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RSS Shivi

Reward Points:22
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10 most recent arguments.
3 points

for those of you who think morality and business does not have anything to with each other, warren buffet (regarded as the greatest investor) never invested in a tobacco relate d co. because he finds they are dangerous to public health (which they are) and hence against moral principles.

1 point

most people measure success in terms of money which is not an accurate measurement in long terms. i suppose that when you become more efficient thats when you become successful. in turn efficiency can only increase with dedication to your field which is hard to put in if you dont love what you do. so just follow your dreams.

3 points

it depends on the situation. if you have to defend your own life or of the loved ones then you got nothing to worry about. but if plan to execute someone for his riches and stuff, i think thats when you crossed the line of humanity.

1 point

all the facts of the universe are 'facts' because they are 100%. (like triangle has three side)

on the other hand our opinions and thoughts cannot be 100% (as far as i can think of any), they are subjected to the changing circumstances.

1 point

secularism is not a religion, it is a principle. as long as its implications are concerned i (personally) believe that the religion and the state must be separated. one should follow his religion with full faith and the state would be responsible for secular welfare, health, communications, foreign relations, currency and so on, but not your or my religion. that is everyone's personal concern.

2 points

an eye for an eye will make the world blind!

bob marley was shot before his concert 'smile jamaica' in '76. by your perspective he would ended up canceling the show and who knows if he found who the man was, he should have shot him as well. but he still performed the show and when questioned he said-

"there are people out their who do not rest a single day to make this place hell, so how could i rest to make it a better place."

shivi(22) Clarified
1 point

mahatma gandhi is known to be india's father of the nation and whenever you recall the indian history on abolition of the british rule, thats the name that comes up first.

“I cannot teach you violence, as I do not myself believe in it. I can only teach you not to bow your heads before any one even at the cost of your life.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

there are other views that freedom fighters like bhagat sigh, chandra shekhar aazad, etc who adopted the path of violence had an deep impact on britishers, but it was gandhi who led to the path of independence with moments like civil disobedience and non co-opreation.

1 point

well it certainly had been a great weapon in previous decades. india got its independence under the guidance of Mahatma Gandhi who followed non violence all throughout his life. but i'm not sure the same would work in today's age. i do not doubt the power of non violence, but i'm certain that the hands using this weapon have shortened.

1 point

There are many things worth living for, a few things worth dying for, and nothing worth killing for.

1 point

thats 10/10. its like people once loved to have music records on their shelves but now your i pod is your whole collection.

Displaying 3 most recent debates.

Winning Position: never,its against civilisation
Winning Position: Unresolved

About Me

Biographical Information
Name: shivam sharma
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: India
Postal Code: 173212
Religion: Hindu
Education: In College

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