
Brontoraptor's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Brontoraptor's arguments, looking across every debate.

Is that right? Link me to 10 debates where I used "The Onion"

Sure. Write me a hundred lines: "I must not be an annoying fascist Jew".

I'm waiting. It should be easy if all of my links are the onion. Just go through my waterfall and copy and paste ten real quick. Go ahead Nom. I got all day. Then I got all week. I'll wait.

It has video of her saying she married her brother but that the culture is different in Somalia.

Still illegal path to citizenship in America. Still waiting on those 10 onion links.

Oh look. Her admitting she married her brother.

Many Nazis claimed we should have killed the Jews, so guess your theory that Jews deserve to live must be false.

If Nazis are antisemites, I'm not, she is, and you are, guess what...

No legitimate news organisation prints anti-Islamic propaganda.

Right. Because a real outlet would never tell you what she said and that it was antisemitic...or that she married her brother when she...married her brother...

That's why these "outlets" you describe are always 4Chan memes or onion links.

Is that right? Link me to 10 debates where I used "The Onion".

1 point

Quite correct. They are not motivated purely by their own greed and/or envy of others

Right. That's how in a future post you claim to have retired at age 20.

they are not dishonest, shallow, self-obsessed or narcissistic; they prefer giving to taking

You can't give much without wealth to give.

have personalities which do not qualify them as clinical psychopaths and possess sufficient self-esteem and intelligence not to measure their own worth by how much money they have in their bank accounts.

Actually, half the crap libs claim, are legally mental disorders according to psychology, and psychologists literally attempt to fix said disorders with therapy and medication.

So how did it feel being the woman in the relationship?

We've already had this conversation Bronto. I mocked you for being so stupid that it took you SIXTEEN years longer to retire than it took me.

We know this isn't true because you've made other claims in the past, even claiming to be a journalist.

We also know it isn't true because you'd have no need to constantly bitch about your shitty life or not being able to open a bank account to get a job....

If you are not a moron, then how is it possible for you to entirely "forget" a conversation we had less than a week ago?

Looks like I remember very well. Too well for you.

Ever get a job Nom?

That will take far too long

So name just one lie, then prove it.

Name one time you've ever told the truth.

Donald Trump is the President of the United States.

More importantly how do we stop you from flooding internet debating sites with hateful anti-Islamic propaganda which you then use other accounts to comment on?

Many outlets make the same claim, so guess not.

The fact of the matter Bronto is that you are a dishonest, deceitful, lying

So show us the lies with proof.

Jewish worm

You taking Hitler's position on Jews again. Continue.

with an innate hatred of Muslims.

Intolerance of her intolerance of us as prescribed in the Quran and her words.

Anything else?

Ahahaha. That's great. So you're a retired moron.

If I'm a moron, just retire at age 36, and show me how it's done with your genius. It should be easy, if you are correct.

Except, that's almost certainly not true because you tell lies at a rate of fire comparable to a wall-mounted machine gun.*

So name and prove the lies. I'll wait.


Correct. You were already on your knees in position from the last poor fellow that flopped it out.

I didn't say you personally let them in you buffoon

Nom: "You let them in..."

You must have meant another you...

The word "you" is often used to denote the group of which you are part, in this case Americans.

Right. Libs let everyone in, then tell the non libs that "we" all let them in and owe them.

So not really an invasion then?

Exactly like an invasion. Your favorite site agrees that a Trojan horse is an invasion.

More like a plea for charity?

People looking for charity don't make you give it to them or demand it. They get in line with the others and wait for it.

You're an intellectually retarded moron.

I'm retired. You play video games all day. Care to continue?

We know how to not let the wolf in the hen house.

Cool. I know not to put all my eggs in one basket

It matters not what basket rotten eggs are in.

and always to look before I leap.

So you let millions of Muslims into Europe, then 1,200 women were sexually assaulted by them in one day, in one city.

You're like the girl that screws every guy she meets

Cool. You're like the Nazi who won't shut his fat stupid mouth.

