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NSFW Debates You are browsing through NSFW debates. You can refine the results by using the drop-down boxes above. You can view more information about each debate by clicking Show Details at right.

Tied Positions: Some people STAND UP vs. Some people HIDE
Winning Position: Should a woman who is outnumbered by rapists with guns submit to being raped?
Winning Position: No way Jose
Winning Position: Yes.
Winning Position: Yes.
Winning Position: It is awefully rude to fuck someone in the ass, and call them Charlie?
Winning Position: Why does NOM NOM mock rape survivors?
Tied Positions: Trolling. vs. Rape culture.
Winning Position: To people who say evil does not exist.
Winning Position: This is sick!
Winning Position: No.
Winning Position: Bull fucking shit.
Winning Position: You've SHUT my mouth
Winning Position: No.
Winning Position: Fucking A! Iran is torturing people to death? Thoughts?
Winning Position: Ding dong, the pedo's dead!
Tied Positions: You AIN'T the elite. Fuck off vs. You gotta HAVE the password
Winning Position: Breaking news: Some bullshit just happened.
Winning Position: Why are all political leaders such lying fuck bags?
Winning Position: Far leftist transgender targets Canadian wax salon, and holds sex party for kids.
Winning Position: The Romans did ugly things to Jesus, before they crucifies Him. He loves you, all.
Winning Position: No!!
Winning Position: Why did God create me, if I have to be disabled?
Winning Position: We might go to war with Iran. We are FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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