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RSS Dani

Reward Points:13
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Yes animals sould have rights if they did'nt then humans would not have any rights.

3 points

I'm not really convinced why Christians need to prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt. They're faith in God is for personal reasons, not to win (or lose) popularity contests.

Secondly, can't that argument work both ways? Can you prove beyond reasonable doubt that God doesn't exist? As far as "logical reasons," logical absolutes exist and they:

1.) are conceptual by nature, not physical,

2.) are not dependent upon human minds,

3.) transcend space and time.

The problem with your "logical problem of evil," is that you're assuming balance can exist and be maintained without good OR without evil. The two must stay in constant equilibrium and harmony. Without evil, God wouldn't exist. This argument is false. On the other hand, the problem with your evidential form of the problem of evil is that God, once again, would not exist without evil. God helps those who help themselves - He doesn't hand everything over to us on a silver-platter. No one, not even God, is simply going to carry you through life.

God is all of these things, and yet evil still exists. Why? Because He made us all with free-will. We contribute to evil, not God.

2 points

Capitalism is better. Communism enslaves each individual to the community. Capitalism allows each individual to be free and independent.

Communism never makes progress because individuals are not given a just reward for improving things, while capitalism constantly improves. Communism lacks the economic freedom of choice to the fullest extent possible, in Capitalism people are free to choose what they want. Communism gives the lazy as much as the hard working, while capitalism allows each individual to sell their labor, creating a result where the hardest working are rewarded in accordance to how hard they work. In capitalism each person is independent, in communism each person is interdependent, interdependence is a form of slavery. In communism people work where the central Government tells them to, while in capitalism they work where they want.

1 point

The monster was filled with volatile emotions; one moment he would be hopeful and next full of rage. He had a barbaric nature that was unwarranted. He does not deserve sympathy because he was innately bad. He received bad treatment and his was response was “This was the reward for my benevolence! I had saved a human being from destruction, and as recompense I now writhed under the miserable pain of a wound which shattered flesh and bone. The feelings of kindness and gentleness which I had entertained but a few moments before gave place to hellish rage and gnashing teeth” (p. 219) The monster, when hurt, immediately jumps to a vow of “eternal hatred and vengeance to all mankind” (p. 219-220). The monster does not merit sympathy because he chose his violent path that left him desolate.

1 point

Yes of course! because gay couples give immoral example for the future generation!

Nature didn't give them an ability to give a birth to the child, and they also were born thanks to the WOMEN! Don't make children feel uncomfortable

4 points

i think everyone has there own beleive system but im cristian. No, that is a terrible suggestion! People sticking to what they believe and not being concerned with what is probable or true is precisely the reason there is so much irrationality and poor decision making in the world. What people believe affects how they act, and if people have horrendously false or misinformed beliefs this can and has had real life consequences.

1 point

Why try to get young kids interested in religion? Let them decide on their own on their own beliefs in time, don't doctrinate a particular religion on someone of young age, they are easily impressionable and it's an unfair way of pushing your own beliefs on them. They'll decide what they want to believe in in due time.

1 point

Of course animals should grow up right just like God intended them to do. God would never want them to be lefty liberals.

1 point

I support the decriminalization of PCP, LSD, cocaine, incest, necrophilia, zoophilia, and even child pornography.

1 point

North Korea however would be squashed quite quickly, try to remember your history, many accounts claimed that Iraq had the 4th largest army in the world prior to the first gulf war, it didn't the US long to defeat them, did it?

About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Daniyar Kudaibergen
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States

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