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Not Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive
Debate Score:45
Total Votes:60
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 Not Mutually Exclusive (14)
 Mutually exclusive (11)

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HumannamuH(209) pic

Is it possible to have killed and still be a nice/ decent person?

Not Mutually Exclusive

Side Score: 30

Mutually exclusive

Side Score: 15
3 points

We pay taxes for soldiers and policemen to kill, but none of them are evil by trade.

Side: Not Mutually Exclusive
Grugore(856) Disputed
2 points

I wouldn't say none. Remember Fort Hood? There are bad apples in every outfit.

Side: Mutually exclusive

What Centifolia said. Soldiers and police officers.

Side: Not Mutually Exclusive
-1 points

Yes, but what about killing a stalker? Would you say that's ok?

Side: Not Mutually Exclusive
1 point

If some stalker broke into my home and tried to harm me, or my family, I would blow his head clean off, and call myself a hero and a saint.

Side: Not Mutually Exclusive
Stickers(1037) Clarified
1 point

I agree with Centifolia and would've posted something similar. Could you please give a more specific scenario?

Side: Not Mutually Exclusive
3 points

it depends on the situation. if you have to defend your own life or of the loved ones then you got nothing to worry about. but if plan to execute someone for his riches and stuff, i think thats when you crossed the line of humanity.

Side: Not Mutually Exclusive
2 points

There are multiple reasons for killing that are not neccesarily "bad".

Also, someone might normally be a good and moral person ALMOST their entire lives, but lose their mind for a brief moment one night and commit murder.

And sociopaths are well known for appearing charming and sociable.

Side: Not Mutually Exclusive
HumannamuH(209) Disputed
0 points

But does that mean you can condone this behaviour - if a woman killed her husband in a brief and fleeting fit of rage?

Side: Mutually exclusive
MuckaMcCaw(1969) Clarified
2 points

No, I don't condone it.

I'm saying that just because someone kills, doesn't mean they are all-bad-all-the-time. Conversely, just because someone is nice and decent, does not mean they are incapable of horrific acts.

Side: Not Mutually Exclusive
2 points

Yes. Is it possible to have killed and still be a nice/ decent person. So long as it was clearly in defense of loved ones. You can justify it ,thinking along the lines of " if I could have managed to protect my loved one's without killing, I would have, I felt forced by the situation"

Side: Not Mutually Exclusive

Some people need killing. Especially the one that are just asking for it ;)

Side: Not Mutually Exclusive
1 point

Not mutually exclusive for several reasons.

People are killed by others as a result of unintentional acts such as in car accidents or collateral damage of a military action.

People who intentionally kill others can do so as an act of defense or a result of being forced, such as a police officer, a military member or lethal injection technician.

People who intentionally kill others as a result of a mental disorder are often times reported as being extremely nice and decent by their peers.

This is not an exhaustive list, just some examples.

Side: Not Mutually Exclusive
0 points

What if you're only a child and you've killed someone because you are mentally ill?

It's true that psychopaths who have killed their own children seemed perfectly sociable/ pleasant to the outside world - that just makes it scarier.

Side: Not Mutually Exclusive
Coldfire(998) Clarified
1 point

What if you're only a child and you've killed someone because you are mentally ill?

I still dont see how that would exclude them from being considered a nice/decent person.

There are those that have killed and are not nice people and those that have killed and are rather nice, it is not mutually exclusive.

Side: Not Mutually Exclusive
1 point

What would you define as someone who is asking for it?

Side: Not Mutually Exclusive
1 point

As stated previously, soldiers and police officers kill but that doesn't mean that they cannot be nice people. What about those who have accidentally killed? It is an extreme example, yes, but an accident is an accident; just a rather unfortunate one.

Side: Not Mutually Exclusive
2 points

If you end up killing someone it will change you forever. You can't go back to the way you were. Sure it is possible that you won't ever do anything bad the rest of your life, but you still have to live with yourself. Even if the act of killing was justified it will take away some of your spirit. You can still appear to be nice and decent, but you won't actually be fully nice and decent.

Side: Mutually exclusive
thousandin1(1931) Clarified
2 points

I don't think niceness or decency are absolutes, more like a sliding scale.

Is anyone ever fully nice and decent?

Side: Not Mutually Exclusive
2 points

I am saying they can't be fully nice and decent to their own capacity. Like I was saying, you won't do bad things, but it will harm you.

Side: Mutually exclusive
Grugore(856) Disputed
2 points

I HAVE killed someone. He deserved it, and I'll never shed a tear for him. When I shot him, I saved an innocent life. I have no problem living with myself. I did the right thing, and I'd do it again. It hasn't changed me.

Side: Not Mutually Exclusive
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

Well, we know you aren't a good person, so it proves my point. But, if you can take a human life without any remorse you are not a good person also. It may have been the right thing, but it should bother you that it was necessary in the first place.

Side: Mutually exclusive
HumannamuH(209) Clarified
1 point

If you don't mind me asking, how do you know for definite that it hasn't changed you at all? Some little things, (which that definitely isn't) have impacts on a person.

Side: Not Mutually Exclusive

I think there are some instances where a killer was a nice person, however, he automatically became a pariah when he committed the act.

Side: Mutually exclusive