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This personal waterfall shows you all of Pao09's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

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1 point

asdfasd asdfasdfsadfsa asdfasd asdfasdf sadfsadf asdfasdfa

4 points

My favorite song is Billie Jean! Every time I hear it, it makes me want to dance like michael jackson.. or at least try to.

2 points

When I die I want to be cremated and donate all my organs. I won't need my organs anymore, so why keep them. I know they could save lives. What is difficult about this situation is when doctors have to inform family members that they have to take all the organs just as they are hit with the death. I just hope my family members understand.

1 point

I think teenagers have always partied too hard. The only difference is that we are now old and not teenagers anymore so when we see what teenagers are doing.. we are surprised. But that is only because we have forgotten how we were in those years.

2 points

I think biofuels are a better alternative in general to fossil fuels, but we have to be careful on the type of biofuels that the US promotes and subsidises. Different biofuels vary enormously in how eco-friendly they are, and some might be worse or the same as fossil fuels. Some studies found that the best biofuel alternatives are biofuels from residual products, such as recycled cooking oil and ethanol from grass or wood.

1 point

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1 point

I agree! Gymnastics is my favorite. It is always fun to watch.. and is one of the few sports where the athletes are so long (at least for women)! Think of it.. some are lik 15!

3 points

I think the national anthem of any country should be respected and be song in the original language that it was written in.

However, I think citizens should be allowed to pay tribute to their country in the language that they feel more comfortable with and the language they can express themselves better. People that sing the Spanish version of the anthem (Nuestro Himno) don't mean any harm with the fact that they are singing in spanish. In fact I think they are trying to show their respect and their pratriotism towards the country that has helped them prosper.

This does not mean that they are trying to impose a new language or anything.. it just means that they are patritic!

7 points

The best superhero movie is Iron Man! You know I knew absolutely nothing about Iron Man before watching the movie.. but not I think he is the coolest and smartest superhero. He wasn't born with powers.. he created his powers!

2 points I have to say you find everything there.. and cheap books.

2 points

Of course! That would have been so much fun to watch! Danica Rocks! And she deserves to be pissed off!

3 points

According to wikipedia a geek is: "a peculiar or otherwise odd person, especially one who is perceived to be overly obsessed with one or more things including those of intellectuality, electronics, gaming, etc."

Well that is super easy: Of course my boyfriend.

Although, I can say I have become a little geekier now that I am with him :)

7 points

Sony may have better graphics, but Nintendo has better games that are more fun to play. Nintendo has created the best games of all time: Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong, to name a few.

Also if you compare only wii, and ps3 sales you can clearly see who is the winner there

Nintendo's core business is gaming.. that is what they do best. Sony on the other hand should stick to making TVs or something.

3 points

I think both have an influence in homosexuality, but since I had to pick one I am will pick genetics since there has been studies that cannot deny that there is some genetics has an influence in homosexuality.

I read this article about twin studies that was very interesting.

The main conclusions were:

1. No scientist believes genes by themselves infallibly make us behave in specified ways. Genes create a tendency, not a tyranny.

2. Identical twin studies show that neither genetic nor family factors are overwhelming.

3. We can foster or foil genetic or family influences.

4. Change is possible.

1 point

Yeah I agree it is impractical, but also because the lobbyists in Detroit would not allow it.. and the government would never let the car companies go out of business... no matter how much damage to the environment were are doing.

2 points


(artificial intelligence)

1 point

And you will get more for the glass if you say it is half-full than if you say it is half empty. :)

2 points


It is a brilliant movie! It leaves you thinking at the end..

0 points

I think religion is necessary for the human race. What causes conflict are fanatics that do not accept different views.

I think the perfect solution will be to have one single religion in the whole world. That way people will have some direction of what is good or bad, but there won't be disagreements, and there will be peace on earth.

But obviously this is unrealistic... but also thinking of a world where people do not come up with their own religions is also unrealistic.

1 point

You can't just really label the whole company Microsoft as they "suck" because you get annoyed at them every once in a while. Okay.. maybe more than once in a while, but still.. they have 51 billion in sales last year. In terms of a business, they obviously don't suck. They are an extremely healthy company.

Do they make the best products on everything they do? Of course not. There are better OS out there that is for sure. But take Excel. There is nothing that comes even near as good as microsoft excel. So saying that microsoft sucks.. is a little harsh. It is not a company that is liked as much as Apple... but that does not mean it sucks.

6 points

What about having the moderator choose if users can only vote on one argument, or the number an arguments users can post?

