
Pedestrian's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Pedestrian's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Maybe it will become a new right wing pitch for billion$ in more security spending.

Being vulnerable and spreading fear of it, is always a great profit center.

1 point

Anything can work because any country can and many do, pretend to be a democracy.

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
1 point

I think trump found out why previous pres. didn't meet with him. The N. Korean leadership always tries to get something for nothing.

When GWB talked via intermediaries after catching N. Korea red handed counterfeiting $150 million US, that should have been nailed into west about their treacherousness. It was not.

Since then however, we all know now, Little un is no different so far.

Although NK could yet turn out to be a very profitable threat and enemy.

Fear is always a good profit center.

1 point

It is unfortunate. All of those dead young profit centers.

2 points

Would somebody tell me, no excuses ?

Just when has the right (GOP) ever governed as the small govt. fiscally responsible party ?

Never in my lifetime.

The GOP is responsible for $14 trillion of our $22 trillion in debt (the rest being added cleaning up after the right) and have added 100s of 1000s to govt. payroll.

Next question.

1 point

Capitalism as practiced in America, will be the death of most poor people but not capitalism. Of course it will come from the essence of capitalism...debt.

America is so rich [she] needs to as we type, borrow $6 million per minute...we do not have.

The future of America has already begun, capitalist fascism.

Soylent Green anyone ? Ironic that capitalism will have humankind regress back to cannibalism.

1 point

Stop this people. I am always reminded at most blogs, do not ever underestimate the ignorance of the American people.

Our plutocrats in govt. have forced the taxpayers to throw trillion$ at the capitalist for 60 years. The govt. forces the socialization (taxpayers) to insure against bank risk, (FDIC) agric. risk, (FCIC) pension theft (PBGC) and overseas investment risk. (OPIC)

The whole ethanol market was created by socialism to the tune of billion$ every year to produce millions of gallons...the public doesn't need or want and is socialism for the rich.

The govt. forces taxpayers to provide price supports to dairy because dairy producers/investors bribe govt. feeling entitled to produce 3 times what the market demands.

Obviously that over-supply would deflate the price, so the govt. steps in and buys all it can using it for the military and often gives it away. The US taxpayers spends million$ per year just to warehouse govt. dairy products...we do not need.

This renders the whole argument about socialism only so much bullshit. The US yearly provides billion$ in socialism only the capitalist can love. Capitalism is for the poor.

As for socialism for the poor ? Fuck them, let them go to jail or just die.

3 points

There is no basis in fact to conclude the American pubic school system is broken.

[It] may be broke but that's because the capitalists who run America don't want to pay for it.

Just as the capitalists don't want to pay for anything. The capitalist doesn't want to pay taxes and doesn't want to pay you.

Slaves had jobs, didn't do therm much good.

1 point

In fact the American courts are outlandishly right wing and capitalist fascists.

Corps. are like people ?

Property (wealth) is free speech ?

You must sign away your right to sue and go to arbitration over a class action ?

Taxpayers must fund price supports for the capitalist, direct cash subsidies for the rich and pay billion$ each year for ethanol [it] does not want or need ?

Taxpayers much pay for insurance for bankers, farmers, pension thieves and overseas investors [sic] ?

1 point

What unmitigated bullshit.

There are 22 industries fully funded by govt.

Capitalism is neither free market or free enterprise.

Mao and Pol Pot were right wing fascists and murderers.

Only a extremely few tech cos. spend anything on R&D.

When small entrepreneurs create something, they are bought out.

Corp. America in fact invests more under the left than the right.

If mankind were left to the right, (capitalists) there would be about 7 billion slaves

but hey...a great profit center.

1 point

Neither, to them we are big a petri dish or a big petting zoo. But as long as you asked:

If they are peaceful, not out to exploit, conquer or enslave people...lefties.

If they are the opposite...righties.

1 point

Where do people get this stuff ?

I mean seriously, what does this have to do with anything ?

1 point

.....better they are born and under repubs will tell you then, to make a profit for yourself or somebody else otherwise go to jail or die.

