
JustIgnoreMe's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of JustIgnoreMe's arguments, looking across every debate.

"Don't let the Communist left create even more chaos and death in the streets"

Is he preventing anything today? or just fanning the flames?

Do conservatives now want presidents invading states? Electing Trump had already shown that people voting Republican never really cared about a conservative agenda, but this would prove the rejection to be thorough and complete...

"Protect the 2nd Amendment from Biden"

and from reforms that 90% of the country wants?

"Finish the wall"

Why isn't it done already - trouble getting that funding from Mexico??

life has a funny, funny way of helping you out...


Sure - they are going to join the people who incessantly call them incapable bongos...

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

After seeing this, I've reported several spam accounts over the last month or two and they still seem active.

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point


Make the left-side great again!!!

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

As I already mentioned - I had friends in the 911-truth movement, and was initially curious and open. I probably still have the Loose Change and In Plane Sight DVDs somewhere. But a) the initially persuasive/interesting questions have been answered and b) it doesn't actually matter what you or I believe in terms of current decisions - either way we would (and should) still have a healthy skepticism of government; whether or not we are in Afghanistan, etc. is based on current goals and exit strategies, not 9/11.

"society is controlled and manipulated from top to bottom. It has always been that way."

That governments sometimes lie/manipulate does not mean they have successfully manipulated every event in history.

It was fairly obvious to me and many others that the Bush administration was misleading us into war in Iraq. If this was their goal all along, why would they have blamed Al Qaeda in Afghanistan/Pakistan?

"there's no way it could have been al Qaeda who took those buildings down"

Well, except by flying planes into them...

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

Apparently Mark Cuban came pretty close to running 3rd party

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

I thought more third party candidates would run this time, but apparently COVID is making that more difficult:

thermate sometimes contains sulfur and sometimes barium nitrate

Then where's the barium nitrate?

Did the paper find any?


That both sides must appease a media driven by ratings, and therefore, sensationalism

and incite their base by instilling fear of the other for motivation

while avoiding anything too controversial

so they can raise the most money

in order to repeat from the top...

Ultimately that are getting the politics we should expect of an emotion-driven but largely uninformed and apathetic electorate.

I see - so then you must be part of the all-powerful Russian government plot to discredit the American government.

And, I know it's true because I can't find any proof on the internet.

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

It usually happens when a link contains an odd number of underscores.

Here is an example post.

Subsequently everything is underlined.

If I change the underscore to the entity code, then it works as it should.

"What do your own eyes tell you?"

That buildings tend to come down that way even as a result of just collapse rather than demolition.

Danny Jowenko

Right, if a conspiracy believer dies 10 years later, it must, of course, be part of the long multi-administration cover-up.

Everyone knows that people don't have car accidents.

That sulfur can come from many sources (the drywall, the heating oil, etc.) is the opposite of saying it couldn't have come from any internal source.

More proof that you haven't the first clue of what you're talking about.

Chain of custody is required in court because if you don't know where your evidence came from (random people can send you dust from their vacuum cleaner), then your study has less reputability. So, you only need care about it if you care about being taken seriously.

Proper handling is used for private DNA tests, employer screenings, and other scientific studies with evidence collected outside a lab not because they will be used in court, but because people want to trust the results.

"not qualified sources"

A) ad hominem as always.

B) Youtube, Rational Wiki and the Skeptical Inquirer are platforms, not sources.

"Dave Thomas, a physicist and mathematician, is president of New Mexicans for Science and Reason and a fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. He is currently a scientist/programmer at IRIS/PASSCAL in Socorro, New Mexico, and also teaches classes in physics, psychology, and critical thinking at New Mexico Tech."

"Where these samples came from is reported fully in the paper itself"

The paper readily admits there was no chain of custody - the "samples were originally collected by private citizens" and the first sample wasn't received until "11/15/2007"

Somehow the thermate was small enough to be inconspicuously brought in and installed in the towers yet ubiquitous enough to be in every dust sample when the primer paint for the buildings isn't?

"the paper"

Misstates things they did find:

"When you actually look at the chemical analysis they're referencing here, you find that they're simply misstating its results."

and ignores things they didn't find that they should:

"do not have corresponding traces of two major byproducts from thermate, aluminum oxide and barium nitrate."

