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Debate Score:181
Total Votes:216
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johnbonham32(2426) pic

Does playing too much video games have a negative effect on a young mind?


Side Score: 74


Side Score: 107
11 points

"Too much" of anything can have a negative effect on any mind.

"All things are poison and nothing is without poison, only the dose permits something not to be poisonous." - Paracelsus

Side: yes
2 points

There are lots of good games!

Some videogames are educative (even unintentionally), others are just fun (Fun is good!), many are art masterpieces.

The problem is excess.

Some links:

Educational games

Video games 'stimulate learning'

Videogames seen good for children

The Top 10 Most Influential Educational Video Games from the 1980s

Supporting Evidence: Playing video games can make you a better person (
Side: yes
ledhead818(638) Disputed
2 points

Are you using quote from a medieval physician about toxic substances to try to make a point about psychology? There are so many things wrong with that it is shocking.

Side: No
nathan111(2) Disputed
1 point

the only bad thing about video games is probably your eye sight and you can fix it by just wearing glass

Side: No
mimicat Disputed
1 point

Was you trying to make a joke of this??? Guess what.... it works LOL

Side: Yes
qwert(2) Disputed
-1 points

That doesn't make sense as too much of anything can have a negative effect on people-including food, water and anything else people need to live- so that argument doesn't really have anything to do with video games

Side: No
6 points

I feel it does. A child's mind is like a sponge. It picks up concepts and learns new things readily. Video games, although entertaining, are taking time away from a child's learning. Instead of killing zombies, etc, a child can be learning new things, reading books, and finding out the secrets to his favorite things. I am very interested in learning new things, especially in the areas of the sciences. When I get started learning things about the human body, I can spend hours on the subject. This is what a child should be doing: finding a topic he is interested in and discovering new facts about it he had not known before.

Side: yes
16YearOldkid(1) Disputed
1 point

Yes, But What If The Child is interested in medieval time's or space travel, there are many game's nowday's that can inhance the child's understaning of the big world we all live in today, just because it has the few changes in the games, doesent mean the child doesent learn anything, also gaming is a great way for children to socialise through the web, without having to go on harmful websites or pornography, they can play their games and you shall know they are safe upstairs shooting or driving virtual things with there school friends online :)

Side: No
mimicat Disputed
1 point

Tell this to the children, no to the parents. There are out children that just go to the computer or x- box , JUST TO PLAY GAMES.. We are talking about games , no educative or scientific materials, that by the way there are excellent stuffs and they could learn something good for their education.

Side: Yes
nathan111(2) Disputed
1 point

the problem is if there is something that child like more than video games some company would come up with it and make unlimited money

Side: No
0 points

Here is the definition of videogames any of various games played using a microcomputer with a keyboard and often joysticks to manipulate changes or respond to the action or questions on the screen.

2. any of various games played using a microchip-controlled device, as an arcade machine or hand-held toy.

so it is fine

Side: yes
4 points

YES! playing too much video games does have a negative effect. I'm going to come straight out and just say that yes i do myself play video games, And yes i do enjoy them...But too much video games leads to someone who has no work ethic. I know the discussion is on the mind but i would like to add that it will also limit your body development. In case you didn't know here is a news flash for ya "CHILD OBESITY IS ON THE RISE". Yes it is a fact. NO it cant be disputed. Its in large part to children no wanting to do anything but play these games. it may have something to do with the fact that maybe there not accepted at school maybe there not really good at anything else or maybe their just shy. So they go home for the day and what do they do go to play their games where they can play in a perfect world where nobody will make fun of them for messing up where they get unlimited due overs where you just wont get harassed. If this continues they will never grow up and smell the roses. They will never come to terms with reality. So what do i suggest for such a problem, Just enroll them in an after school club where it doesn't have to be a competition where they can just be themselves and not have to worry about messing up. Also make sure to let them keep playing their games just having a couple hours a day to hang out with some real friends not just cyber ones online is very good for a developing mind. Well sorry to rant that's all i have.

Side: yes
1 point

I totally agreed.... parents, who let their children play too much video games, are lazy and don't deserve to be called parents... Like my husband, who allow my child play after school 5 hours a day . It is too much, and when i want my child stop using it he bully me and shout up in my face :-(

Side: Yes
3 points

It obviously does because when a child refuses to do his/her homework, or even study, because they are to busy blowing up virtual cars, I'd say that is a negative effect!

