones dog without permission

it you see a dog in a front garden and did not know the owner and did not ask for permission from the owner should it be illegal to take a photo that focuses on the animal (a photo that focuses on the dog is were if just the dog and if it doesnt it wouldjust be in the back round  

dogs are adorable animals

Side Score: 0

it is not their dog

Side Score: 4
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If they don't want their dog photographed, they can keep the dog inside with the curtains drawn.

Side: it is not their dog
1 point

Under English law it would be legal to take photos of a person too in this situation - there is no legitimate expectation of privacy.

Side: it is not their dog
1 point

It will be totally fine. Under US law dogs are still considered property, regardless of what people think on that, there are no legal ramifications for taking pictures of property.

Side: it is not their dog