1 point

I much admired Prof. of sociology Mortimer Adler. However, his one shortcoming after being a non- believer until his 50s, he got baptized.

It didn't change my mind and could understand how he decided on that leap of faith but not actually being baptized because we both knew...wouldn't make a difference..

1 point

Well in America is not interested. America just wants to know, how do we make some fucking money here ? The rest is conversation.

2 points

Can't do it. However, religion has for its entire history, been a profoundly useful instrument to entice the credulity of believers to vote for them because they too also believe in stone age fairy tales.

Can anyone point to any time in history any politician who has made it clear he is a non-believer, has...ever been elected ?

1 point

Yes, due process is a legal term coined and forever enshrined in the constitution. Or otherwise, one could get arrested and locked up at will by govt. police.

Due process is a search for truth and justice. Without [it], the masses are at the mercy of the govt.'s monopoly on violence.

1 point

Oh yea, pseudo science alright.

DNA research has never say prevented a 4th or more straight generation of one family's women from going blind...but it did.

DNA research has never gone into a community to cure a genetic defect causing disease so their offspring don't suffer any defect...but it did.

One reads these things and might have others believe they just walked out of the cave.

3 points

A great example of the deafness of some on the right. The so-called left has been telling the right for 40 years.

The right has ignored the message for those 40 years and more.

1 point

Well what we have learned as one would have a right to fully expect, the right loves Russian money, loves Russian fascist political power are autocrats and want to be just like them.

Repubs (GOP) would rather be Russian than American as they begin to work so well together, Hell, call up the NRA, I am sure they have a few Russian million$ for you.

2 points

These leaders as most, loe themselves first and need the prize attention. Kim is doing nothing that hasn't been done by prior N. Korean talks...promise to do as little as possible, lift sanctions or send food, then do nothing.

It is for that reason no pres. has actually met w N. Korean leadership unity now.

They both get the photo ops, the great adulation of their followers...and then go home.

Next question.

2 points

One could easily say look at how good capitalism is in N. Korea or China. See how easy it is ? Doesn't do much for the capitalist proletariat.

2 points

Just yet another post confirming how religion poisons everything.

2 points

I am supposed to care how fictional stone age characters felt about another fictional stone age character ? Why ?

2 points

Fortunately, the repubs are not empowered to prevent it. Should Reagan have received book deal ? He got $2 million just for a speech in Japan so.....?

1 point

Abortion is the law if the land just as owning a semi-automatic assault weapon.

How does that square with the righteous here ? Just against who or what do people in the US plan on assaulting ?

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
1 point

'so called "ethics" of a deed might go against morality. Yes, and it is called being unethical.

2 points

Ethics are a by-product of morality. If one is moral, they will be ethical.

1 point

Filling in but yes, I sure do. I miss now, even just a trustworthy govt.

2 points

Almost the entire world is corrupt with some of the more powerful using what power they can for advantage. The US and most of the west feel as did other societies for centuries...might makes right.

Yes, I grew up thinking that America was a successful exception to the corrupt world. [She] instead is under the control of elites who simply do not care for democracy and want monolithic power, use their power.

Yes...the world is doomed to a one world, capitalist fascism.

Look how fast both Russia and China have become just that.

1 point

First, the capitalist loves a profit and any prospective profit center having no other values especially moral values. Doesn't matter if it is a dictator, corrupt, takes bribes or even violently vicious. Just as long as there's money to be made.

2 points

The US is a state capitalist country. Notice the bailouts, subsidies, price supports and several govt.-run, single payer insurance programs added to countless billion$ in loan guarantees to corp. America.

China is the role model having gone to the next step from state capitalism to capitalist fascism.

1 point

This would be the worst possible function of public schools. Religion belongs at home or in church if at all and because...religion poisons everything.

2 points

We know, he a Repub. Repubs get away with all of the adultery, whoremongering and lies they want.

But when Clinton was forced to testify in a civil suit financed by the right, (6 years and $60 million) he was not fit to be pres.and the house being repub, voted for impeachment.

So, you are saying christians so fickle in the credulity of their faith, feel trump's sinning is not the same ? Just another example of not only how believers cherry pick their moral values but also for politically partisan reasons.

