
Debate Info

True Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:14
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 True (7)
 Trump can do no wrong (3)

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excon(18262) pic

Biden doesn't have to campaign because Trump supporters are outside killing themselves


Side Score: 9

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 3
1 point they really dropped the ball on Biden though. Many of the candidates that dropped out of the race would have been a hell of a lot better then a man who dances with insanity.

Side: True they really dropped the ball on Biden though. Many of the candidates that dropped out of the race would have been a hell of a lot better then a man who dances with insanity.

They really don't do themselves any favours. They've torn Sanders down twice now, both times for candidates who stand less chance of actually winning.

Side: True
2 points

Yeah. First Hillary the idiot and now Biden the lunatic. It's like Dems just can't help but to get in their own way. But I suppose they'd have an easier time controlling Biden than they would Sanders.

Side: True

Trump needs to step back, take a deep breath and focus on getting people their checks (with his signature on it) and work on getting the economy back up and running.

Side: True
1 point

Trump needs to step back, take a deep breath and focus on getting people their checks (with his signature on it) and work on getting the economy back up and running.

You need to shut your face and realise that life is more important than money.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
1 point

It depends on who's life? Conservative lives are far more valuable than liberal ones. After all, Conservatives produce and Liberals take what Conservatives produce. Conservatives can do without Liberals, but Liberals must have Conservatives to exist.

Side: True
1 point
Side: True
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

Unpopular opinion, perhaps, but life is not more important than money.

Within a social context dominated by capitalism, money equates to access to basic needs and to general quality of life. The right to life and value of life (such as they may be) are not so absolute that we dismiss quality of life altogether. There is substantive ground for disagreement about how to weigh life against quality of life, particularly where we are compelling sacrifices from some people for the benefit of others.

Side: True

Biden doesn't have to campaign because Trump supporters are outside killing themselves

If liberal areas getting slammed with viruses and dropping like flies is Conservatives killing themselves, you should hit the pipe a little softer next time.

Side: Trump can do no wrong