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beinglostats's Reward Points: 602

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Is space truly the 'Final Frontier'?
2 Added Argument Is the man paying for dinner sexist?
1 Added Argument One super power you wish you had, what is it?
3 Added Argument Should we enslave the future to save the present?
2 Added Argument I just got letters from 6 colleges. Are any of them any good?
1 Added Argument Why are you the way you are?
2 Added Argument Is the man paying for dinner sexist?
1 Added Argument Is it okay for two people who are 40 years apart in age to have sex?
3 Added Argument My financial stimulus package? Legalize weed!
1 Added Argument Is it acceptable to impinge on certain civil liberties for the sake of national security?
2 Added Argument we need you best opinions ever man!!! who is a better musician?
3 Added Argument Are you a True Bible believing Christian?
5 Created Debate Are you a True Bible believing Christian?
1 Added Argument Who should the NEXT president be?
5 Added Argument Is it right to have jobs paying under the table?
2 Added Argument Does this piss you off?
5 Added Argument Why is the resteraunt I work at packed if were in a recession?
2 Added Argument imagration idea
7 Added Argument Do you trust the FDA?
5 Created Debate Do you trust the FDA?
3 Added Argument Should Genetic Engineering be continued?
1 Added Argument Should we kick illegal immigrants out of the USA?
2 Added Argument How To Come Out On The Plus Side During The Recession!
3 Added Argument Should we kick illegal immigrants out of the USA?
4 Added Argument Are GMO Foods the answer to solving world hunger?
1 Added Argument I have some questions about a biophysics degree and phd.
10 Added Argument Socialism vs Capitalism
4 Added Argument Should Genetic Engineering be continued?
1 Added Argument Michael Phelps smokes a bong!
2 Added Argument Marvel vs DC
1 Added Argument Scientists Rank Global Cooling Hacks. Which do you prefer?
2 Added Argument Should schools be allowed to expel lesbians?
3 Added Argument Was Christopher Columbus the greatest explorer to date?
6 Added Argument Was Christopher Columbus the greatest explorer to date?
4 Added Argument Moving forward: US policy on Agriculture
5 Created Debate Moving forward: US policy on Agriculture
1 Added Argument Islam is equivalent to terrorism, isn't it?
1 Added Argument Could war ever be banned?
2 Added Argument Terrorists and terrorism are irrational.
2 Added Argument How Would the World Be Without the Internet?
5 Added Argument What is wrong with today's world?
1 Added Argument healthcare
2 Added Argument Do you think that birth control should be covered under insurance?
1 Added Argument Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks separation of Church and State!
0 Added Argument Should the Bible be used in our schools?
9 Added Argument healthcare
1 Added Argument Are we going to face a Malthusian catastrophe?
1 Added Argument Are we going to face a Malthusian catastrophe?
1 Added Argument Can we use Non-Violence to destroy terrorism?
2 Added Argument Does God really Exist???
1 Added Argument Rich men are better in bed than poor men.
1 Added Argument What if there was a CreateDebate party, where you could meet everyone, would you go?
5 Added Argument I can't vote therefore I don't care.
2 Added Argument I can't vote therefore I don't care.
1 Added Argument Has Obama bitten off more than he can chew, regarding this presidency?
2 Added Argument Has Obama bitten off more than he can chew, regarding this presidency?
2 Added Argument Why are over 25% of the world's mammals facing possible extinction?
1 Added Argument Would the world be better withour religion?
3 Added Argument Would the world be better withour religion?
1 Added Argument What would you do if you were the last person on the earth?
1 Added Argument Is Obama going to be our first marijuana president?
1 Added Argument Would you sacrifice 10 friends for a Whopper?
3 Added Argument Do bees have consciousness?
3 Added Argument Is Obama going to be our first marijuana president?
2 Added Argument A world free from DRM, copyrights and patents... hmmm
3 Added Argument Can teens be scared straight about sending nude photos to each other?
3 Added Argument Can teens be scared straight about sending nude photos to each other?
3 Added Argument Are guns fun?
1 Added Argument Gentically Modified Organisms (GMOs): Are They a Threat to the Environment?
2 Added Argument Should atheletes be allowed Ibuprofen in school because they are atheletes?
10 Added Argument What would the world be like without alcohol?
2 Added Argument is it good to have an intimate friend
1 Added Argument Are you a racist bastard?
4 Added Argument Internet Neutrality: Is it to our benefit?
4 Added Argument If you could legalize weed....
5 Added Argument Internet Neutrality: Is it to our benefit?
5 Created Debate Internet Neutrality: Is it to our benefit?
2 Added Argument Best Movie Ever and Why?
6 Added Argument What is better Sex or £500,000?
1 Added Argument Would you sooner let your faith rest with science or God?
8 Added Argument Should weed be legalized?
1 Added Argument China is coming!
1 Added Argument Should God be used in scientific debates?
1 Added Argument Would our planet be better off if we gave up the concept of cars altogether?
3 Added Argument Would you sooner let your faith rest with science or God?
1 Added Argument What would be wiser on Blagoyevich's part?
1 Added Argument Rockstar\singer or a business woman or man
2 Added Argument What big things do you think will happen by 2012?
1 Added Argument Do you like CreateDebatebeta?
2 Added Argument Global Warming: Man or Myth
10 Added Argument Should our world governments spend more on space technology or military technology?
2 Added Argument Should we move toward one world government?
1 Added Argument What college should I consider going to?
10 Added Argument Gentically Modified Organisms (GMOs): Are They a Threat to the Environment?
5 Added Argument Would our planet be better off if we gave up the concept of cars altogether?
1 Added Argument How do you celebrate New Years?

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