
Debate Info

Islam, religion of tolerance Islam, bigoted and hateful
Debate Score:69
Total Votes:76
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 Islam, religion of tolerance (18)
 Islam, bigoted and hateful (22)

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HighFalutin(3402) pic

Muslim Bakeries Refuse Gays

You've probably heard how the left, the MSM and gays were apoplectic over a Christian Bakery refusing to get involved in a gay event, but you probably didn't hear about numerous Muslim bakeries refusing service for a gay function. Speaking of bias in the MSM and the left, get a load of this:

Islam, religion of tolerance

Side Score: 24

Islam, bigoted and hateful

Side Score: 45

By and large Islam IS a religion of Tolerance.

The word "Islam" means "submission." As in submitting to God's will.

The word Muslim means "one who has submitted to Allah's will."

It is only a small percentage of Muslims who are hateful and intolerant.

Just like us Christians. Most of us are tolerant and accepting. A few of us are bigoted and hateful and intolerant.

And just like the Koran, a person can find many "passages of hate and evil" in the Bible. But overall it is a Holy Book.

And I don't think it would be too difficult to find some links showing examples of Christians refusing service to Gays. In fact it should be a very easy task. Shall I do it for you? Give you some links? Or are you smart enough to realize the truth in what I said?

I hope its the latter, but let me know.

As always................God Bless.

Side: Islam, religion of tolerance
Ignoramis(381) Disputed
1 point

The words religion and tolerance seem like Ying and Yang. They don't really go together unless you are speaking of Buddhism...

Side: Islam, bigoted and hateful
1 point

Islam bans every form of sexual relations but the one between a husband and a wife and not including "buggery" or anal intercourse.. but in the meantime Islam allows commercial dealing even with infidels and allows no one but authorities to inflict penalties on sinners or those who commit crimes

Side: Islam, religion of tolerance
1 point

It makes no sense to speak on tolerance in a singular manner. You are asked as a citizen of the USA to accept what the government says. This is not tolerance. Tolerance requires an understanding of another life and to be compassionate towards there perspective.

The example in the video is nonsense. In Islam you are allowed to practice whatever you wish so long it is with discretion within your own home. It is forbidden in jurisdiction, i.e the governing body. (if Islamic at the time)The Governing body would acknowledge the individuals needs, but will not allow it as a law i.e Gay marriage would not be allowed.

The topics you are all talking about requires reading.

Quasi knowledge of a religion that 2. odd billion follow, is unacceptable. Ignorance is what most who argue on this topic are showing. There are branches of Islam such as economics, law amongst others that are not available to my memory at the moment.

Side: Islam, religion of tolerance
0 points

"Religion of tolerance". That is a statement I haven't seen often, and one that, I believe, most Americans would not accept, and won't until the religion moves out of the dark ages.

That said, this is an obvious attempt to further spread religious hatred in America. Someone said: "Religion causes us to hate others that we wouldn't normally hate." This is America, and it's no more legal for a Muslim Bakery to do that than any other.

Blaise Pascal, a French physicist and Catholic Philosopher described what you are doing here: "Men will never commit evil so fully and joyfully as they when they do it for religious convictions." Helping to turn millions against millions is what many religions have done for centuries, and, here we are. Millions against millions! (As you "joyfully" join the party.)

Side: Islam, religion of tolerance
HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
2 points

If you want to call the truth hatred, that's your prerogative.


Side: Islam, religion of tolerance
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

I forget from the hypocrites on the Left, are you talking about the MILLONS of babies you support butchering for any reason up to birth when you elect democrats?

Oh, I get it now, it is worse for a Christian family to follow their faith and not cater an event that goes against their faith..... worse than supporting the killing unborn viable babies.

So you are also ok with forcing an African American owned family to cater a KKK convention?

As always, you are a waste of time to debate. Total bigoted hypocrite.

Side: Islam, bigoted and hateful
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

1) banning abortion would result in more abortions. I don't know how many times I'm going to explain this to you. When you vote for pro life republicans you're voting for more abortions and more dangerous abortions and more deaths from abortions. That's a fact. All of the data we have indicates that when you make abortion illegal the rate of abortion rises. In order to keep those numbers low you should have safe, easily accessible abortion and family planning funding. The best thing you can do is to have we'll funded planned parenthood clinics and sex education. The places that have these things have some of the lowest rates of unwanted pregnancy and abortion.

I would be ok with making an African American family to cater a KKK event if that family agreed to cater it and began a transaction with the KKK. If you enter into a business contract then decide to pull out then it's reasonable for the other party in that contract to have you hold up your end of the contract. But that family can absolutely refuse service initially before entering into a contract. Just like Christians can refuse service to gays. Why don't you actually read up on law, contracts, and the legal basis for the court cases you're going to talk about before making a stupid point?

Side: Islam, religion of tolerance
Jacobcoolguy(2428) Clarified
1 point

How 'bout we make a deal. We either ban abortions and ban guns or we keep abortions and keep our guns, what do you say? In the hypothetical situation were you had to make that choice.

Side: Islam, religion of tolerance
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Crowder exposed the Muslims for who they are ! Why is it you Progressives just don't get it ?

Side: Islam, bigoted and hateful
5 points

Yeah it's bigoted when Christians do it and bigoted when Muslims do it. No difference.

Side: Islam, bigoted and hateful
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

So Progressive if you will please show us all a list of Muslim bakers that have been sued for refusing to make a cake for a gay wedding ! I do await your list !

Side: Islam, religion of tolerance
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
3 points

I don't have a list. But you do know that even if people don't sue it's still illegal right?

Side: Islam, bigoted and hateful
4 points

Religion can breed hatred and bigotry. Shocker.

MSM is biased. Another shocker.

Side: Islam, bigoted and hateful
3 points

this is an obvious attempt to further spread religious hatred in America .... um, no .....

just a CLASSIC presentation pointing out the OBVIOUS CONTRADICTION from left wing politics (Obama COUGH !!) ....

I guess it's easier to bully the religion that's not pointing a gun/s / sword to your head ......

shoot, I was a member of the non-accelerated group and even I can get this one :)

Side: Islam, bigoted and hateful
3 points

We need to be consistent and fair. If a Christian cannot refuse to provide a service to a homosexual simply because they object to them being homosexual then a Muslim cannot refuse to, either.

Side: Islam, bigoted and hateful
2 points

Louder With Crowder exposes the Muslims for who they are yet Progressives still don't get it !

Side: Islam, bigoted and hateful
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
2 points

Nobody is saying it's okay when Muslims discriminate but not okay when Christians do it. Not okay no matter who is doing it. I agree Islam is shit. Christianity is shit too. Fuck both religions and fuck anyone who refuses service for peoples sexual orientation.

Side: Islam, religion of tolerance
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

Muslims discriminate against Homosexuals when are you Progressives going to get it ?

Side: Islam, bigoted and hateful

Yeah, the left has a blind spot to Muslims.

Side: Islam, bigoted and hateful
2 points

Betcha they're mad because gays bake a better cake.

Side: Islam, bigoted and hateful
1 point

Didn't Catholics do the same thing like 30 years ago? You folk have really short memories.

Side: Islam, bigoted and hateful