
Narek's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Narek's arguments, looking across every debate.
Narek(89) Clarified
1 point

There is a huge difference between the parties. The establishment Republicans are similar to Democrats, but the Conservative Republicans are very different.

Ah so that's why the Republicans have so many more criminal indictments?

1 point

Also where in the New Testament does Jesus say to ignore the Old Testament? Please do share the verse.

1 point

It's a simple yes or no question. Why do you refuse to answer it?

If you refuse to do this, I will not waste another second debating you.

You've said that hundreds on times to various people and yet you keep "debating" them. For someone that calls other people deceptive liars you sure lie and deceive a lot.

1 point

Stop speaking to Old Testament Jewish law!

So the Old Testament Jewish law isn't the word of the Christian god then?

1 point

Speaking out against people abandoning their children, the killing of even viable unborn babies, is what Christians should be doing.

But didn't you just say Christians should love and forgive those people?

1 point

Christianity is all about love and forgiveness, even for our enemies.

Then why don't you practice what the New Testament says if you're a Christian then?

1 point

So you're saying that the god in the old testament is not the same god as in the new testament?

2 points

I wonder how quickly your tune will change if Trump ends up resigning/getting impeached.

0 points

Should we remove the law banning the sale of Automatic weapons? They also take Constitutional freedoms from you!


I'll stop if you stop. Deal?

I'm against gun control laws because they don't work

Then why does it work so well in Australia?

I would treat them like you treat alcohol, which is to allow something that kills far more innocent people because you want the freedom to drink.

Using your own logic then abortion should be legal since it allows women freedom of their bodies.

Narek(89) Clarified
1 point

Ah so the only evidence you have for the left wanting to take guns is paranoia? Fine i'll counter it with some paranoia as well. The only reason the right is against abortion is because it means less cannon fodder for the army.

Narek(89) Clarified
1 point

You actually think that laws protecting all innocent life is making Government too big?

You seem to since you're against gun control laws. (Which would help protect innocent life.)

Narek(89) Clarified
1 point

So which bills have the left proposed to ban all guns? Please do share them.

1 point

Why do Conservatives support Christianity when it's further left than American liberalism.

Narek(89) Clarified
1 point

The Left belives in big government control of the people

And banning abortion makes the government that much bigger

Narek(89) Clarified
1 point

Bring attention to the hideous numbers of Black on Black killings.

If it's such a hideous number then why isn't the right bringing attention to it?

Narek(89) Clarified
0 points

Why would you peacefully protest at our sporting events

Maybe because it would garner far more attention and support?

that decent Americans pay good money to see?

And did it at all hinder the sports game? No it didn't

We don't want to see rich spoiled unpatriotic leftists pushing their agendas at our sporting events.

Good thing you are not forced to watch!

1 point

How dare people exercise their right to peacefully protest!

1 point

treat others as you would have them treat you


To all the anti Christian bigots on this site

Also -FromWithin

Nope, no hypocrisy to see here folks

1 point

I'm speaking to the true Christians who do care what their faith teaches and do their best to live by it.

So you're not a true Christian then?

3 points

ask yourself why you so dislike Christians.

It's because of the the false-Christians on this site are giving real Christians a bad name.

Narek(89) Clarified
1 point

you're right your unhealthy obsession with Hillary will last much longer than 7 years.

1 point

Is it going to be 7 more years until the right gets over Hillary?

Narek(89) Clarified
1 point

You should see someone about your unhealthy obsession.

1 point

It's amazing how conservatives can't get over Hillary.

1 point

But her emails!

1 point

You treat others like they're pure evil, so is that how you wish to be treated then?

1 point

Well you're the one that said treat others as you would have them treat you

1 point

Stop talking common sense.

Ah so you're finally admitting you hate common sense.

1 point

treat others as you would have them treat you


1 point

treat others as you would have them treat you


Narek(89) Clarified
1 point

you do not want to believe in a creator that says to love even our enemies, love the innocent, treat others as you would have them treat you

Does that mean you don't believe in a creator either since you don't do any of those things?

1 point

So how is saying practice what you preach an insult?

1 point

treat others as you would have them treat you


2 points

HOGWASH! The things I say have been shown to be 100% true and it's sickening deceptive Progressives refuse to admit the obvious truth.

The other side also believes what they've said is 100% true

They know what I am saying is true and shows the Left's true inhumanity towards our most innocent. So they must demonize me and anyone else who shows them for who they truy are.

To fools, simply denying what they support is all that is required to hide their inhumanity.

Meanwhile the other side claims the same exact thing

1 point

The things I say about Liberals (who vote for the radical pro abortion Leftwing Democrat Party the vast majority of the time) are true!

Correction you believe what you are saying is true. Just like how the people ridiculing Christians believe what they are saying so true, so no there is not a difference at all.

Narek(89) Clarified
2 points

treat others as you would have them treat you

You should try practicing what you preach.

Narek(89) Clarified
1 point

The hypocrite speaks again

Correct you did speak again.

Go back into your hypocritical cve, and spew your denials to the stone walls.

Your projection is amazing to behold at times.

1 point

We have a clique of intolerant bigots on this site who constantly judge and ridicule Non-Conservatives with bigoted lies and distortions.

Very true

1 point

So how is the GDP crash in 2008/2009 liberal failure?

Narek(89) Clarified
2 points

What ever happened to giving the President some semblance of respect until he has proven to be a failure.

Why should respect be freely given instead of earned?

Narek(89) Clarified
1 point

Keep blaming Bush for Obama's hideous job performance.

So how is getting the country out of one of the worse GDP drops in recent history hideous job performance?

Narek(89) Clarified
1 point

We just saw our GDP growth hit 3% for the first time since Bush was President

So blame Obama for inheriting a bad GDP while at the same time praising Trump for inheriting a good GDP? Yup no double standard to see here folks.

Democrats are closet socialists and terrible for growth.

Yeah because the 2 huge drops in GDP during the Bush era are really good for growth.

1 point

Democrats are demonizing Trump for everything no matter what he says or does.

That's American politics for you. No matter what one party does the other party will demonize them. Stop acting like only Democrats do it when Republicans do it just as much, if not more if this site is any indicator.

1 point

if Democrats were set to take over both Houses and he was still President he'd flip flop on all you hold dear.

And the saddest part is a good chunk of democrats would embrace him if he did that.

2 points

No matter what Trump does, the totally enept Democrat party, that turned their eyes away as Korea was nearing it's nuclear capabilities, wants to demonize Trump for trying to do SOMETHING.

Just like how Republicans demonized Obama whenever he did something?

1 point

Huh when did Clinton fire Comey for investigating her?

1 point

Ah yes he dared to investigate the god-emperor Trump. Send him to jail!

1 point

When did I say you voted? Do make make up lies often? You seem to be the only one here obsessed with Hillary losing.

1 point

And the first of the Trumpets have appeared.

1 point

Que the Trumpets screaming FAKE NEWS!

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