
Debate Info

Yes. Educated answer.
Debate Score:78
Total Votes:97
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 Yes. (23)
 Educated answer. (28)

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YeshuaBought(2848) pic

2 points

Is Trump a white racist?

Hello Y:

Uhhh, YEAH!!


Side: Yes.
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

SUPER STUPID you have no proven facts but was it your girlfriend Brooke Baldwin that told you what to say ??????????

Side: Educated answer.
2 points

! DITTO! ! !

Side: Yes.
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

AL are you saying that LEFTIST are not RACIST ?????????????

Side: Educated answer.
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

AL all those that oppose you LITTLE SNOWFLAKES are RACIST ! Does your message ring true with all AMERICANS ?????????????????

Side: Educated answer.
2 points

Well, you're 50% correct.

He's white, but he sure ain't any racist.

There's an enormous difference between being a racist and an outspoken realist.

Side: Yes.

I question the inherently fallacious notion that all nationalists are racist. I am a nationalist, white, and really do not care about skin color. Okay, you got me. I love black men. Other than that, I do not care about skin color. I am tired of the inference that I should view white or any other skin color as a negative.

Side: Educated answer.
Jody(1791) Disputed
1 point

. I love black men. Other than that, I do not care about skin color.

But your “other than that “ proves you do care about skin colour you care enough to have a preference

Side: Yes.
DreTheWise(88) Disputed
2 points

Her point: The only time I am concerned with skin color is when I am dating.

Your point: She is concerned with skin color in cases dealing with dating preferences.

Y'all are literally saying the same thing. She never claimed she doesn't care about skin color. She just claimed that when it comes to matters beyond dating she doesn't care about skin color. That's what that "Other than that" means.

Side: Educated answer.
1 point

I have done not one thing wrong. You are just saying that because I'm white.

Side: Educated answer.
DreTheWise(88) Disputed
1 point

Well, you posted an article about whether or not Trump is a white supremacist and not about whether or not Trump is racist. The words racist, supremacist, and nationalist are not all synonymous.

All white supremacists are racist, but not all racists are white supremacists. Nationalism is a whole other thing. White Nationalists (those believe in forming a white national identity) are different from American Nationalists (those believing in forming an American national identity). Nationalism is only racism when those nationalists seek to form a national identity around their race because they view other races to be inferior or their own race to be superior. White nationalists and Black nationalists sometimes are racist against other races, but raciam and racial nationalism are not mutually exclusive.

But American nationalism is not about a racial identity, its about an American identity. This could include members of all races, ethnicities, and skin colors.

Trump is definitely a nationalist, definitely xenophobic, seemingly racist against those with the racial make-up of Mesoamericans, seemingly anti-Hispanic, and could be an undercover white supremacist. I don't know if he thinks one race is superior or inferior, but I can see why Hispanic (not a race) people would think he has something against them.

I, as a black man, have never felt threatened by Trump or racially attacked.

Side: Yes.
1 point

I don't care. I read news sources from a variety of people. I DON'T have to apologize for being a conservative with exceptions.

Side: Educated answer.
Bootstrap(226) Disputed
1 point

I question the inherently fallacious notion that all nationalists are racist.

Obviously, since almost all nations are comprised of multiple races.

One notion which is however unequivocal is that all nationalists are idiots.

I am a nationalist

I already guessed from reading a few of the incredibly stupid things you have written.

I love black men.

That makes you a slut, not a nationalist.

Side: Yes.
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Little Gurl Leftist did your MUM keep you dressed as a BABY GURL ???????????

Side: Educated answer.
YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

Nationalism is just the opposite of globalism. I think globalism is a bad idea, therefore, I am a nationalist. Has not a thing to do with skin color.

Side: Yes.

The Democrat Party is made up of racists who keep Black people dependent on Government programs, all to hold on to their votes.

The Democrat Party surrounds the inner cities with abortion clinics because they want to reduce their numbers!

Trump is giving Black people employment. He cares for ALL Americans!

The Democrat Party hates women!

They deny them the freedom and choice to protect themselves from rapists and muggers with concealed guns.

Leftist's are so blind to their Party of racism and women haters.

Side: Educated answer.

Nope. The left can't argue their position and can't stand those that disagree with them so they call them names. It's as simple as that.

Side: Educated answer.
Factocracy(346) Disputed
2 points

Nope. The left can't argue their position and can't stand those that disagree with them so they call them names. It's as simple as that.

Take a look at any right winger's waterfall on this entire website and you will see them doing exactly what you accuse the left of doing.

Side: Yes.
Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
0 points

But on this website the only ones threatening grievous bodily harm, rape and murder are the left-wingers from what I've seen.

Side: Yes.
HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
-2 points
Bootstrap(226) Disputed
2 points

The left can't argue their position

ROFLMAO. Are you deranged? Albert Einstein couldn't "argue" his "position"?

Shut up. Idiot. If you were prepared to debate the facts there wouldn't even BE a right wing. Period.

Side: Yes.