
Pedestrian's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Pedestrian's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes, the capitalist loves illegal immigration, it is...a profit center.

1 point

When will people see the elephant in the room. Once and for all, illegal a profit center.

E-Verify is the last thing the capitalists wants and will fight (spend free speech) to prevent any nationwide enforcement.

1 point

Govt. owns the financial risk of banking (FDIC)

Govt. owns the financial risk of farming (FCIC) direct payment of subsidies and price supports through buying all the taxpayers can of the 3 times supply of dairy the market demands to create a taxpayer price support.

Govt. owns the financial risk of pensions. (PBCG)

Govt. owns the financial risk of overseas private [sic] investors. (OPIC)

Govt. taxpayers supports ethanol which does no good, hurts cars and takes 2200 gal. of fresh water to make 1 gal. of fuel.

Taxpayers (govt.) owned the risk of wall street fraud. TARP Socialism is alive and well in America. Wall street gives America the richest socialists in world history.

Taxpayers owned S&L fraud. (RTC)

Oh but for govt. to own the risk of our health in say an FHIC ya'know Federal Health Insurance Corp. just like the capitalist enjoys, now that would be socialism. You are to just go to the ER or go ahead and die.

It's called socialism for the rich...capitalism for the poor.

1 point

No, certainly not. Hitchens never doubted his non-belief at any time. He went to the his death as a secular humanist.

I mentioned intolerance on the right more racial than religious.

Extremely few non-whites are conservative, fewer's republican.

The right has lost any claim to morality be supporting a man who makes Bill Clinton look like a choirboy and Hillary look like Mary Poppins. The most sinning and corrupt ever.

Capitalism is merely financial hedonism...pleasure-seeking.

0 points

Well now we know what you...want to believe. And to think, you wouldn't know just who is what unless you made it a point, tolerate them.

0 points

I could not care less what any cultish biblical or religious beliefs in stone age fairy tales would have me believe other than that all people are to be treated equal before society and the law.

This question just reflects once again how religion poisons everything. If you need to see some intolerance, look at the right (GOP), the religious and far too much on race,

The so-called gods of today or history, have absolutely no advice for me.

If anyone feels as if there really is rampant cultural rot whatever that is and sexual perversions...blame the capitalist.

They are all a very acceptable profit centers. Hell, the capitalist would be running whores in Sodom and Gomorrah, mules for coke and meth.

2 points

I see yes and she did. No she did not and Investors business daily is lying through their teeth. What was suspected was 2015 Obama took to the repubs and it was nothing typically a repub (GOP) desire for partisan bullshit.

Look, if there is a deep state, they are laughing their asses off over trump, the single most corrupt, useful idiot ever in the WH.

1 point

Wouldn't be true that if gravity does not exist, then magnetism also does not exist.

If magnetism does not exist then electromagnetism does not exist and therefore electricity doesn't exist.

1 point

Just another blog on how religion poisons everything and yes...everything.

2 points

Actually N. Korea is the best example of capitalist fascism. They like the capitalist learned from the communist, pretend to pay people, and they will pretend to work. Or have the capitalist proletariat so deep in federal and state debt...they will be lifetime debt slaves.

Venz. is a capitalist, fascism in the making, they just haven't learned to change the meaning of words like the western capitalist has.

The US is now in an obvious soft coup attempt on its pres, trying to speed up the process with sanctions on billion$ of Venz. money and other international sanctions while buying support for some CIA flunkie they picked out..

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
1 point

Hey, this is capitalism where life exists for a profit. The Earth exists for a profit and if it means a lifetime of debt for your children and their children and their children and their.s too..that's too bad.

If it means ruining the earth's carbon cycle, dirtrier air and water and blowing people to their death off an oil rig...than so be it.

I wouldn't be surprised if we see literal company towns again fully sanctioned by the new capitalist party and their capitalist fascist judges, you get paid in script usable the co. store.