"The red/gray chips found in the WTC dust at four sites in New York City are consistent with a carbon steel coated with an epoxy resin that contains primarily iron oxide and kaolin clay pigments. There is no evidence of individual elemental aluminum particles of any size in the red/gray chips, therefore the red layer of the red/gray chips is not thermite or nanothermite." articles/Millette9119ProgressReport022912_rev1_030112webHiRes.pdf

"I have heard all of these arguments a hundred times"

You've probably heard the arguments and their answers, the problem is that you don't understand either.


The ad hominem labels may persuade some people, but I (and you should) know better.

"daring the movement to admit otherwise"

They readily do.


"cops shoot more of another demographic"

Blacks are shot more than whites per-capita, and while that stat can be interpreted multiple ways, being shot by cops is not the only evidence of extant racism.

ref ref ref ref

A couple few illustrative examples:

If your wife asks "Do you love me?" and you answer "I love everyone"

If a friend says to you "My father just died" and you reply "Lots of people die"

If your house is on fire and you call 911, and they say "All houses matter"

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

I wouldn't go as far as committing them, but this debate is to show nom that it is a 'discredited conspiracy theory' as you say.

It's actually not guilt by association, it's called precedential ad hominem.

However, every post you make trying to discredit people just by calling them fascists is a guilt by association fallacy.

as always, nothing to contribute to the actual debate topic...

Since you can't actually debate without banning, I created one where you won't be banned. There you can see the totality of your argument collapse.

Random claims:

But it looked like it.

Fell into its own footprint.

Fire can't cause steel building to collapse, etc.

The weight of the top floors can't cause the bottom floors to collapse - link:

Explanation: collapse

Claim: Accounts of other explosions

Evidence: Dozens of eye-witness accounts


Most of the claims comport with the NIST report, others changed over the years or are completely controverted by all the evidence (physical, videographic, seismic, etc.)

Exactly what you would expect from eye-witnesses.

Claim: Bad government investigation/coverup

Evidence: Flights of Bin Laden family, Jets not scrambled, random theories not investigated


Flights of Bin Laden family:

The adviser, Richard Clarke, who ran the White House crisis team after the attacks but has since left the Bush administration, said he agreed to the extraordinary plan because the Federal Bureau of Investigation assured him that the departing Saudis were not linked to terrorism. The White House feared that the Saudis could face ''retribution'' for the hijackings if they remained in the United States, Mr. Clarke said.

While F.B.I. officials would not discuss details of the case, they said that in the days immediately after Sept. 11 bureau agents interviewed the adult relatives of Mr. bin Laden, members of one of Saudi Arabia's richest families, before the White House cleared them to leave the country. Mr. bin Laden is said to be estranged from his family, and many of his relatives have renounced his campaign against the United States.

''We did everything that needed to be done,'' said John Iannarelli, a bureau spokesman. ''There's nothing to indicate that any of these people had any information that could have assisted us, and no one was accorded any additional courtesies that wouldn't have been accorded anyone else.''

Have any of them been charged with any involvement since then?

Jets not scrambled:

Yes they were. ref ref ref

8:37:52 hijack

8:44:59 jets from Otis AFB given go ahead

Random theories not investigated:

"The NIST study was conducted to answer specific questions about building performance

[10], not to address any alternate theory, and certainly not to address an entire universe of

incomplete speculations. Despite this, NIST did speak to this ill-posed question directly

in an interim document known as the NIST FAQ [11], as follows:

'NIST’s findings also do not support the “controlled demolition” theory since there is conclusive

evidence that:

- the collapse was initiated in the impact and fire floors of the WTC towers and nowhere

else, and;

- the time it took for the collapse to initiate (56 minutes for WTC 2 and 102 minutes for

WTC 1) was dictated by (1) the extent of damage caused by the aircraft impact, and (2)

the time it took for the fires to reach critical locations and weaken the structure to the

point that the towers could not resist the tremendous energy released by the downward

movement of the massive top section of the building at and above the fire and impact


Video evidence also showed unambiguously that the collapse progressed from the top to the

bottom, and there was no evidence (collected by NIST, or by the New York Police Department,

the Port Authority Police Department or the Fire Department of New York) of any blast or

explosions in the region below the impact and fire floors as the top building sections (including

and above the 98th floor in WTC 1 and the 82nd floor in WTC 2) began their downward

movement upon collapse initiation." (14, 15) (22)