I've reduced you to your intellectual knees. I expected nothing from you, and that's exactly what I got.

1)I let no one in. My policies would close the border down completely.

2)The law doesn't "let" them stay. That's why we have ICE to get them out.

Ahahahaha! I think they overstayed their Visas, dumbass, like the facts stipulate.

So explain how that's not an invasion.

Are you telling us you've been invaded by an army of Mexicans whose pernicious aim is working minimum wage jobs?

And get on medicare, food stamps, welfare...

So, is info on the new gender pronoun library "education", "science", or neither? Do tell.

Yes, you are wrong.. Here's the deal.. RELIGION should be taught IN church, and SCIENCE should be taught in school. Never the twain should meet.

I agree. Cultural Marxism should never be mixed with science, nor should it prevent science, yet the left can't help but do both.

2 points

This time, I agree with you. If someone WANTS to study Marxism OR the Bible, it should be available as an elective subject, or as a part of a course. Neither should be "required" except as general courses on history, religion, politics, etc..

I also agree that books on Marxism AND the Bible should be available everywhere books on related or opposing religions or theories are found. Nothing should be banned.

You wanna hug me right now, eh Al?

It's usually religions that do the banning because they fear opposing thought.

Right. That's why Conservative speakers at colleges are either banned completely or have to pay thousands of dollars for security when Farrakhan and Iranian leaders need none to speak and attend.

If your border wasn't defended you'd have been invaded you dumbass.

How do you think 30 million illegals got here...

Stop misusing language.

See above.

What you want is another Berlin Wall because all Conservatives know how to do is divide, deride and hate

We know how to not let the wolf in the hen house. Your ideology spreads its legs for anything that moves.

You're like the girl that screws every guy she meets, then wonders why she's pregnant, working at McDonalds and her life is fucked up.

We are like the girl who keeps her legs closed, and only opens them for the right people.

Any diseases you wanna tell us about. Oh wait, the ones you spread em for brought those too. You're a genius. We should obviously follow you down the path to destruction. No thanks.

Anything else?

Cool. So how do we get the America hating dumbass deported?

I'm against banning. The kids should have access to different points of view rather than censorship.

Of course, we all know why libs don't want this. Their ideas suck and make no sense or aren't feasable.

If they can put Marxist literature everywhere, they can put a Bible everywhere.

Seattle USED to be...

Sounding more Conservative by the day, eh Con?

Amazon bought up ALL the funk, built huge skyscrapers and filled them with highly paid millennials. The Millennials bought up every piece of available real estate causing prices to skyrocket.

Time to apply for one of those jobs, eh Con? Nah. You're old enough you probably bought a house long ago.

So, did homelessness. Our crowded freeways have become even more crowded. It's NOT a funky city anymore.. It looks like a strip mall.

That's the price we pay for importing more and more people, eh Con?

Yes, they brought in tons of jobs.. So?

So help us reduce the crap by defending the border and putting a reasonable cap on legal immigration.

Then stop telling us we "hate progress", if you don't really think that's what this crap is...

I personally just wheel my way into an actual physical store. But the masses wanted progress...

I DO hope you visit my debates. I hope EVERYBODY will.. That's why I don't BAN anybody. But, that's got NOTHING to do with you, and EVERYTHING to do with me.. Does that make me a better person than you? I think it DOES..

Strong people have boundries. Just saying. There's a difference between censoring what comes into your life and wanting the government to enforce it and decide it for everyone.

You KNOW I don't hate you.. You KNOW I'm polite with you. You KNOW I don't call you vulgar nasty names.. Yet, you continually insist that I do. Does that make me a better person than you too? Yes, of course it does..

Depends. Some things should be hated, like child rape. Hate isn't evil unless you hate good. The Democrat Party has become increasingly anti good as of late. Oh, from time to time they'll say something nice, but then they do nothing to back their words. Ya know, like screaming about prison reform and giving dreamers citizenship, and Trump pulling out his pen like it's nothing. Then they say hell no on one using a wall they once called for as an excuse to not give them citizenship...