"YO !! Sixteen tons, whaduya get, another day older and...deeper in debt,"

Blogroids, we are not to be concerned with building a sustainable world for life of the people let alone the rest. We are to live in a world a profit.

1 point

BTW, a joke I presume. Down syndrome (DS or DNS), also known as trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. It is typically associated with physical growth delays, mild to moderate intellectual disability, and characteristic facial features.

Cro-Magnon, became the first anatomically modern human population. Neanderthal's extinction was due to their inability to beat the competition, which came in the form of Cro-Magnon.

So to answer the question...not much although it's been estimate that Neanderthal was around about 150,000 years while we Cro-Magnon have been for only 37,000 years far.

And there is no guarantee we'll be around for 38,000. That's plenty of time for the profit motive to turn earth...into an environmental toilet.

1 point

To say it is socialism for the investor class, is to say they own the benefits...the profits, while taxpayers 'own' the risk. For far too many it is heads they win...tails you lose.

1 point

As bad as anything is that to the truly ignorant while convinced of their own brilliance, will interpret other's real knowledge on a given subject, as bias in itself.

I think this may be the essence of anti-intellectualism.

1 point

Not only did Obama inherit yet anorther typical repub debt-ridden, rent-seeking, warmongering recession but fraudulent wall street lead to losing 1 million jobs per month.

Otherwise GDP and 50 cents won't get me a coffee at 7/11.

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
2 points

Yes and almost by definition. Liberty was achieved by leaving the christian church which espoused anything but liberty.

From Florence on...corrupt as all hell and moreso than anything seen before or since. The remnant being the ridiculous tax advantages still granted (given to) the church.

1 point

Obama was left with a #1.4 trillion deficit for 2009 alone by Bush and his reckless securities regime losing 1 million jobs a month. the recession protected because the repubs wouldn't budge on taxes and even shutdown the govt. to continue borrowing even more. Obama inherited two wars that were never paid for, and started to pay for them.

The right loves very profitble wars but borrows the money and instead ask taxpayer's children to pay for all of their gluttony.

Finally forced into sequestor with an ever so tiny tax increase on the opulent few. So blame the right for the meltdown, blame the right wars and tax rate cuts for most all of the debt.

It's as if Bush had to stay with Obama for a couple months just to get back on his feet as it were. Well after Bush totals the car and burns the house down, everybody blames Obama for having to car pool and move into an apartment.

1 point

Amazing all of the unmitigsated bullshit I read here.

The real problem as reflected for only one employer's crimes in 3 trump properties only now, firing [his] illegals, is that [they] are a profit center. Once here, they love the money and hate the capitalist which extends to of course...hating also the repubs as they too support their exploitation.

So yes, soon as allowed, immigrants vote dem and for very good reasons.

1 point

Because first trump is an estimated $2.2 billion in debt and isn't worth a billion. Furthermore, about 2000+ millionaires...have become billionaires. They became billionaires while paying their people and partners unlike trump who tried to stiff everyone and not pay anybody for anything.

They did it without daddy bailing them out so [his] fair-haired heir doesn't go personally bankrupt in his 30s.

1 point

.....with which he went bankrupt 7 times, this eliminated all legally sane investors or banks so he started 30 businesses with laundered Russian money and ALL failed. Trump's net worth is a few million BTW with an estimated $2.2 billion in debt, mostly to Russian funded Deutsche bank.

BTW, trump never created anywhere near 500 businesses and in fact now has only partial ownership in 175 partnerships. (now with 126 conflicts of interest) They are mostly obligated for a time, to use only his name but nonetheless, has dealings with the federal govt.

1 point

Well now we know what you...want to believe.

The dems are just getting started. The repubs for 6 years blocked everything from Obama which taught [them] now how to block and will also shut down govt. when they can't get the votes. Watch.

1 point

A 'socialist' could be a lot of things. He could be a wall street banker. See TARP, S&L bailout and FDIC single-payer, govt-run 'health' insurance.

Farmers getting subsidies and price supports. (dairy) Those free market/capitalists [sic] need those govt. handouts and price supports. (FCIC)

Then there is pensions...PBGC

And overseas private [sic] investors...OPIC.