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
1 point

You are correct about the dems until after WWII. Then over dispute over the CRA and Brown v Bd. of Educ., those racists dems quit the party and most became repubs. Strom Thurmond became an independent actually thinking he could get elected POTUS.

With the repubs actually being capitalists first, saw a profit center in hiring cheap black labor and reserve the best jobs for whitey.

Once the repubs helped end chattel slavery they (circa 1860s 70s) became partners with British and European bankers first in destroying (ending) Lincoln's greenback, then enshrining the corporation to very successfully put all poor into debt slavery.

1 point

How is it people feel themselves so aware of what all of these terms mean yet constantly fail to see that socialism in the US is alive and well...for the rich.

Our plutocrats in govt. have forced the taxpayers to throw trillion$ at the capitalist for 60 years. The govt. forces the socialization (taxpayers) to insure against bank risk, agric. risk, pension theft and overseas investment risk.

The whole ethanol market was created by socialism to the tune of billion$ every year to produce millions of gallons...the public doesn't need or want.

The govt. forces taxpayers to provide price supports to dairy because dairy producers/investors bribe govt. feeling entitled to produce 3 times what the market demands.

Obviously that over-supply would deflate the price, so the govt. steps in and buys all it can using it for the military and often gives it away. The US taxpayers spends million$ per year just to store govt. dairy products.

This renders the whole argument about socialism only so much bullshit. The US yearly provides billion$ in socialism only the capitalist can love.

As for socialism for the poor ? Fuck them, let them go to jail or just die.

1 point

Rather capitalism is destroying the market by not paying its participants. Govt. creating dependencies ? That's a good one. Much more like the capitalist is creating those dependencies.

Reduce the markets buying power everyday means debt and the capitalist has very successfully driven the country into $71 trillion of debt going up $6 million per minute.

Rather, the govt has convinced people that laws of both marketplace and taxes should favor capital and the corp. to inspire growth...that never occurs.

People without capital which is by far most people...are not capitalists at all. Capitalism requires capital. As for choice, the US govt. has chosen to initiate forces of capital and govt. against the poor.

The capitalist is among the least self sufficient in economy, always with his hand out to govt.

1 point

Rather capitalism is destroying the market by not paying its participants. Govt. creating dependencies ? That's a good one. Much more like the capitalist is creating those dependencies.

Reduce the markets buying power everyday means debt and the capitalist has very successfully driven the country into $71 trillion of debt going up $6 million per minute.

Rather, the govt has convinced people that laws of both marketplace and taxes should favor capital and the corp. to inspire growth...that never occurs.

People without capital which is by far most people...are not capitalists at all. Capitalism requires capital.

1 point

Is he going to pay the $3 billion ? Fuck Booker amd Amazon.

How is it that corps. need not reflect the conservative philosophy of individual responsibility but it's oh for them to always have their hand out for corp. welfare ?

2 points

Do not waste your time. Everybody knows that life and the earth exist and people are here...for a profit. And to think, they tell us it was god. What bullshit hey ?

1 point

Please specify upon what the dems have been big spenders.

Let me see, did they pass two huge tax cuts to borrower trillion$ for 2 wars ? NO.

Did they legally prohibit neg. a discount for medicare party D drugs ? NO

Did they sign off on $1.3 trillion F-35 program that went to $1.9 trillion ? NO

Did they sign off on two $9 billion aircraft carriers for went to $13 billion each ? NO

Did they sign off on $12 billion in tariff relief for farmers ? NO

Just another bit of right wing propaganda that seems toi live on. Never mind that it is the dems that are the small govt. fiscal conservatives of the last 25 years.

1 point

It's a good thing that no fact or extrapolation of fact exists in science proving or even indicating any religious belief is the basis of intelligence and in fact, is...quite the opposite.

Ethnically, jews are semites as are arabs, brothers under the skin. So there must be equally intelligent muslims as such assessments are far too subjective.

2 points

Another debate posed on the basis of what somebody...wants to believe.

2 points

The interesting thing is what the right does in their in dissemination of data. The source says here's what we see as what we would and would to believe.