It looks like the map says that if you leave the far Northeast or the West coast for ten minutes, you see this vast stretch of land called America, where almost everyone thinks libs are nutjobs.

It also looks like it says that if you want to stay in the liberal part of Washington, you'd best not leave Seattle...

Damn Con. It looks like you can't leave the house without entering Trump country. Con, you'd better put up a barrier to keep the red hats out, ya know, to protect the straw ban...

How does bringing back the Berlin Wall help anybody?

It keeps out gangs, cartels, sex trafficking, terrorists...

You're simply an annoying Nazi psychopath

I've looked through Hitler's quotes. Couldn't find even one I agreed with. You on the other hand...

who yearns for the return of the glory days of Cold War paranoia.

Right. It's us screaming about Russian conspiracies nowadays....

Fear pays well, right buddy

Work pays well. Skyrim pays nothing. Right buddy?

Well, if he takes money from the Bureau of Indian Affairs

Condemning invented theoretical fiction. Cool. I condemn Democrats for the genocide of the Oralians in the Alpha Beta Zorlog Galaxy.

Or I could condemn reality and condemn Obama for turning the hoses on Natives in North Dakota in the freezing cold. You know...Nazi Germany and death camps and shit. Oh, and throw in some children for effect. But the children... But the children... But the children... To infinitum...

Right. Puppet 5,254 does a credibility attack on a guy who still uses his original account. Where are Ramshutu, Quantumhead, and Nomenclature by the way? Why don't they ever come back out to play? Was it because...they lost all....credibility...

Apparently, Trump IS a lying sonofabitch

Otherwise known as being in politics, or so libs in the past told me when theirs lied.

What the media rarely include in their assessment of Trump’s truthfulness is that all presidents lie. They only started to care 2 years ago.

He's the one claiming to want higher taxes. Your statement supports my position that he's a jagaloon or a liar trying to get some of those lib brownie points for pretend concern.

Let's see here. I know Democrats lie like lying is cocaine, but.......what about Trump....

Either Clinton take up more space than my device will download.

Go ahead. Make my day. That's just my game.

Nah. I want you to use the same standard on libs, then give me that list. Are you ready to type until you die of old age? Better be.

Here, I'll help you start.

Trump is using tear gas at the border! This is unprecedented!

(Obama used tear gas)

Trump is seperating families at the border! This is unprecedented!

(Obama seperated families at the border)

A wall is immoral and expensive!

(Libs proposed a wall for more money pre-Trump)

Nah. He's a Capitalist lying son of a bitch that's bullwarking your Commie lying sons of bitches, and is sadly more honest than your lying Communist sons of bitches, so guess who I pick.

A Trump lie is "Rosie Odonnel is a pig."

Lib fact checker:

4 pinnochios. Rosie Odonnel is a human...


A lib lie is

"You can keep your doctor"


"It's a tax, not a penalty."

(But you only pay it if you don't get insurance)

"I was under sniper fire in Bosnia."

(So false that libs called her out. Then she said she misspoke. Apparently many, many times.)

"I ended the war in Iraq. What is Trump doing pulling out of Iraq? We're at war!"


"My mother was persecuted for being Native American."

(Can't possibly be true. Her dna test says she might be 1/1024th of a Mexican tribe, but probably not even that. But at least it got her into Harvard.)

"Trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress.

(Mueller: this story is fabricated.)"

"Illegal immigration is immoral and wrong. Trump is a racist for not letting em all in."

(Schumer can flip on any issue at any time)

"We've come so far to overcome the past, and you know what I mean."

(He isn't the descendent of slavery. His mom was white, and his dad was raised in Kenya)

You can't tell the difference?

The problem is he said he should have been taxed way more than he gave away in charity.

Number three Bill Gates is rich and therefor better than you by capitalist logic so shut up you low class piss ant.

And still an attention whore lib who claims he should pay taxes more but just doesn't, even though he can.

The liberal way. Tell us what is right. Then do the opposite.

Number two Bill Gates has given a lot of money towards philanthropy.