1 point

I think is going to be Cristian and Cheryl. They are my favorite. Cristian worked real hard and is dancing with one arm! And it helps that he is hot and latin!

-2 points
1 point

I completely agree, and to add to your argument, Ricardian theory of competitive advantage supports this idea. If other countries have the competitive advantage (do the work more efficiently than in the US) then the US should allow them to do it, and specialize in other things that we are good at.

2 points

"Good habits, which bring our lower passions and appetites under automatic control, leave our natures free to explore the larger experiences of life. Too many of us divide and dissipate our energies in debating actions which should be taken for granted."

by Ralph W. Sockman

1 point

I don't think Mormon religion is a cult.. but what they are not are christians.

Supporting Evidence: are mormons christians? (
3 points

I tried using it. I signed up, but then got bored immediately. I really do not find the use of it. I don't really care what someone else is doing every single second of their life... not even people that I know.. so really did not find it useful or fun. I mean Facebook is fun because you can see pics and other stuff.. but just a few sentences of what someone else is doing.. is BORING!

3 points

This is so sad and inhuman! The poor dolphins. This makes me sad :( Here is another video of it in Europe.

Dolphin massacre in Europe
1 point

That is a great video. I totally agree. I am glad that some European runways are banning underweight models.. it is just not healthy to want to be like them!

1 point

R2D2 of course. He is the best robot..

2 points

Guys are disgusting.. that is all I have to say.. gross gross gross

4 points

Latin music!! Although I like almost any type with the exception of Trance, and electronic music.

0 points

That is not true. Some of the funniest people I know are women, and they do not do it to get men's attention.. they do it to get everyone's attention. There might not be as many women that earn a living with comedy.. but that is just because they have more important things to do in life...

2 points

I just spent hours trying to fix someone's computer that had Vista. The network is messed up and everytime you open a program it show s a dll error.

My resolution to them was: Uninstall Windows Vista, and install XP, and all your problems will go away.

4 points

Wii.. is way more fun that the Xbox.. and the whole family can have fun with it.. no only the guys!

1 point

Golf is pretty boring... but compared to Fishing it is a close call.

2 points

I didn't even know they showed that on TV.. but if it is anything like the real life.. it is BORING...

2 points

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1 point

I have read a lot of diet books for my job, and I really have come across all kinds of crazy diets. Like the peanut butter diet, the ice cream diet, the low carb, high carb, low fat.. you name it. Even one diet that recommended jumping on a trampoline a few days a week to lose weight.. and the people making all these recommendations are usually not even health experts.

Anyways, at the end I decided that is all about calories in calories out.. so you either workout or eat less or a combination of both. Keeping track is what is hard so any diet that helps you do that is successful. Either if it by points like Weight watchers, or by entering your foods online. Also any diet that will make you lose weight too quickly should be a red flat (ex. Atkins). Weight loss should be gradual (1-2 lbs a week) so that it can really be maintained afterwards, otherwise people just gain it right back.

1 point
I love Charles in Charge! I grew up watching this show! I think my favorite character was Buddy Lembeck! He was so funny! Don't get me wrong, I also love Michael J. Fox but not for family Ties.. aside from Michael the other characters were a little boring.
1 point
I agree. I don't like guys who take longer to get ready than I do. That said I don't like guys that are always getting into fights and think they have to prove that they are tough guys. I like guys who are smart, and don't feel like they have to prove anything to anyone.
1 point
How can it not be good with Harrison Ford in it? He is awesome, and born to do this role!
5 points
The drinking age definitely should be lowered to 18. Having it be 21 only causes kids to misuse alcohol even more. This law just make kids want it more because they can't have it.
4 points
Of course superman! Batman sucks, sucks sucks! Batman cannot fly, he doesn't have x-ray vision, and he does not have superman's strength.
1 point
I started watching both shows from the beginning, and initially I was drawn to Cashmere Mafia. I am not a fan of Brooke Shields so I did not like Lipstick Jungle, and because the show is in NBC I assumed it was going to be really bad. But I watched the first episodes anyways. As I was getting bored with Cashmere Mafia, Lipstick Jungle suddenly seemed more interesting. It seems to have better writers, and actresses. What really bothers me about Cashmere Mafia is that I think their acting kind of sucks and find the red head woman really annoying. Anyways there is not a clear winner yet. But both shows probably cannot co-exist.
1 point
Corona is the best beer! When I was younger I used to hate beer, until I started drinking corona. Now I love all beer.. but I always go back to the original.
2 points
Of Course Iron City! We are tougher and never give up!
-1 points
I favor you on the Good Will Hunting! I love it! But I don't know the other one

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