Side: yes
3 points

Its much harder for today's kids to get out and about and have fun then it used to be and people have to realize that it is not the kids fault. There are more and more people coming into this world and so as a result there are more laws and less space. When my dad was a kid his neighbor owned three pet chimpanzees and he had an entire forest to explore behind his house. Now days it is against the law to own chimps as pets and there are low to no forests in peoples back yards. The only way to enjoy the outdoors is to drive to a park or hiking trail. Most homes have a set property and are boxed in by someone or a road on all four sides. And so scene there are restrictions and space issues on life today, and a great way to escape it all and do things otherwise prohibited is through a virtual world where you can explore and discover things that are otherwise restricted in the real one due to space issues or bans. Parents have to understand things are not like the way they used to be when they where kids and so now day kids are coping with the changes and problems in the world.

Side: yes
2 points

ya it can get u fat by just sitting there than u get heart problems or other diseases and u can die to much video games is bad

Side: yes
qwert(2) Disputed
3 points

You can also get fat from anything non-active, including reading and watching movies both of which you just "sit there" and same for heart problems

Side: No
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
2 points


Because all of those things can cause someone to be obese, it's okay?

Just because there isn't a quick fix for these sedentary addictions, there should be no fix at all?

Can you really defend an detrimental action because it is not the only action that causes the problem?

Side: yes
mimicat Disputed
1 point

At least reading make you to enrich your vocabulary, isn't it?... Your comparison don't have sense.

Side: Yes
2 points

If a little kid is playing like halo and they see blood ... i mean what will there little minds think

Side: yes
2 points

Nowadays children seem to swap childhood to computer games and television. Every parent should find somethind that motivates his child and not let them turn into a couch potato. I have written an article about this topic and you can view it on

Side: yes
2 points

the only negative effect they have is that people keep encouraging this activity as an copout excuse for poor or bad behaviour.

Side: No
2 points

I've been reading psychology reports about that very topic all day!

Chris Ferguson says, ofttimes, no - it does not have an effect.

Brad Bushman, however, says that violent video games cause the player to be desensitized, which can lead to aggression.

Side: yes
2 points

Just like all other things, games are up for being blamed for today's troubles in kid and childhood development. Back in the past comic books got hit hard and where blamed for being the source of bad or corrupt children. Like all other things Video games will eventually fall sideline to some other thing that people and parents can find to blame there troubles on.

Side: yes
1 point

i think to much of any thing is bad for you "M" and "T" games are OK if the people who are playing them are ready for them and yes violent games can make kids do violent things and by angry i do have experience

Side: yes
1 point

Yes, TOO much video gaming is bad for you, but it is okay so long that it is done in moderation with excercise and what not. Obesity is the biggest problem with kids nowadays, well, maybe not the biggest but it IS a problem. Kids just need to get out and DO stuff and not sit in front of a TV all day and get larger, i play video games often, but i also weightlift, jog, wrestle, and play soccer, hang out with friends, go to social gatherings and interact with the community, and i volunteer at a lot of events, im on a couple committees and boards, and do schoolwork and speeches...yada yada yada....

So really, just get up and do things!

Side: yes
1 point

Like mju7(9) said too much of anything can harm your mind but researchers have said that playing video games can help with teamwork, and playing video games also helps make real life decisions faster. There are different effects on different peoples minds. We all are different but you shouldn't do too much of anything.

Side: yes
1 point

Many games like COD (Call of Duty) are first-person shooters. I'm not saying that a child would become a murderer after playing COD but children might have the idea of killing people or using a gun"cool".

Side: Yes
1 point

Playing video games for extended periods of time can have negative effects on your mental health. Studies have shown that excessive video game use can lead to a lack of social interaction and poor communication skills, as well as an increase in anxiety and depression. Additionally, video games can be highly addictive, and individuals who spend too much time playing may struggle to control their gaming habits. This can lead to neglecting other important responsibilities, such as school or work, which can negatively impact your overall well-being. Furthermore, the sedentary nature of video games can also contribute to physical health issues, such as obesity and poor posture. It's essential to maintain a balance in your life and make sure that gaming is not your only source of entertainment or leisure activity. It's recommended to have breaks every hour or so, and do some physical exercise or interact with real people, it will be beneficial for both your mental and physical health.