And still claims he should have paid more in taxes. Of course, donations are tax right offs, the opposite of paying more taxes.

Number one Bill Gates is a Capitalist.

Who claims to be progressive.

Bill Gates in link: "I more than followed the law but I think things should be more progressive."

Sure I did. Nom claims that anything he disagrees with is Nazism, which is very Nazi of him.

What if your girlfriend says, "do I look fat?" Say,"yes?" Come on ming. Do tell.

So how does taking money to build a wall hurt or help me? I'm just dying to know. Do tell.

Ignoring pleanary power in the Constitution and the use of it by past libs like the plague, eh Con?

Dermot hasn't represented any of Mussolini/Nom's left wing comments.

Still waiting for the "creator of fascism" to be demonstrated not being a far left wing nutbag.

Supporting Evidence: Mussolini Quotes from left wing site (

In other words you have nothing to say about your two heroes being socialists who are either quoting you, or you are quoting them. No surprise there.

Do you, first of all, consider there to be ANY social aspect to the wings?

Socialism is left wing by definition. The right, by definition wants less government control over individuals' lives.

An authoritarian can come from any wing or lack of wing. Socialism gives them a prime opportunity to manifest that authoritarianism, thus you rarely if ever hear of a free market, capitalist country genociding its own citizens and see socialist dictators all over the world and throughout history treating their citizens like animals. Advocating for an omnipotent state with Socialized control is suicide.

Those ruling the left pretend to be helping us escape something, all the while, enslaving us all.

I read Mussolini's entire wikiquote page. He and you disagree on nothing. Welcome to Fascism Nom. Remember when you said you didn't know Mussolini quotes. Looks like you should have studied the creator of Fascism. You got your beliefs from him.

We are at WAR with socialism" (Benito Mussolini)

Third time without a link.

You lose again tinkerbell. Welcome to your Father Mussolini. Own him. He's your ideological daddy.

Mussolini Quote:

Socialism is not Arcadian and peaceful. We do not believe in the sacredness of human life.

As quoted in Talks with Mussolini, Emil Ludwig, Boston, MA, Little, Brown and Company (1933), p. 151, interview took place between March 23 and April 4, 1932

Nom quote:

"Corbyn and his socialist army are coming for you. There is no escape. There is only assimilation or death." Theresa Mayshouldretire

I read his entire wikiquote page. He and you disagree on nothing. Welcome to Fascism Nom. Remember when you said you didn't know Mussolini quotes. Looks like you should have studied the creator of Fascism. You got your heliefs from him.

Right. That's why you call us fascists when Hitler's ally, Mussolini, the creator of Fascism, quoted you word for word, and agreed with the right on nothing.

Yes, you are correct Bronto. I don't know of a "lib" who wants "unguarded borders"

Half of the nutjobs your party elected and support openly admit they are open borders. keith-ellison-sports-i-dont-believe-in-borders-t-shirt? amp=true

Well, that's what the left has given us then.

Your party literally re-elected Robert Byrd for 60 years up until 2010, and he was a Grand Wizard of the KKK. You clowns can die on your own ridiculous swords you invent.

Lefties keep moving the goalposts of what the standards are, so die on your own sword. We literally watched the Democratic Party keep an actual KKK Grand Wizard in power up until 2010.

Imagine if we gave up industry, the Chinese didn't, and then the future scientists said a mix of tectonic movement and volcanic CO2, or oscilations/climate cycling caused the slight temperature change.

So, even though we CAN'T stop volcano's, we CAN stop man made climate change. It's whether or not we have the will. Maybe we can't convince China and India.. Maybe it's too late.

Sounds like my wall argument eh Con? Just because some get over or around some way, doesn't mean you don't build the wall...

As for climate change, I wonder how much changes in this cause climate change and have been doing so off and on for billions of years?

According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the world's volcanoes, both on land and undersea, generate about 200 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually amp/

4. I smoked a joint.

A six foot bong doesn't really constitute a joint now does it Con?

Are you asking whether they should be murdered??

No. I'm seeing if you'll back your play or retreat. You decided to retreat because you saw the fucked up direction your post was headed.