Recipients and sources of data then agree that true, [it] is what we both want to believe, so we'll go about making our arguments based on those fake facts.

Then it creates a glaring hypocrisy when we hear things like "corrupt Hillary' because of course everybody just wanted to believe she was.

But then inexplicably voted in scum that they knew was corrupt and maybe the most corrupt in at least a century. Now the right is even trying carry trump's water for him or..or Mitch Mcconnell another piece of scum, is really POTUS

1 point

Because they see America as not that different than Mexico...requiring 3-6 jobs just to survive. The food is better and some...still Mexican.

2 points

It bothers me that.....

Trump is anywhere within 200 miles of DC or me.....

It bothers me that the morality of the right has shown itself what we should have known since Reagan...completely gone.

2 points

Speaks to the amazing credulity of the masses to ridiculously quote of all things, the bible, what is a stone age fairy tale...about economic and politics as it might relate to illiterate stone age peasants.

Trump is completely compromised by Putin, is a Russian asset and truly now a national security risk.

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
2 points

Capitalism is not only not free enterprise, it is not real enterprise at all. Capitalism is money-ism. Capitalism is speculation, debt and turning paper into money. Capitalism involves no labor, that is reserved for whoever the capitalist speculates on or...invests in.

Capitalism is hardly dead, it thrives on a total US debt of $71 trillion, going up $6 million a minute.

Capitalism has its firm grip on govt. with all of that 'capital'...being free speech.[sic]

Truly facing [it], crony, greedy capitalism won the 20st century and has most successfully in partnership with having successfully bought and owned govt. especially as exemplified by the latest of several tax giveaways...thrives in the 21st.

More accurately, [it] has remained un-ethical and unreasonable where greed rules everyday and has survived quite well, while humans do not exist and are...,merely profit centers.

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
1 point

So what ? Marriage is irrelevant, Govt. has a tax subsidy for ALL babies.

2 points

Socialism is alive and well in the US...for the rich.

Just ask bankers, federal insurance, farmers with federal crop insurance then pensions and overseas investors also get federal insurance.

Then there is dairy price supports. Do you get price or income support ?

Then ethanol is billion$ in corn welfare. (socialism)

TARP, the S&L bailout cost the taxpayers trillion$. Socialism for wall street even comes with $37 million in bonuses.

1 point

He just may get his damn wall because of our repub autocratic cowards in the senate and because there is no evidence or history that even suggests the SCOTUS will stick to the constitution.

1 point

If you are of today's right, you...sue everybody. Or just like trump got everybody.

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
1 point

Because the right today refuses to accept that in Mussolini's own words (1933 and 1939) took Italy to a corporatist/capitalist fascism. (Mussolini invented the word fascism) from fascismo...1915.

[He] said capitalism/corporatism and fascism was the ideal state and a...state at war.

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
1 point

Come on blogroids, we are being told that whites hate blacks and far too many do but because [they] will for nothing.

Blacks hate whites because they only hire them for nothing. Where's the debate ? Goes back 170 years.

The right already knows that if you are a farmer they'll pay you for not working and if you are in dairy, the right will pay you for two parts of 3...the market doesn't want.

Just how does the right gives socialism such a bad name when they love socialism...for them...and their kind ?

1 point

Well the cure of course is as easy as good ole capitalist bribery using all of that free speech [sic] in the bank, we get that $15/hr. and call it capital gains and I get rich on $12.

Just as if I made $15 billion and paid only $2. Isn't that precious ?

2 points

Yet when the nazis assumed power did in fact become capitalist fascists. They were as politically right wing as Mussolini's fascist Italy. [They] stole everything they could get to including taking all Jewish wealth.

Naxis commanded the economy and it was a for-profit capitalist society thanx in large part to $30 billion from the US fed.

1 point

ALL work is done by somebody's labor. Labor is the real wealth. Then 95% of labor is what grows, provides revenue for and profits a business. The question is always just how to divide those revenues and profits.

Labor under high growth and high income taxes got 30-33% of that. Now under only slightly lower taxes...get 10% of those revenues and profits despite a 30-40% increase in labor's productivity since 1980.