Side: Yes
1 point

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Side: Yes
4 points

Nope. Tommy had that homicidal seed stuck in his mind from something else~

Side: No
4 points

i play video games all the time and i still am a great athlete and have almost perfect grades

Side: No
MisterGuy(1) Disputed
2 points

That's great, but it, at best, is an isolated incident. I'll bet that you also don't spend a whole lot of time playing video games, which is a good thing...since you wouldn't be able to have enough time to study & play sports. That's the point. Keep up the good work! :)

Side: yes
4 points

The only negative effect that I've ever really heard that makes people worried about their children playing video games all the time, is them playing VIOLENT video games and transforming their behavior to what they see in the game. However, there have been studies done on this and it was pretty low. A child playing a violent video game isn't any more negative than a child watching a violent film. And even so, the ratio of them actually becoming violent was low.

Now, besides that, I guess it makes sense that if you play it ALL the effin time (like in the World of Warcrafts episode on south park, in which Cartmen became a serious addict to the game and gained 20+ lbs), you could gain weight. But not anymore than you'd also gain if you watch TV ALL the time (and it's easier to eat when watching tv than playing a video game, or reading). But seriously, serious addicts typically do have a higher weight than than their peers their age and in their environment. But I do know there are also serious addicts that are thin as hell because they never eat.

I'm sure it can also lead to heart problems, as well as other organ problems from lack of increased cardiovascular exercise, but 'eh. I'll say the effect is more on the body than the mind. The end.

Side: No
4 points

Children are smarter than we givethem credit for. A child can distinguish between fiction and reality. People were beating their hookers long before video games.

The problem would be obesity. How long does it take to finish a game? I don't play video games much anymore, but I used to. I think I spent months on final fantasy and grand theft auto games. I could imagine someone who plays those games for years on end becoming obese.

Potentially even overdosing on hot pockets...

And the hospital isn't free, nor does it pick up your body out of the middle of the ocean and within a few hours get you through the emergency room...

Maybe that's the mental harm. GTA has artificially raised our opinion on the health care system.

Side: No
2 points

Videogames nowadays can last 150 to 200+ hours. However it is the individual who decides the duration of one sitting. Nothing is good when not in moderation, and it is ones own responsibility to moderate themself. Some games, as with movies, can be lively and poetic and meaningful, which may come as a surprise to the other debators here.

Side: No
1 point

this a very excellent point and you have both fact and opinion in your statement

Side: No
4 points

no.. video games do not have a negative effect on young mind. If that's the case how would you explain a child's bad behavior before video games............comic books?? Parents have the power to prevent young kids from playing violent games. 7 and 8 year olds can't go out and buy grand theft auto without an adult can they????????......didn't think so. They're just looking for someone to blame

Side: No
5 points

though i agree with your argument id like to just say that unfortunately due to an incompetant staff at one of australias leading stores my son was able to purchase the latest gta game when he was only 11.indeed i returned the game and the person lost thier job for selling such graphic material to a minor.anyhow i still agree with your argument.parents look for cop outs all the time.

Side: No
4 points

even if video games do have a negative effect on young mines, this takes awhile to effect them and it also has the benefits of hand-eye coronation and the ability to be alert and aware of whats going on around them.

Side: No
2 points

I have played a lot in my life and i have actually realized i am a lot more coordinated with my hand and some what more aware of my surroundings then some of my friends.

Side: No
4 points

No to much video games does not have a negative effect on a young mind but what does is the parents that let there kids play to much lets face it to much of anything 9 times out of 10 is going to have a bad influence on someone young mind or old. but assuming we are talking young mind as 18 and under wear are the parents? the parents should be stopping there kids from ever getting to that point we as a public are just weak and don't like to take blame for our mistakes parents blame the game for corrupting there young "baby's" mind when it is entirely the parents fault if they care so much about the child's well being then they should step in before this ever becomes a problem PARENTS TAKE RESPONSABILTY FOR YOUR CHILDEREN!!

Side: No
Raja1957(1) Disputed
2 points

Computer! Call it Gameutter .