Dude.. You're more fucked up than I thought..

Mostly true, so I'll give you just one Pinnochio.

Do you think the Secret Service DOESN'T read these threads???

Maybe, maybe not, but trust me, if Obama had read my pages, and saw the amount of eyeballs seeing them, I'd be dead. You can take that one to the bank.

You used them as your rebuttal for why the oceans rise. So the oceans are going to rise and take out the coasts regardless of climate change, eh Con? Let me put out this cigarette...

The very fact that most of the deadliest conflicts in history happened in the last century reveals how misleading it is to say that there has been a decrease in violence. I don't buy that for a moment

Probably better keep the Marxist and Islamic nations at check, eh Nom?

At least 108 million people died in conflicts in the last century, which makes it the bloodiest century ever recorded in history.

Most at the hands of Communists, Marxists and Socialists.

They hated minorities, gays, communists, atheists and blacks just like you

I hate none of those groups except for Communists, and Hitler allied with one to take Poland and another from Italy in the Axis of Powers. His actions sure do say he was cozy with them.

I have quoted multiple gay, female, Hispanic and black Conservatives happily on this very site.

They were far right fascists

Let's take a peak at reality rather than nonsensical bullshit revisionism, shall we?

Mussolini, the creator of Fascism:


"It was inevitable that I should become a Socialist ultra, a Blanquist, indeed a communist. I carried about a medallion with Marx’s head on it in my pocket. I think I regarded it as a sort of talisman… [Marx] had a profound critical intelligence and was in some sense even a prophet."


"The Fascist State directs and controls the entrepreneurs, whether it be in our fisheries or in our heavy industry in theVal d'Aosta. There the State actually owns the mines and carries on transport, for the railways are state property. So are many of the factories… We term it state intervention… If anything fails to work properly, the State intervenes. The capitalists will go on doing what they are told, down to the very end. They have no option and cannot put up any fight. Capital is not God; it is only a means to an end."


Militarism! Here is the monstrous leech that is incessantly sucking the blood of the people and its best energy! Here is the target for our attacks! We must put an end to barbarism, proclaim that the army is now a highly organized school of crime and that it exists solely to protect bourgeois capital and profits. We must not be deterred from proclaiming ourselves international socialists. We recognize no borders and no flags, we hate all steel, every institution that exist to kill men, waste energy, strangle the advance of the workers.


Fascism establishes the real equality of individuals before the nation… the object of the regime in the economic field is to ensure higher social justice for the whole of the Italian people… What does social justice mean? It means work guaranteed, fair wages, decent homes, it means the possibility of continuous evolution and improvement. Nor is this enough. It means that the workers must enter more and more intimately into the productive process and share its necessary discipline… As the past century was the century of capitalist power, the twentieth century is the century of power and glory of labour.

Supporting Evidence: Mussolini Quotes (

List of Nom dupe accounts

































































By "liberals" I take it you mean scientists? Scientists conducted the studies of Antartica, not "liberals" you insanely stupid retard.

And then it turned out that...

An active volcano lies beneath Antarctica...

Looks like you ignored the Chinese point completely. Wonder why...

Yes. We know about Marxism and its brainwashing of children to the worship of a man who's left wing description didn't actually exist.

Looks like you scrapped the America lies about everything narrative, eh Nom?

Nom's link-


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, /ˈnæsə/) is an independent agency of the United States Federal Government responsible for the civilian space program, as well as aeronautics and aerospace research

It's obvious that anything that comes out of "The Crotch of Mao" would have a stench to it and add to the pollutants of the world! :-(

I'm very unclear on what this means, but perhaps it means China is polluting like a stackhouse on steroids, plans on polluting more, is militarizing at a very rapid pace, and doesn't give a flying rat's ass what any Future Climate Accord says.

When one plate runs into another plate, it has dramatic results.. Land grows while other land disappears. Mountains are made, and other mountains are destroyed

Cool. So how do you plan on preventing nonmanmade plate movement...