Socialism for the rich is my kind of capitalism.

1 point

Operation Northwoods. Kennedy was asked to sign off and he killed it, reprimanded some, demoted some and i think fired some. The military hated Kennedy, blaming him for no air support for the Bay of Pigs op and now this.

1 point

NO, it was under the repub white trash neocons. See how how easy it is ?

2 points

NO the democrats and many others suggest he can't be a very faithfuil christian because of an adult life of constant sinning. He's been a serial cheater/adulterer, whoremonger and grifter. Therein, trump makes Bill Clintron look like a choirboy.

Typically, Hitler as did several previous political/miltary leaders, used the church/religious borne survility and credulity of the masses to assume power. Once there, it simply didn't matter. Just as the so-called 'national socialists' became in fact...capitalist fascist.

3 points

Wrong. Don't know that you are but one cannot use Hitler, Stalin, or Mao which most believers try to do and is wrong.

First treaty signed by Hitler's Germany was with the Vatican, that then celebrated Hitler's birthday every year and who delivered catholics to the Italian Nazi party. Catholics celebrated the arrival of Hitler, the man sent by god they said, to rid the world of Jews.

Stalin went to seminary school then upon taking power, immeditely used the subserviant credulity of believers to easily establish his fascism, split the Russian orthodox church with those in disagreement leaving. Then used the church through being the czarist type demigod, for heresy trials and to claim miracle agric. output.

Mao studied christianity, even wrote about Jesus and then how he could use it all and made himself the new 'god' of China.

Based on the above and there is more, it's not even close to ever suggest atheism had anything whatsoever with the murderous violence of the church and all thoughout history.

Tell me of any power, govt, or country that adopted the precepts of Spinoza, Paine, Jefferson that committed crimes like the religious. You can't find them.

1 point

Define evil. Stoning gays and adulterers to death is evil. Would govt. intrusion into a women's reproductuive rights be evil ? Would govt. forcing every pregnant woman to bring her pregnancy to evil? Would the several thousand innocents by now killed by air to surfuce missiles labled by the Orwellian term 'collateral damage' evil ?

Can you prove me wrong ?

1 point

You got real damn lucky and won the lottery. So what ? Not even a nice try.

1 point

Religion...poisons everything. Look at history and all around the world now.

1 point

Oh no, the world's richest socialists otherwise known as bankers, ((FDIC) farmers (FCIC) and overseas investors, (OPIC) are...doing just fine, thank you. Where would these great swashbuckling, risk-taking [sic] (with your money) socialists be...without govt. ?

They would be where our founding fathers would have s put them. Sent home disgraced and bankrupt. Instead they get TARP the S&L bailout and immorally...$37 million in bonuses.

White collar crime in America certainly...pays very well. Well ok except for Madoff, who didn't get bailed-out and instead (being small) will die in jail.

1 point

Actually for the naturally uninformrd right it was the CIA that started the US hegemony in Iran with the 1953 CIA coup. They loved us for that and putting in a murderous, oppressive royalty as head of state.

Next, the CIA again tried to take our Chavez and now are trying to do it again.

If by 'our boy' you mean Obama, it was he who oredered the 28,000 sortees over ISIS 2015-16 that left ony the last mile for trumpwad. Or were you talking about the 110,000 sortees over Iraq killing 150,000 Iraqis that Bush II ordered ?

It is the right that started the 'war on terror' got us into Iraq delibertately to start a sectarian war and all for Haliburton, petrodollars and billion$ in profit while going through $13 trillion. ($5 trillion in projected surpluses and $8 trillion in new debt)

So the mess you find around the world now, can be laid right the feet of corrupt, rent-seeking, warmongering and whoremongeribg right (GOP) in the US.

The right and the GOP of the 'US, are the most danegerous people in the world.

1 point

I am thinkoing the men's room ? If you are a man that is. Otherwise I thought this was about trump and funny in that for him, forget it. One requires intelligence to measure the Intelligence Quotient.