Claim: Thermite/Thermate

Evidence: dust, Sulfidized metal


"Niels Harrit and Steven Jones, along with several coauthors, published the “peer-reviewed” paper “Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe” in the Bentham Open Chemical Physics Journal (Harrit 2009). This article does not make the case for thermite use on 9/11. The paper examined “distinctive red/gray chips” found in WTC dust (unfortunately, with no chain of custody for the dust), and these were claimed to be thermitic because of their composition (iron oxides and pure aluminum) and other chemical properties. However, the presence of rust and aluminum does not prove the use of thermite, because iron oxide and aluminum are found in many common items that existed in the towers. Furthermore, the authors admit that their “differential scanning calorimeter” measurements of the supposed thermitic material showed results at about 450 degrees C below the temperature at which normal thermite reacts (Fana 2006). Finally, the scan of the red side of the “thermitic material” of Harrit/Jones is a dead-on match to material Jones himself identified as “WTC Steel Primer Paint” in his Hard Evidence Down Under Tour in November of 2009"

Claim: Molten steel

Evidence: Pictures, video, eye-witness accounts


There is no reason to think it was molten steel rather than lead, aluminum, tin, or many of the other materials present.

While there are sporadic/small examples of molten materials, if there were large lakes/rivers of molten metal, they would have cooled into large solid metal lakes - there is no evidence those existed.

If you insist on being schooled some more - here ya go

That shows some overlap in who people follow on Twitter, not television watching habits.

There is only one network that more than one-third of conservatives trust/watch - Fox News

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

I realize people may feel too busy to research everything and therefore rely on others sometimes, but what I don't understand is why people continually rely on sources that repeatedly mislead them.

Can you name one conservative that you think was inappropriately banned?

I asked the question here, and not one example was provided.

Candace openly told people to break the law and was suspended from Twitter until the tweet was deleted, and Diamond and Silk say they were censored when they weren't. That's all it takes these days for the propaganda machine to cry mass victimhood.

Liberals/Independents watch many news channels (NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, BBC, etc.) - conservatives generally watch one (FOX and a few OAN idiots).

Those are the "briefs" he actually cares about...


She says herself that she went on a "rampage". That twitter picked that up as possibly being that her account was hacked or sending spam, etc., and just has her confirm her identity before resuming is normal.

Seeing bogeymen where they don't exist is required for the right's victim mentality.

How does being a homeless guy who "had been repeatedly asked by other members in the park to leave due to his disruptive behavior" make him a "leftist"?

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

"in this part of the country the cops aren't stupid enough to walk into someone's yard unannounced"

'officers with Midwest City[, Oklahoma] Police Department served a "no-knock" search warrant on Hill’s residence, on May 24, 2018, for evidence related to possession and distribution of controlled substances.'


JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
0 points

You're not really going to save money making beer, but you can on cigarettes. And, as I mentioned earlier, it is because of excise taxes.

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

Breonna Taylor might have thought the same...

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

At his age, he is probably pretty nappy too

Those are "pull-down rope tied in a knot" examples.

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

I would call you nappy, but I think I'm too woke for that.


JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

"a police officer's prime function is to prevent crime"

and, according to this documentary, investigate crime


In the criminal just system...
JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
2 points

You must be new. Chinaman is a troll.

He's asked this same question multiple times, and even when answered he will ask again.

That people don't always bother with him is not the same as saying there is no answer.

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

"Minneapolis already voted"

So far they have basically voted for the first step of putting the question of whether to rename the "Police" to the "Department of Community Safety and Violence Prevention" on the ballot in November. File/3866/MPD Charter Amendment_VII 062420 Final.pdf

"Stop calling a garage pull a noose. You look like a brainwashed cultist."

Stop calling it not a noose - you look like a brainwashed cultist.

"Across the 1,684 garage stalls at 29 tracks, NASCAR found only 11 total had a pull-down rope tied in a knot and only one noose"

I'm Kevin Nealon and that's noose to me...

My question:

"Who is doing the hate-crimes that aren't false-flag?"

your response:

"Who is doing the hate-crimes that are false-flag?"

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