Yes, but those hosings and tear gassings don't count because it wasn't Trump. Understand? That's how Lib ball is played. Our goals count. Your goals don't count. Clear as mud?

So Con...Do Ocasio Cortez, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi..."have it coming"?

Asking for a friend...

"Saying things"???? All congress is doing is "saying things". However, if you wish let's look into what the INTENT of "saying things" actually is..

An investigative hearing isn't 'saying things". Saying things is "saying things". Now, let us take a peak at what he said to both Cruz and Obama.

"Got a birth certificate? Here's mine."

Shouldn't be an insult if you have one. Just flip it on out there on the table for all to see, eh Con?

You ALSO missed my position regarding calling people Nazis.. As a Jew, I NEVER call bad behavior Nazism because it DIMINISHES what the fucking Nazis actually DID..

Yes, yes. Antisemitic Socialism is a preventable crime.

I'm smarter than every right wingle on this cite

You have no job, live with your parents, have no bank account, and can't figure out how to make money when we did.

If you poured soda on bronto, would worms come out of him?

Absolutely. Retired worms from not playing Skyrim all day.

You did exactly what she said. Liberal has nothing to do with left wing. If the left was liberal, it would liberate. Instead it enslaves people more and more to the state and panders to archaic groups that do anything but liberate anyone.

You're childishly naive. Tell us all more about how, if I work really hard making someone else rich then one day I can live the dream and exploit desperate people myself.

I chose to work for myself. Sorry to kill your braindead, self defeating story you keep telling yourself.

Look... Here's the difference between THEN and NOW.. Whether or not Obama SHOULD have been investigated

The difference is libs didn't care about what was behind Obama's curtain because he was "black", not because he was clean. Libs say they are colorblind, but what they mean is we only notice good if you aren't white, and only notice bad if you are. Aren't in the tribe? You guys see all...and some that you make up...

You are very, very wrong.

Evidence of wrongness requested.

Are leftist trolling us

Most leftists have little to no sense of humor. It's why late night shows today are more militant and angry than funny.

or are they REALLY promurder?


Come on leftists, there is NEVER a good reason to abort a 9 month old unborn baby. How can you criticize conservatives over civilian casualties in war, when you leftists are now guilty of having your very own civilian unborn casualties.

Good question.

I wash my hands of the not so progressive left!


I'm prolife unless there is some kind of rare, extreme emergency. Late term abortion just to abort is borderline murder. Letting the baby out of the mother, then killing it is murder.

To victims of the far right?

The victims are Muslims, which you just claimed was far right...

Yeah, maybe I should not be a total cunt nation like the one they're running from.

This is like Poland taking in Nazis just after WW2 to not be giant dicks about being invaded...

There's a difference between smart, calculated compassion and mindless stupidity toward the wolf who waits to eat you that you just claimed is your ideological enemy...

Even as Trump's inner circle has been arrested, one by one

Many being Democrats, many having just entered Trump's circle, and none having to do with Russian collusion.

you have continued to come here every day and launch attacks against a woman who isn't even involved in politics any more.

She did a political speech just the other day and does a political tour around the country with her husband.

Second, as if her theoretically "having nothing to do with politics" today would mean she didn't create Russia collusion then...

climate change

We know the climate changes...with or without pollution or humans...

The world has experienced many warm and cold stages throughout history. Old cities that are pre-industry are under water.

Care to address that?

the economy and anything else anybody points out to you is shit.

The economy is at record pace. Unemployment is as low as is humanly possible. We just got half a million created industrial jobs. The DOW is the highest in American history. The GDP is the highest in world history.

Deny all negative press on the grounds that there is an international liberal conspiracy dedicated to making up lies about Trump

The anonymously sourced CNN report several weeks ago that claimed Trump knew about the "Trump Tower meeting" ahead of time was 100 percent false. Michael Cohen's lawyer Lanny Davis has since admitted that he was the source and he was wrong to imply he could prove such a thing. CNN is standing by its reporting.

No surprise there...

And we have the one you loved parroting for about two weeks.