I call that a re-distribution of wealth from labor to capital.

'Without labor, you have no capital.' A. Lincoln

2 points

A condition of absolute power to the ruling class would be fascism. (see Mussolini)

In fact to suggest that socialism is anything made up of or about the power of the ruling a non sequitur.

1 point

Oh hey capitalism is great isn't it ? For the poor that is. ($71 trillion in total US debt, with $114 trillion in unfunded liabilities, going up a combined $13 million per minute)

The secret is to be a banker farmer, in the MIC, ethanol producer. You see how those socialists so depend on the welfare.

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
2 points

What concerns you has been going on for millenia. What about it ?

You should state your own 'new' marriage policy and tell your state govt., the major govt. that sanctions marriage.

1 point

Is this from the OK. chamber of commerce ? Nice pics though. I'll put OK down for my retirement country cruise all around the country visiting all of the greasy spoon, stuff floating on my coffee restaurants.

1 point

Filling in to get this in.....

Well now we know what you...want to believe.

1 point

In an honest admin. Barr does nothing. If he steps in, then the fix is in and we'll see the first successful Russian inspired digital coup as allowed by the the US senate.

Once again, the American people must reply upon an honest court to reveal to the public the complete corruption of the trump admin.

Why shouldn't Putin feel that US elites being a bunch of greedy power hungry capitalists, the republican party couldn't also be bought by him and his oligarchs just as corps. buy republican's profitable policies.

Having million$ even billion$ of free speech [sic] in the bank to speak very loudly for the opulent few, is the American way now.

1 point

What world have you been watching ? There is a mountain of evidence of collusion and many other crimes. People do not plead guilty and get prison time without compelling evidence.

Mueller report in its entirety should be made public. If not, then this admin. really has something more to hide. Oh and Jeff Sessions was also 'trump's' AG

2 points

Yea, so what ? First there is way too much emphasis given to the DOW, it being only 30 stocks out of 1000s. Second, [it] has companies weighted according to certain criteria.

For example: 28 stocks in the DOW can remain unchanged or even go down while McDonalds and Walmart only, do go up, often moves the whole DOW up.

Furthermore 90% of stocks are owned by about 10-15% of the people. So the benefit to society at large is very little.

1 point

Never heard of subsequent fetishization of the day-dream of a collective conscience, is exactly why collectivist attempts decline into centralized tyranny. What follows is then...a strawman: When the reality that people are always individuals and are rarely unanimous dashes collectivist hopes, those with enough strength in numbers will suppress or eliminate dissent as they always have.....

Just what are collectivist hopes?

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
1 point

Hillary is a corrupt bag of shit who has flip flopped on 100s of issues and is far from a social democrat, she was a right winger most of her career and pretends to be a progressive while being nothing but a wall street blow job machine.

Because [she] was and still only at best a suspect but by your terms, a great right wing candidate for the 'Rs,' you must have agreed that she was insufficient as a mere amateur.

So the right went for the real pro scumbag who really knows how and made a career to lie, con and ripoff bankers and contractors. Plus the added gift of the cultivation of Russian oligarch financial backing of the republican party and just screw the US national security interests.

Their platform will be, "Shouldn't the US get along better with Russia ?" Innocent enough hey ?

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
1 point

But wait, socialism usually means you give up a lot of individual freedom. Socialism usually requires authoritarian governments.....


Neither of those are true at all. How is there less freedom and more authoritarianism under socialism ?

1 point

Where do people get this stuff ? Socialism is a form of economic system that can do quite well under democracy and especially the socialism for the rich the capitalist so loves in the US now.

Fascism however there is no you, there is no social-anything. Fascism is a system that thrives under the only economy acceptable...capitalism. (Mussolini) Under fascism, it is all govt. control of everything including you. Fascism is power, profits and it sort-of-a a for-profit communism.

1 point

First, how do you know they are gay ? If they made it obvious to you, then yes by their action, you have a right to feel uncomfortable.

Now imagine a straight woman among a group of men that she can tell by their talk and approach...are straight. Should she feel uncomfortable.

