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He's a SPY Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:78
Total Votes:97
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 He's a SPY (20)
 Trump can do no wrong (29)

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excon(18262) pic

So, how about the Traitor-in-Chief?? Is telling secrets to the Russians a good thing?


Certainly, you've heard of the Donald's BREACH of national security..  Or, maybe not if you watch FOX News, but he did.

Here's the Washington Post article..


He's a SPY

Side Score: 34

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 44
4 points

This just clarifies (The President made it perfectly clear!) as to WHY he wanted Comey out of there!

So NOW, lets keep digging until it is ALL "perfectly clear", just HOW friendly he and Putin are!

Side: He's a SPY
Negligentt(397) Disputed
2 points

Lol! You wanted Comey out of there 2 weeks ago.way to turn a 180.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
1 point

It's white noise to everybody. Obama was an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood according to multiple Middle Eastern countries and his ties to their home office in Chicago. The left never batted an eye. They ran back to Dancing with the Stars. We sent Trump for one reason alone. To stop Western globalists from starting a one world government enforced with shock collars on speech and ability to get food or medicine only from them. Liberals literally want and are attempting to manifest an Antichrist-esque figure to control their reality and ours.

And then there's the obvious. The liberal press is an arm of the globalist NWO movement elite. It ran from bad press on Obama like the plague, while non Western press crucified him.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Wasn't it the Democrats that just hated Comey when Hillary lost the election. Now you Democrats like Comey. More Democrat Delusional guidance per your MSM.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
3 points

Despite my separate debate thread about how how it's his legal right as President to declassify information, I do also agree with you that he is collaborating with Russia. Ultimately I still think this scandal will bring him down. But not because of what the Washington Post story revealed.

Side: He's a SPY
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Democrats " Its the Russians" Is there any information you can produce other than a WAPO article.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Now it is declassified information and not secrets. Do you Democrats just make sense within your realm of thought.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
2 points

You know what's interesting? The absolute LACK of comments from those who are usually on here singing his praises. They are the first to jump on the "Those dirty lefties/liberals/whatever are just trashing our President" wagon but when he does something they all hate Hillary's nothing but crickets.

Side: He's a SPY
1 point

Aaah... so you admit openly what Hillary was, so...

1) you can't blame us for repudiating her at all costs.

2)Can't blame us for repudiating the NWO proposed by the last 4 Presidents, 2 from each party. (Magically)

Side: Trump can do no wrong
Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
1 point

Aaah... so you admit openly what Hillary was, so...

I don't think you read my comment correctly.

So what is your reaction to Trump now?

Side: He's a SPY
Negligentt(397) Disputed
1 point

Dat Mint Pee must be blind and can't see da debate be crawling with non libtards.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

What information do you have other than WAPO article. Can you produce anything more.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
2 points

Hello again,

Well, Putin is gonna HELP Trump by releasing the transcripts of the meeting.. I'm not sure if it looks too good for Putin to be coming to Trumps rescue..


Side: He's a SPY
4 points

Here we have it, non stop every single day since Trump won...... ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK any Conservative thought, but for eight long years pure silence over scandal after scandal.

Imagine if a Conservative College hung the severed head of Obama. You hypocritical fools would be having a heart attack calling them racist KKK white supremace red necks, but guess what? Conservatives would never do such a hideous thing, and if some school did so, we would be outraged as you should be over this.

You have the nerve to talk about traitors when Hillary was so corrupt she put our cassified documents on her private servers for all the hackers to see, and you still voted for her.

The IRS was giving special treatment to Liberal political gorups over Conservative ones. CORRUPTION and you said nothing while no one was charged.


Of course there will always be double standards of political groups when it comes to scandals, but what the Democrat Party is doing to Trump is truly traitorus.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
3 points

So basically once again your logic is: Trump is great because Democrats are worse!!!! Truly inspiring. Well done.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
Negligentt(397) Disputed
2 points

Well if we does go by dat logic, whys wood we want libtards in theres instead?

Side: He's a SPY
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

You have the nerve to talk about traitors when Hillary was so corrupt she put our cassified documents on her private servers for all the hackers to see, and you still voted for her.

Are you saying right here and right now that you will never vote for Trump again?

Side: He's a SPY
3 points

Like it matters.

1)You can't vote and never have.

2)You can't even pick a side and stand on it on any single issue, thus you will probably never vote. You'll do like most "moderates"/"abolitionists" and whine and complain and never do anything nor get anything done while the establishment erodes your country into dust.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
3 points

TRUMP HAS DONE NOTHING ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Side: Trump can do no wrong
Negligentt(397) Disputed
2 points

Cartsnatch no even know who hed put in der because Hes a smelly little whiney libtarded bag oh sheet.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
daver(1770) Disputed
2 points

A quick look at history will show the extent to which president Roosevelt shared secret Intel with great Britain and saved the world from Hitler.

Seeking alliances often involve Intel sharing. There remains no reason for Trump to share Intel, other than seeking an alliance against ISIS.

Get a clue.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello From:

Erick Erickson is no liberal, and he's attacking Donald Trump.. Read about it here. Wacha got to say about that?


Side: He's a SPY
2 points

The Washington Compost is all you Rabid Democrats have. Only problem is no facts have come to the forefront just all more Democrat Dribble

Side: Trump can do no wrong

For the sake of argument, let's say theoretically that it's all true. If you are anti globalism an alliance with Russia and China, sadly, is probably your only option to stop a global entity from owning all food, medicine, and military. Once that happens, the shock collers go on. You obey or don't get your needs for survival met. And I can't wait until it demands worship...

Side: Trump can do no wrong

Well, Russians aren't that bad, and I can't say the same about America.

Side: Trump can do no wrong

Well, Russians aren't that bad, and I can't say the same about America.

Side: Trump can do no wrong