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 Digital communication vs. face-to-face communication ; your thoughts. (20)

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paulfranken(26) pic

Digital communication vs. face-to-face communication ; your thoughts.

As part of a research project I am currently gathering opinions on the dangers, or benefits, of the way people are communicating these days. By this I mean  that rather than face-to-face communication, people tend to switch to a more mediated form of communication. So, instead of people meeting each other they prefer to e-mail, and text rather than call on the phone.

Research has shown that although we are communicating more these days, we are not building relationships as strongly as we used to.  This is mainly due to the fact that we don’t feel as personally connected at the other end of our communication as we do when we’re face-to-face.

I would however love to get your opinions on the following statement:

‘’ ’Does digital communication give the same personal connection as a face-to-face conversation?’’


Ps: To clarify, by digital communication I mainly refer to Social media / Whatsapp / texting .

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1 point

I don't think it builds the same relationships as before. There are certain things about a person when you see them face-to-face: expression, tone of voice, energy etc., that you cannot feel via text so Social Media. However, I think the extent to which the relation is deepened depends on how open are the two people communicating.

1 point

I prefer face to face to for example Whatsapp. Often it leads to miscommunication or shallow conversations. However Facebook for example is nowadays quite frequently used for party promotions and such. So it can also lead to more face to face communication, if you can see where your friends are at.

1 point

I think social media gave me the opportunity to speak to people i'd otherwise never see or speak because of long distance or busy schedule. I don't think whatsapp replaces the face to face contact. It's more a way to stay in touch in the time you don't see each other.

1 point

I think the same since as I live abroad it makes it easier for me to communicate with my friends, which most of them also live in differnet countries. Of course, a face to face conversation is much better, since you can see exactly the emotions and body language of the other person, but Im really happy that this new technologies exists.

Furthermore I also in more contact with "random" people since it makes it much easier to write someone youre not so good friends with a "hi how are you" than goig up to this person and ask the same questions; the barriers are just lower.

I rather constantly Harass my old bully on Facebook then Harassing him and Pranking Him Face.

1 point

I don't think digital communication gives the same personal connection as face-to-face, simply because you can't look the other person in the eye. You can't read someones facial expressions and body language and therefore it is harder to connect. Also there can occur miscommunications from typos or wrong interpretation from text messages, while with face-to-face communication this can be more easily avoided or cleared up.

1 point

Of course face-to-face communication is always better than the digital one. You get more (real) emotional experience from talking to the person rather than just texting and sending smileys.

However, digital communication is not bad as well. It helps to stay connected in case if it's impossible to meet in person due to the distance.

1 point

No, it does not in my opinion. Nuances can be transmitted better face-to-face than via any medium. However, a strong relationship is not needed for all moments that communication takes place. In the case of the fast transmission of information, digital communication is extremely useful.

1 point

Personally, I believe that face-to-face communication creates deeper connections between people. It is mainly due to expressing feelings and opinions with a more personal approach, as opposed to the online interactions.

It is of course easier to reach each other via the various mediums such as Facebook or Whatsapp, but the level of interaction is a lot more superficial. When you interact online, it is had to relate to other people's feelings when there is no body language or face expression associated with the replies from the other. Therefore we are bolder and speak more freely. Shy people may find this easier, yet that would be a different matter.

The more we interact via the online world, the easier we forget how to interact with people in real life. We may find it easy and fast to talk to people who are far away from us, but there is also the fact that we may not interact with them at all, since we already know what they've been up to from their Facebook walls. And therefore we no longer feel it is necessary to ask them about their life on a regular basis.

1 point

Although I am a big fan of digital communication I don't think it gives the same personal connection as face-to-face communication. It became quite normal for us to communicate with others via social media or texts mainly because of the convenience. It enables us to communicate with people all around the world within seconds, share pictures, etc, which was not possible ages ago. There are a lot of advantages that come with digital communication, however it also threatens the typical face-to-face communication (F2F) between humans. Many people seem to forget the importance of F2F communication and replace it with digital communication. Digital communication removed barriers such as shyness because of the lack of feelings that are transmitted. People start to become more social on a digital scale while they do not improve their social skills on a F2F communication. Most of the people on earth today were not raised with methods of digital communication and I think we have to pay attention to the generation that does not know a world without a mobile phone and the internet. People must always put F2F communication first because with this we transfer real emotions, connect deeply with others and live a happier life.

1 point

I don't think it produces the same personal connections or relationships than real face-to-face communication.. There are a whole range of communicational features you are missing; like body language, eye and body movement, facial expressions, etc. Also tone of voice, loudness etc helps to establish the communication and if these things are not present things can be misunderstood.

1 point

I believe that it is simply true that digital communication does not give the same connection as face to face communication. We have all heard the reasoning behind it: texts don't show the persons tone, energy, volume etc. However there are still benefits to digital communication. The main one is the simple fact that we can communicate a lot more. However, a face-to-face conversation is necessary when regarding something very important.

Face to face communication not only enables us to recognise emotional states to a much deeper extent, it actually allows us to resonate with the persons state. In this regard, face-to-face communication will always beat digital communication, even video chats.

1 point

I prefer calling a person instead of texting for example. It rules out misunderstandings, it is more personal, it is faster, it is straight forward and it is real. Digital communication is ever-present and we tend to use it more and more to communicate with other human beings. This makes me longing for face-to-face communication even more. Of course it is part of the internet age but you learn more about a person when meeting face-to-face.

I believe so... Digital communication can be as powerful as face-to-face, but people are also really good at abusing its possibilities (i.e. trolls and bullies that hide behind anonymity). I prefer face-to-face, but digital communication allows for much more wiggle more when it comes to response time and choosing your words carefully. So I would say that for business, digital is more useful. For personal, I believe face-to-face has more benefits as you can build a MUCH stronger bond than through a screen.

1 point

Digital communication is not preferred over face-to-face communication. Digital communication should be (and stay, even in futuristic 3000s) an addition on human contact to maintain friendships/relationships. Society has become very individualistic and people know a very hardworking life, so it is nice to have some digital communication, otherwise it would be impossible to stay friends with people who live far away.

Digital communication definitely does not build the same relationships as face-to-face communication. For me face-to-face relationships are very important, especially the ones with family and close friends and co-workers. In the case of my professional life I don't value face-to-face communication as much as I do in my private life becauuse digital communication helps me work faster and more efficient. That for me is more important.

1 point

No, I dont think that digital communication is as effective as face-to-face communication when building a relationship. Sometimes, when you have a lot of digital conversations with someone, you can get the feeling that you know someone enormously well, and for some part this may be true, but in digital communication, for example, whatsapp a lot of miscommunication and misperceptions may arise. Something that is considered sarcastic or as a joke may not be interpreted the same by the other. This is because you cannot see the others face so you never know for sure what is actually meant by it.

1 point

No, it does not. You can't read expressions when you communicate digitally. Also, I believe you don't actually say everything you want to say, because you have to type everything!

I still think digital communication is useful for many situations though.

1 point

In my opinion people should start to talk face to face again. People who are only texting each other aren’t able to show any emotions or facial expressions so messages and texts can be misunderstood because a mainly part of communication is missing. In addition You can’t get the real reactions of the person you are talking to because the conversation is not on a real time base.