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 What do you seek when life becomes meaningless? (32)

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What do you seek when life becomes meaningless?

When you realize the futility of life, of all affairs, and are unable to rely on people, where do you go? There are things we could always do, but how does one deal with the vacuum created because of lack of trust? What is the rational solution to deal with this?
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3 points

This video may dispel your nihilism:

2 points

I'm going to have to second excon. Get a dog. Their genuine happiness at seeing you, their love and devotion and their care has turned a lot of people around from suicidal thoughts and depression. They are amazing companions.

2 points

My life has never become meaningless. Are you telling us that your own life became meaningless and that's why you have to clutch to god with white knuckles afraid you can never let go? Gee, I'm glad I don't have to live my life with that kind of fear.

2 points

The unpopular reply is that, apart from counselling by professional psychiatrists/psychologists no practical answer to your predicament can be provided by unqualified people, no matter how well meaning they may be.

You, and only you know what your mental state is and therefore the solution to your turmoil must come from yourself.

You must find the strength from within yourself to deal with whatever demons are making your life seem like a meaningless misery.

Any advise I would offer you would be to stop feeling sorry for yourself, count your blessings and consider those who are much worse off than you.

2 points

When you realize the futility of life, of all affairs, and are unable to rely on people, where do you go?

I go to the Creator of the universe for help, and guidance because He wants us to communicate to Him. Along the way, I have encountered that He has sent people in my life that I can trust. Life is never meaningless. It's filled with purpose.

Christ. Then you get your meaning and purpose back.

2 points

The best advice I've heard is to concern yourself with helping others. Take your focus off of what troubles you, and assist others with their troubles. Lose yourself in the service of others as the cliche goes. Of course if things are really so bad that this isn't an option...excons advice "get a dog" seems pretty good. If you can't love and be loved you're fucked.

Nice of you to drop in BTW :)

2 points

Know God as He is, the Lord Jesus Christ who conquered death to save all who trust in Him....then life is not futile or meaningless.

1 point

Hello 92:

Me??? I'd get myself a dog.................................


1 point

Seek an atheist when you feel life is meaningless, they will tell you it's okay and you can hope to get out of reality in death.

1 point

What do you seek when life becomes meaningless?

Life cannot 'become meaningless'; it either had meaning from the offset or it didn't. People suffer not because there is no meaning, but because they form attachment to the belief that there is and must be such a meaning. If you cannot believe in meaning then do not stay attached to the belief that it is necessary; you will not suffer for its absence then.

When you realize the futility of life, of all affairs, and are unable to rely on people, where do you go?

If life an all affairs are futile and people cannot be relied upon, then this has always been the case and you are just realizing it now. Suffering occurs not because this is the way things are but because you have formed attachment to them being differently. You have developed a fixed perspective that relies on premises you no longer believe in. Rebuild from new premises.

There are things we could always do, but how does one deal with the vacuum created because of lack of trust? What is the rational solution to deal with this?

The solution need not be rational, but if one is inclined to reason then identify the premises you no longer believe in and remove them from the equation. Add the premises you do believe in now, and follow the set to its natural conclusion. That will be your answer, but as for a uniform or universal answer there is none.

1 point

I would go camping and spend time with nature,then my friends, and play my favorite sport football or rugby.

no matter how your life may seem meaningless to you that does not mean you have nothing to do.Who told you that your life is meaningless?Maybe you heard people talking all the hell about you,just do not give a damn to their idiotic talk,focus on your life.Sit down alone and think about what you you love doing,maybe it is writing poem just write all the hell going through your mind,all those poems may be the best .There is no way your life can be so meaningless