
BaloneyHead's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of BaloneyHead's arguments, looking across every debate.

What's with the push to lable all libs as pedophiles?

You must not ever watch videos of Democrat politicians defending pedophiles. If you do watch them, and vote for them, you must be with them. You love Democrats as gods, so why would anyone think any differently?

The reason most men have not slept with 2 women at the same time is because

most men are lucky if one woman sleeps with them.

Looks like the Nazis see you as their ally. No real surprise there really.

White Nationalist Richard Spencer Votes for Joe Biden joe-biden-hell-libertarian-ideology-1544572?amp=1

Whoopi Goldberg says the Holocaust had nothing to do with race because Germans and Jews look alike. The woker the more Antisemitic. You ever noticed that?

2 points

That version of riots and violence was in the name of leftism though.

Not quite sure why you'd want to claim yourself the kings of being journalists and lawyers seeing both professions are known for dispicable ethics violations. But you can have them if you want them free of charge. I encourage you to continue this trail of logic.

Seems to me if smart people were REALLY smart, they wouldn't keep on losing elections.

A deep blue state called Virginia just flipped fully red. By your measurement, and with the media's protection, Democrats are the stupidest dipshits on the planet. But who really didn't already know that Communism supporters have to be stupider than fuck to fall for the shit?

Life expectancy for a man my age is 78.79 years. That was Oct 15th.

Yet, rather than self reflect or wonder about the afterlife, you double down on hoping there isn't one so you don't have to answer for supporting censorship and the party of antisemitism. Better hope Hell isn't real.

3 points

Child marriage is an issue seen as a problem by some, And a non-problem by others. Generally, Christians (and probably Jews) see child marriage as something that should be shunned and would even consider it a sin.

1)And which sin is that?

2)You didn't provide any proof.

3)You left out Islam because you're a bigot.

4)Marriage used to be an agreement that had no sexual intercourse until the female was of age in the Jewish culture.

5)Looks like your attempt bombed.

6)I'm not a Christian, think religion is pointless, and even I can see you're a bigot with a shit argument. At least come up with proof of anything and an argument that makes sense.

Plus, who the FUCK is Bill Maher??

A man that represented the left before it became supportive of Communist, authoritarian psychopaths.

He's ONE person..

With an award winning TV show with high ratings.

Count 'em ONE.

Same with your leftist gods in Hollywood, so fuck em.

What make you think that anybody cares about what ONE person thinks??

Nothing. Joe Biden thinks alot of things, and he's a flaming piece of Fascist, Cuban and Jew hating dog shit. Probably why his ratings are going down like the Titanic. I guess you're right. No one cares anymore what that one dickless, corrupted piece of fuck shit thinks.

Your boy is such a bewilderingly idiotic and shitty dumbass that despite having the media coddeling his nuts nonstop, his ratings continue into the gutter. That's how obvious his shittyness is. Even the uninformed commoner can't not see it.

My doctor approved it, and I'm cool with that.

You found a doctor who studies biology and viruses in a lab? Can I have his number?

Why does Biden not present himself for a full, unrehearsed press conference?

Because the media will never ask that same question or do anything to cast him in a negative light.

-1 points

Left wingers who misbehave get fired.

Almost every talk show host on tv is a left winger. Left wingers almost never get fired. This is one of your dumber posts.

Right wingers who misbehave get a talk show..


G. Gordon Liddy masterminded the Watergate break in. He got a talk show..

Your desperation to pretend the left doesn't run every bit of the system you claim is racist and oppresive is so deep and sick that you had to scratch and claw back to someone from before almost any of us were born. You're not only a dumbass, but now you are a dishonest dumbass.

I just don't understand why the right wing slavers over these guys. Will Matt Gaetz get a talk show too?? Proly.

The best you could do to attack a group that is clearly morally superior to your group was invent an imaginary scenario. God you're stupid.

2 points

There were multiple people shot in Seattle where the left took over a block of Seattle for a month with guns. ANTIFA tried to take over a federal courthouse in Portland using fire bombs. These same left wing groups rioted, looted, and caused $2 billion in damages. The group you are so mad at had no guns, took over nothing, and was let in by Capitol guards according to videos of the scene. See how misinformed and hypocritical you look?

2 points

And Biden sent out people who threaten reporters and "circle back".

Let's do a test to see if that is true.

Is it true or false that a penis makes you a male?

The idiotic statement I replied to was about "Cubans fleeing Cuba", not "the poorest of the poor". There are 11 million people living in Cuba you world class idiot.

God you're dumb.

The Cuban hustle: Doctors drive cabs and work abroad to make up for meager pay

HAVANA — He knew as a child that he wanted to be a doctor, like his father. He went to medical school, became a general surgeon and ultimately a heart specialist. He practiced at Cuba’s premier cardiovascular hospital, performed heart transplants, and published articles in medical journals.

For this, Roberto Mejides earned a typical doctor’s salary: about $40 a month.

The average American makes more than that in a part of one single day.

an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods

Like the mafia? Check.

That doesn't even make sense Pinnochio. The entire point is one uses the free market, and one steals through physical force and threats to your life. So you lost yet another debate.

Your implication that one cannot own a business and become rich in Cuba is, of course, completely false Nazi horseshit. Like everything which ever leaves your idiot mouth.

It is not uncommon to meet Cubans who own six-figure casa particular or paladar businesses, making more money than most Americans

He was dirt poor. That's why you were provided a link showing he had nothing. He's also only one of many examples of similar stories. You never take on this point, but always try to deflect to an unrelated point.

Thank you for linking us to ONE guy.. Did I mention that you referred us to ONE guy.. Do you really think ONE guy is the left?

It's more than one guy. It's the whole left wing school system.

Oh great. More empty conspiracy theories

The pre page and post page have been screenshot and archived. There's no way to dispute objective data that no one denies that is recorded in many other places other than Wikipedia.

an unhinged fascist ideologue

He's a brown man married to a Spanish speaking immigrant named "Paula Martinez", who was born in Colombia, ironically, according to Wikipedia.

So a man who -- much like Hitler himself publicly stated -- has dedicated his life to "owning" libs, is making accusations against libs.

Hitler never made this statement, but as we all know, you are a Marxist, so seeing that lying is a part of the framework of your manifestos, it's safe to correlate why you are lying now.

Well, that's explosive news isn't it?

Kamala Harris's record being pulled is explosive. Her prosecuting a highly disproportianate amount of African Americans as a leftist is even more explosive.

That's why I like it here.. We don't gotta please nobody

Explains why you left Seattle for a redder state.

Oh, OK. So you have no claim to the land then? It was multicultural and Jews are a real religion/fake race.

Then Palestinians have no claim to it, so since Israelis are there, they own it now. It was just a landrun that happened in 1948 on unclaimed land. The Palestinians should have participated in said landrun. They didn't because the term Palestinian wad made up by Arafat.

No one reads your posts dude. You should keep posting anyway though.

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