Leave the children playing computer games. What do you call an adult doing PG course leaving no chance to see a movie or play games on computer. Watching Maniac! Types of video games this Mr. Useless s play do not require any intelligence. He is fan of many a cricketer, footballers, cine actors and actor and his only job is looking at them on the screens. A Fan at least rotates and gives wind to people around to remain cool. However, a Fan like him neither progress by himself but continue to rotate in his fools dreams paradise and continue to remain a Faceless Fan, making parents sweat seeing this Fan.

Age and look-wise the guy is major, but maturity-wise, he is still a child.

To me a Computer is named so because of it is usage in calculations. Alas! Now many students like the said Guy, use it only to play games and to watch movies. They do not even try to excel in Excel Worksheet or do not try to learn the correct usage of other MS Office functions, which will be useful for them in future, to earn a livelihood.

Please do inculcate a habit of getting thrills in making formulae in Excel and enjoy when you find your formulae works and give the correct results or answers. This thrill of getting answers thru the formulae developed by you can give the same amount of thrills a computer game can give you. However, this excel thrill will help you in life whereas thrill from those games only help you kill precious time.

If you still use computer only for games, then, with much pain in my heart let me suggest a new name to your computer, a new word in English. According to me, the best name to denote this wrong of use of computer is to call it Gameutter. Game + Utter = Total Game (Box)

Side: yes
4 points

No it does not. As a relatively young mind (17) I can say without a doubt that I was able to garner a relatively large vocabulary and an increased reading speed through the use of videogames (Zelda mostly). Perhaps if a child was unable to distinguish between reality and ifction there would be a problem but that fault lies in the parenting not the games themselves. I play everything, quite literally everything, and I don't go around stealing cars, beating hookers, and attempting to move objects with my mind.

Side: No

I am sixteen years of age and have been playing video games for the better part of nine. I have never killed anybody, or had sexual intercourse with and then beaten a prostitute. I pose this question: Does excessive, knee-jerk coverage of video games by the P.C media have a negative effect on an older mind?

Side: No
4 points

I personally have been playing video games since I was 3 years old and I am 16 now. I don't know how I would live without them. They are a big part of my life and actually help me get through most hard situations. I think that if someone has a negative thought that most likely it was there even before the game.

Side: No
3 points

i have played games since i was 3 and now i play video games like every week and its a big part of my life. but i never thought negative because i know the difference between fantasy world and real world

Side: No
3 points


IF video games have a negative effects on you, then why the hell does everyone like it so much?

THere are greater things to worry about.

There are definately greater things to worry about.

Side: No
MKIced(2511) Disputed
3 points

"IF video games have a negative effects on you, then why the hell does everyone like it so much?"

You can replace "video games" with cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, heroine, methamphetamine, LCD, ecstasy, opium.... well you get the point, I hope.

Side: yes
Houston(187) Disputed
1 point

I disagree, I can't smoke pot with my XBOX, I would need a bong. =p

Side: No
keysha(1) Disputed
3 points

Just because everyone likes them does not make it good! duhhh drunk driving is good, yet we still have tragedies due to drunk driving!

Side: yes
MisterGuy(1) Disputed
2 points

Well, some people like drugs, and many of those drugs are addictive (just like video games can be for some people) & harmful over time with excessive use.

Side: yes
mimicat Disputed
1 point

Because it is addictive , and that is a big problem . Definitely there are greater things to do than just to spend hours and hours playing x- box all day long !

Side: Yes
3 points

I seem to think that it's more about what is played, and not how it's played. Imagine playing GTA or whatever games you wouldn't want them playing on a board with pieces... It would be just as bad if not worse.

Males in general are great with spacial reasoning, simulating an environment and using a controller to get through it teaches them a lot that you wouldn't normally think of when you see a kid playing a game. It also helps them by creating tasks to fulfill, and presents them with challenges, which is the point to gaming. Task managing goes further than just killing someone, or finding something, or getting to the next boss. Current game design focuses on task completion, but more importantly, giving users a lot of options when it comes to the way people complete the task. So there are a lot of value judgements to be made.