1 point

Two of history's greatest (biggest) conspiracy theories that proved to be true were...the world is round and second, the world was not the center of the universe. The second could get you beaten, jailed, tortured or worse.

The problem arises of course when so many are very successfuily covered up by perpetrators and govt.

2 points

Nazi Germany soon as the Hitler got power, became a capitalist fascism with the party elites stealing everything they could while stealing every penny from the Jews.

1 point

In what world does the minority leader of the senate ever need a so-called intervention exceot a world of the most partisan ridiculousness ?

1 point

Whites were better at turning gunpowder into a weapon.....

Leaving the horse to the meanial, whites became the best naval builders.....

Whites were better at refining slavery from costly chattel slavery to debt slavery.....

Whites were better at devoting science to war making.....

Whites were better at creating fiat currency to compete for to pay for the limited resources also competed for.....

Starting in Plymouth circa 1620, white were better in parceling out the land they conquered in order for their govts. to sanction personal private ownership.....

Whites feel superior for having decided that it is [they] who have the modern world in hand and in nobody's best intrerest...except their own.

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
1 point

There will be three areas of govt....Asian European and The Americas. They will have 3 currencies. (the Aero in the Americas) govt. [it] will be capitalist facism. All of the world's eiitists, financial (banking) industrial and political see, realize and understand that, China is the role model.

There likely does not exist in the west, any capitalist who doesn't envy and clearly desire what is described in the Orwellian term...state capitalism in China. The NW govt. in this fashion would be of, by and for the corporation, profits with [your] civil and political rights being directly tied and porpotional to...your profit potential.

Religion will have nothing to do with govt. except as a tool of credulity to force a change in history and the meaning of words. Once it gets that's all over for the masses.

1 point

After his 1962 graduation from the University of Hawaii, Obama (Sr.) went to Harvard University for a doctoral program in economics, but left the university after completing his master's degree.

Can't see how this is 'buying' one's way into Harvard.

1 point

There have been 3 iterations of the KKK. First by democrats that wanted to keep the south politically and lasted about 6 years until 1871. Then the other two 1915 by the repubs and right, to strengthen white control (supremacy) of the expansion and industrialization of the US. The repub form of the KKK along with the dixiecrats, 1950s are in fact who maintained Jim Crow laws.

The Nazis having used the slogan of nationalist socialism once in power, quickly became a capitalist fascism with Nazi elites stealing everything they got their hands on and every penny of Jewish wealth in Germany.

However, socialism is alive and well in the US. America has created the richest socialists in world history. (see TARP and S&L bailouts) immorally got $37 million in bonuses. Why do we even have the word bankrupt when banks...don't go bankrupt ?

Taxpayers provide socialism for the rich...single-payer 'health' insurance for bank (FDIC) crops (FCIC) pensions (PBGC) and finally but no less immorally, Overseas investors (OPIC) not to mention subsidies like crops, price supports in dairy, ethanol is a total billion$ in a scam and now $12 billion in tariff welfare.

2 points

Amazing how the right thought these agencies were doing just a bang-up job when deciding that Hussein had nukes when he didn't but now those same agencies are part of the deep state (which if existing at laughing their asses off at this man) when in disagreement. Republican hypocrisy is now a national security risk.

2 points

To require in public schools any reference in any way to educating students on anything in any way based on faith, is wrong and belongs at home or at church. That is what's required by our constitutionally empowered public schools...schools of all faiths or no faith.

The 'free' exercise of religion means just that, you are free to create your own schools and teach what faith you hold. No citizenry is however. allowed to require religious theocracy or beliefs in any particular faith in any public school cirriculum.

The belief in the freedom for every community to decide for themselves their school curriculum, would still be a required to keep any religious faith or theocracy...out if it and does not empower localities to insert any faith into cirriculum so prescribed.

BTW, many people right, left and indepedent are secular humanists who care not for religious theocracy and where politics does not and should never, enter.

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