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Debate Score:60
Total Votes:63
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 yes (41)
 no (11)

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should we legalize marijuana, for medical use, in the US?!

It works for autistics when all else fails, it works for seizures, ADD, and cancer, when all else fails. It may not be a cure, but it works very effectively... when all else fails...

At the same time, it's a serious drug.

What do you think? I'll be glad to cite some of these sources for you.

Winner will be this time next month. Good luck to you all.


Side Score: 49
Winning Side!


Side Score: 11
3 points

Not just for medical, but yes. Keeping it illegal has not stopped its use. Its pushed its consumers towards gangs and cartels when they should be shopping peacefully in a store. It has made getting good information about the long term effects of marijuana very difficult, since only certain types of people will participate honestly in surveys while it is illegal. It has wasted countless dollars in tax money when it should be generating that funding.

It isn't totally harmless, but neither is anything. We can drink and smoke cigarettes, but demonize something that is less addictive than either? Silliness...

Side: yes
2 points

We've just legalized marijuana for recreational use here in Oregon, though the law is not in effect until 2015, and even then commercial licenses won't be available until 2016. If alcohol is legal, then so should marijuana be legal.

Side: yes
1 point

So.... should we expect a lot more enlightened posts from you come January? Maybe you'll even bring the pussy back.

Side: yes
Akulakhan(2984) Disputed
1 point

You gotta work harder than that to get the pussy back, can't just ask.

Side: no
1 point


Side: yes
1 point

Yes, it is time to end the criminalization and stigma associated with marijuana. The war on drugs is costing taxpayers dearly and has needlessly ruined lives

Side: yes

The war on drugs is costing taxpayers dearly and has needlessly ruined lives

Exactly, because so much of the efforts are going into Marijuana, where more lives would be saved from federal legalization than fighting it as a drug. If Autistic mothers said they wanted their kids to have marijuana, which is legal for medical use in 23 states. In fact, they just added a few possible new candidates to the list this past election. Hell, it happened the day before I made this debate. Plus of course, Oregon, obviously because there it's a recreational drug use so its useful for whatever the fuck people want it for. Therefore it can be used medically there.

And there's a good reason for the reason why, and it's the same reason for this:

The reason is because marijuana can be used to help people tremendously. It has never directly killed a human being. It's a drug that is misused, yet is no different for some people, than overdosing on most commonly medically used drugs. It's saved autistic children, if given in the right amount.

So, illegalizing it will just ruin the lives of a bunch of cancer patients and autistic children. When used medically, it is non-addictive. Drug abusers can be addicted, but marijuana isn't what's going to kill any of them. It's always going to be another drug and/or drugs, simply because marijuana has never once been directly responsible for a death. And no one who doesn't do any other drugs dies of it.

So again, it'll ruin the lives of people who need it for a ton of diseases. Especially that is, for people who have tried 80 other medicines in a year and none of them ever worked... but for some reason weed did.

Side: yes

Obama said he didn't think it was any more dangerous than alcohol: alcohol/

Check it, he even said it's LESS DANGEROUS TO THE INDIVIDUAL CONSUMER, other than the current legal issues of course.

Side: yes

Why not? have you seen the side effects of many of the drugs they already give to people? Holy hell! You don't want to get sick and have to take any of these things. Before it's said and done you'll either be impotent, bleeding internally or have some sort of heart disease. Legalize it. What the hell.

Side: yes

More like recreational use. "Medical use" is just a bullshit thing put up to help legalize it. Personalty I don't care, do what you want, I don't want any. Have fun.

Side: yes
ghostheadX(1105) Disputed
1 point

You clearly haven't read ONE article on Google about the miraculous effects of marijuana. My suggestion, click on one of the links I put up. If none of them work, Google "marijuana miracle drug" and look at some of the results. So no, its not bullshit.

Nevertheless, I agree with you. If someone wants to unnecessarily take it, to be drugged out, let them. I don't care either. If someone wants to ruin themselves from smoking, its okay. But not if they want to ruin themselves with pot?

Very reasonable logic on your behalf for the most part. But it works like a magic pill for some autistic people.

Side: no
1 point

It makes me want to eat yellow star bursts and stare at the sun. It makes everything fun and happy and than leaves me with a headache. That is just personal experience. Now if you can get me a creditable source that says it can help fix autism, I'm sold. You win this debate and we need to grow weed for autistic kids.

Side: yes
1 point

The government has no right to ban a plant that grows naturally, it's not like cocaine or firearms. The only reason why it was banned in the first place was because it was so useful that it would put paper industries out of business.

Side: yes
1 point

If marijuana has medical benefits, then it definitely should be legalized. It also should be legalized for recreational use. Alcohol and cigarettes can be just as bad if not worse for people than marijuana and neither of those are illegal. Also, just the fact that it is not legal makes people want it more. Like how when you tell a kid not to touch something, it just makes them want to touch it more. And then when people want to buy it and it is not legal, when people buy it, they don't know if it is laced with rat poison or some other harmful drugs, which leads to death. If people sold it legally, there would be no (or at least less) people selling laced marijuana so not as many people would die from it.

Side: yes
0 points

No, we should legalize it for recreational use in the U.S.

Whatever medical properties marijuana is supposed to have, surely they are not enough to offset negative properties gained by ingesting it in it's most common form, as a cigarette. Or at the very least act as a counter for other drugs that do what the marijuana is supposed to be doing, but better.

Let's face it. Marijuana in it's base form is a shitty drug, as far as health is concerned. No one's really smoking it for it's health purposes. We want the high, and we want the joy.

Side: no
ghostheadX(1105) Disputed
4 points



Cancer: n5588639.html

other illnesses treatable:


That last one shows the type of person who uses it because it works, even when all other drugs fail. I can cite articles even further and prove to you that it's becoming known to work for autism, has been called a "miracle drug" by parents whose children have too many seizures, and even that it has never directly killed a single person.

I can even cite, especially under autism, that they've found a likely reason it makes autistics focus better, even when it makes normal people worse in the same dosage.

I cite even further, if you want to challenge me, and show you that some people have ridiculously positive effects in under five minutes, depending on how they react. They claim it to be a "magic pill." I'm being literal, and these are actual cases.

Side: yes
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
2 points

Well tan my hide and call me sally. I admit defeat, on an issue I didn't know much about.

Side: yes
ProLogos(2794) Disputed
2 points

2 minutes of research could have prevented you from posting such an idiotic response.

Side: yes
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
0 points

Telling me I'm an idiot says nothing. To me, who certainly does not think I'm an idiot, I don't understand why you'd say that, and to anyone reading this who may not agree with me, but also don't yet agree with you, they also have no clue why I'm an idiot.

You have to explain why, otherwise what's the point? I could say you're wrong about 2+2 being 5, but without telling you why you're wrong, you'll continue to make that mistake.

Side: yes
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Whatever medical properties marijuana is supposed to have


Seriously? Are you saying you don't believe marijuana can help people with certain medical conditions?

Side: yes
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

Hardly a question for dispute without something opposing my statement, without that it's simply an assumption you're forcing me to make, but seeing as how I picked this side and not your preferred side, I'd have no clue what medical properties marijuana is supposed to have.

That said, I'm skeptical if whatever marijuana is supposed to do for you health wise, if it's the best option out there.

Side: yes