So, for typical children I would argue that gaming is actually good for them, again, only with games that you approve of. Although I've played a lot of games that my parents probably wouldn't have allowed me to if they knew, I don't feel like they effected me much. They shocked me, sure, and scared me sometimes, but it was fun. I didn't run around after that and stab people... nor was I anti-social after playing so long. For the time I was playing I was anti-social maybe, but that was before the internet and multiplayer.

Who knows, they may be making people hyper-social now. Another thing to point out is that when I was younger, it was you against the world, when you were gaming... the world being every other moving thing on the screen. Now you have people (AI) to guide you through maps, people to protect, people to save, people that are insignificant, but innocent. It's not just point and shoot moving things. Games are more team oriented, so it may be better for children now because they have to understand that someone is innocent, someone is good, or someone is an enemy... or someone is unknown. More like real life than ever, I can't see how it's any worse than what I grew up with.

One thing though, if your kid doesn't want to do anything but game, it's not the game and it's not the child. You need to force him/her outside once in a while. My little brother is an avid gamer at age 8, but he also lives a full life outside of the house. You could say too much anything has a negative effect on anyone, you know?

Side: No
Maffew87(2) Disputed
0 points

ah but it does depend on the genre of the game that would make gaming a positive thing. For example there are many pc versions of chess, now we all know that chess is a logical game to play. Which I would still designate the most intelligent game in the world pc or not.

However If you take games like call of duty 2 or gta well there isnt any logical challenges to them because you just run around shooting at anyone in your sight. But for a game like Brothers in arms there is a certain logic to it, because it's a kind of game of where you do stop and think, the game producers have gone to every extent to make it realistically accurate, in terms of making tactical decisions and losing your comrades lives who have valuable skills.

Same story with RTS games, But when it comes down to it, video games or pc games they are a drug I would say it's more addictive than tv or books. Now I once got assaulted by an obesed supergeek at my job who literally had no social life but at the sametime he would shuv his logical arguements down your throat if debated with him. He couldnt exactly take a joke at all, and he didnt know how to talk to fellow co workers in a civilized manner.

Basically he couldnt comprehend real adult situations and he was definately anti social because he thought of himself of being the only smart one in the company but in truth he was actually the most hated (because he was abusive and eventually got fired). Anyways I too use to play too much pc games, it didnt really help me alot with my school studies and so forth. I use to stay up late and get to bed by 4am or 6. It can also make you insomiac and also quite lazy too. I lost my second job because of that reason, so now I'm just sticking to playing logical games like chess and reading books. I still go out clubbing and heading out to bars with my friends for a drink. life is good if you do those things.

Side: yes
Bradf0rd(1431) Disputed
2 points

If you play chess you know that your duty is to capture the king or eliminate all other pieces without threatening your own pieces... You have to be at least five steps ahead of your opponent, which is a gamble at first, and highly tactical later when there are less variables.

The same is true in first-person shooters. If you're a good player, you are always predicting your opponents moves. When you play tactical game types like capture the flag or control point, it gets even more tactical. You have an entire team to manage, you have to predict spawn times, spawn locations, your enemy's goals, advantages in terrain, what load-outs your team is using, and what your team is using... RTS's are even more difficult when you get into it.

Side: No
Houston(187) Disputed
1 point

@Maffew87 Call of Duty is just the modern version of chess, but slightly different, you are a pawn, bishop, knight, rook, queen, or whatever piece you consider yourself to be. Call of Duty also teaches history, WWI, WWII, and it teaches modern day tactics. Someone who played CoD a lot when they were younger, but still stayed fit, would make an excellent officer. I play CoD5 and Battle Stations Midway a lot, I still stay fit and want to go to WestPoint or the Navy College. Grand Theft Auto was originally made for adults only, as long as the child's parents know what the kid is playing I think it is fine.

Side: No
Improfane(8) Disputed
-1 points

The problem is that these exercises are completely artificial. Playing a first person shooter, a real time strategy or role playing game doesn't teach you resource management or time management outside of the game world.

I don't see what good effects games have. They do nothing but a time waste. Team play in a video game is completely different to teamwork in a job. In online play, people only do things that help themselves. Log onto XBox live or any multiplayer game. You will find tasks that most people do not like doing, like defending the flag and find that most people do what they want.