Mueller team disputes aspects of BuzzFeed report on Trump, Cohen

The special counsel's normally tight-lipped operation issued a statement saying there were inaccuracies in a blockbuster report that the president instructed his former personal attorney to lie to Congress.

You're a farcically corrupt moron with two modes.

We've done thousands of debates. You've never won.

Mode one: Deny all negative press on the grounds that there is an international liberal conspiracy dedicated to making up lies about Trump, Kushner, climate change, the economy and anything else anybody points out to you is shit.

The populace agrees with me.

Mode two: Make up your own lies and try to convince everybody that you are a better source of reliable information than the professional journalists who publish news for a living. You're a lot like Joseph Goebbels in that regard.

Professional journalists? What credentials do you need to be one? I just saw Al Sharpton and John Brennan journalisming to me on MSNBC...

I'd be sincerely interested in how Don Lemon, Al Sharpton, Joe Scarborough, and Mika Brzezinski are qualified investigative reporters.

Secondly. You never debunk my links. Congrats on the never debunking.

Literally only you could write an Alinskyite hit piece and within it deliberately confuse news reporting with Alinskyite hit pieces.

Except that the media literally does everything Alinsky said to do in "Rules for Radicals".

It's like seeing a priest baptising a baby in water and trying to convince me he isn't Catholic. Yeah he is.

You're talking about ancient history.. In THIS argument, Obama is SILENT.. The noise is coming from Democrats

The Democrats are referencing things from Obama's targeting of Trump.

Look... Here's the difference between THEN and NOW.. Whether or not Obama SHOULD have been investigated, he wasn't..

So nothing to payback.

Trump IS. Is being a racist sonofabitch toward Obama a factor? You betcha!!

Nah. He attacked Ted Cruz in the same way. Is leaving one race alone while happily investigating another race, "racism"? Do tell...

Payback IS a bitch..

Payback for what? You just said Obama wasn't investigated. Why do you think Cruz doesn't need revenge for words?

On second thought, maybe the right should use Obama's tactics on the left as "payback". It is a bitch you know...

The one things libs never learn. When she gets out of the box, Pandora often turns on those who let her free, and she is nearly impossible to shove back in the box.

The left will forever engrave in the mind of the right that when we get the ability, we investigate the other party and its followers ad nauseum.

Imagine Com red Bernie and Hillary if said tactics were employed from the right. Imagine 2024 if you guys can even win a Presidency in 5 more years from that far left...

Right Bronto, you retarded shill imbecile. Shall we take economics lessons from the crook who filed for bankruptcy four times

Don't understand economics or business a lick, eh Nom?

and gave America its worst year for stocks in the last decade?

Actually, it's the record best. He has the "biggest drop" from the record he set to yet another old record....he set...

Dumb as a rock, eh Nom?

Ahahahahaha! Shut up you deranged, mentally ill Nazi retard. The accusations date back to the late 1970s.

At least 22 women have accused President Donald Trump of sexual misconduct between the 1970s and 2013.

False legal claims are normal for most rich people. So show me some convictions. I'll wait.

Stormy Daniel's lawyer literally was doing interviews about running for President as a Democrat...

Right. There are no left wing British propaganda publications. Any more stupid complaints, or is Skyrim calling?

Meanwhile, without any investigations, arrests or subpoenas, you are declaring Hillary guilty of colluding with China?

The person debating me says Hillary and Bill are the same. Bill colluded with China. It has a name too. "Chinagate". Do try to keep up.

hope the reds don't destroy us,

Which reds?

Take your pick.

and offer a financially unsustainable model

All the US government has to do is stop forcing people to give money to private insurance agencies

Obama forced us. Now we can opt out like it always was pre-Obama. No more $1,000 penalty. Thanks Trump.

NSA spy programs and the invasion and occupation of foreign nations

Trump tries. He's condemned.

and we will have plenty of money for free healthcare and college.

No we don't. Lib media doesn't refute me either.

You are them. You are three headed Don Lemon, Rachel Maddow, and Chris Cuomo Cerberus. Admit that it's true.

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