One thing I've noticed about gaming is that it is mostly about competition. If you listen to what people talk about on video games, it is usually hostile or secular. If anything, it is anti-social. Gamer typically think they're better than everybody else and the world are "noobs". It's inherently anti-social.

As anecdotal evidence, I know someone who will play a game until completion. He is absolutely skilled with video games. Me? I get tired and feel like I am wasting time. I want to move on and do something else, while loving video games. I know they do not engage my mind the way it should.

For me, I find games positive because they engage my creativity. I have programmed about two incomplete games in my life time. That was more productive than playing games because I learnt more than playing any game.

Games are designed to waste your time or make you keep playing it. That is why the MMORPG is so successive because they require subscription costs.

Games make people lazy, seek instant gratification, instill that repetitive (thoughtless) behaviour is what brings success, rudeness, hostility to those outside the game or new to it and competition.

With all this said, I really do love to play co-operative games with my friends the only benefit to games is immediate entertainment from influencing a game world and the inspiration it gives me for my own games.

Side: yes
3 points

No not a chance especially depending on the video games you play. Now if you give a five year old the bloodiest game ever it could do something to them same as movies or anything else but in the end video games dont mess up kids minds idiot parents who pay no attention to what their kids are doing are the real problem.

Side: No
3 points

I think video games can teach many young people things discreetly, i am a Sophomore in High School and technology is a MONSTER ambition of mine, i play Xbox360 with a small amount of my free time on weekends (mostly Sundays). I usually get the latest and most popular games, even games Like Halo:Reach teach me things. I love my Xbox don't get me wrong but i am active in school, i am always in my schools musical, i love Cross Country, i am in many of my schools organizations. For some video games may encourage people to be lazy but its your choice, your parents may not always have a say in what a young person will do. but this issue may have a different outcome with younger people, young minds in this issue are probably 8-17 yr olds.

Side: No
3 points

Well I mean anything can be bad for you, if you take it to a certain level, but video games by theirself cannot hurt any one more than anything else. Most children and adults who play video games redily know when to stop, and be social, do work, or do other, more important things. The rare execption isn't caused by video games, He/She was doomed from the start, video games were just their means.

I mean I guess you could say video games are bad, because more people abuse them than other things, such as reading a book. But a book can be just as gruesome if not more so than video games, take steven king's "Under The Dome," within the first few minutes of the story a whole planeful of people are killed, and it dosen't stop for the next thousand pages. Along the way, a ladie's arm is sliced in half and she's killed by the bloodloss hours later, and the entire time King is explaining how the "bone was completely severed, along with all of the arteries and veins. S much as books are healthy for young minds, so are video games. take for example those dora games and preschool games. So yes video games are bad, just as bad as reading your child a story at night.

Side: No
3 points

well if the young mind like a child knows between real life and fantasy then it wont have a negative effect, but if the child doesn't know then it might have a negative effect.

Side: No
3 points


Side: No
2 points

i agree with RenayeBones because the child could of thought those things before playing the game, when the child played the game he or she probably thought it was ok to not only think the bad thoughts but to act that way.

Side: No
2 points

It is firmly impossible for it to effect a young mind unless it has been shown to them by a role model or other means of viewing a video game has a rating system for the parents to decide on what the kids should and should not play.

Side: No
2 points

I use games to calm down, relax and to sometimes blow off some steam. I started to play video games at the young age of 9ish. But i did it with my brother who was 13 at that point and he wanted me to get that this wasn't reality this is just a very god time waster/ boredom destroyer.

Side: No
1 point

No, video games do not have a negative effect on the young mind. children begin to know the difference on video games. The games enhances your ablities. Such as reflex's, hand-eye coordination, your way of seeing as well.When I play video games such as Call of Duty: Black Ops, i notice that my reflex's to shank an enemey in the game has increased. It makes me a better player. My hand-eye coordination is great because I know where all the buttons are and i know what too do. If you notice, after a while of playing a game, your vision actually increases. One example is that when I'm playing or running around on the field, i notice the enemy from afar and from the corner of my eyes. That is what I mean by increase and advancement of vision. All in al, video games do not have a negative effect on the young mind. It simply makes the person a better player.

Side: No

No, playing too much video games has a negative effect on your sex life ;)

Side: No

Video games actually help the attention span. They are harmless fun.

Side: No