1 point

The worst possible future one could imagine and yet another example of how...religion poisons everything.

2 points

Asshole-in-chief as advocated violence many times, even claiming [he] will pay their atty. fees. Every neo nazi, totalitarian and fascist was listening. Some are acting on it.

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
1 point

The suit has already been dropped. It had no legal foundation.

0 points

Yet, [he] will obstruct everything he can in every way he can and hope his repub co-conspirators in the senate go along. The Mueller report will only confirm what we already know...he was impeachable immediately upon being sworn in.

1 point

Humans who are not mentally ill. have an innate morality. Exemplified by how humans no longer stone gay people or adulterers to death for example, championed by the morality secular humanists.

1 point

Well of course this is ridiculous on its face.

Even if what you claim is even partially true. many will be equally educated or given the chance to be but most certainly do not come out...equally qualified.

All of your numbers are equally and obviously irrelevant.

1 point

Well I don't know about you guys but a friend of mine older, was an ADR (aircraft reciprocating) in the Navy, flew in a small recon plane over VN, went down 4 times, once when again having survived of course, had to fight the commies to save his ass long enough to get picked up, has a metal plate in his skull.

In war, almost anything is possible. And yes, the GI Bill was a great success.

3 points

Not even a nice try. 70-80% of all American voters outside the right (GOP) know that the repubs are the party of criminals, corruption, rent-seeking, deficit spending and war...and voter fraud, purges and denigration. No facts back up any claim to left voter fraud but we know that doesn't matter.

But this voter business is small time in the larger corruption facing the country with MM having turned the senate over to trump.

The repubs are just pissed because...they got caught.

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
1 point

Capitalism has existed since the days one could legally call another person...his property. Capital is a word that describes anything private with a knowable value.

I do believe capitalism started in Sumeria as I also believe they had the first written contracts and what we might call, lawyers.

1 point

Labels no longer mean what they did in the past. Only white males of age who owned land were 'We the People.' Founding conservatism hated the corp. with a passion having dealt with the outright corruption of the crowns corporations and their unseemly rent-seeking marriage.

So the modern right's love for the corp., is not conservative. The right's 40 years of deficit spending and foreign entanglements is not conservative.

trump is nothing if not just a reactionary radical. Radical in part because of his unmitigated stupidity and narcissism. Also radical in how he cannot stick to a train of thought and his public gatherings are merely a regurgitation of his campaign rallies.

1 point

Govt. serves whoever is the most 'vocal' with all of the free speech [sic] money they have in the bank. The US is a plutocracy.

1 point

Just since trump won the repub nomination, 26,000 women registered to run for office as some level of govt. all democrats. The increase in voter turnout for the 2018 was one of the highest.

If the dems (left) come out in 2020, I see a dem clean sweep. The right (GOP) should pay a very heavy price for carrying trump and especially, Putin's water.

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
1 point

Look, slaves had jobs, didn't do them any good. The capitalist wants their slaves back.

The capitalist has a sense of entitlement to every penny off labor and a culture of dependency on the taxpayers when they gamble and lose.

The American capitalists are the richest socialist in world history.

1 point

Ridiculous show just like Seinfeld. Watched once...more than enough.

2 points

Far too many people have belief only in their own prejudices and almost always...political prejudices.

They come to forums and discussions with only what they...want to believe.

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
2 points

The bourgeoisie are profiting simply by "owning" the means of producing value but they typically do not produce that which has value. This why capitalism is fundamentally immoral and entails theft.

Correct and the essence of economics is that labor is the only real wealth, for as Lincoln said, 'without labor, you have no capital.'

1 point

Newt Gingrich, wretched hypocrite and closet fascist and all likewise faux intellectuals.

1 point

Well the single biggest reason we have illegals is so the capitalist can screw him. (see trump) Illegal immigration is first...a profit center.

We need the congress to mandate E-verify with severe fines and even jail for hiring illegal immigrants.

But I'm not holding my breath.

1 point

Democracy has nothing whatever to do with population or geography. If the majority does not rule, then you have no democracy. America's electoral college is not democratic.

The map showing red space only reflects a majority at that time for that state or community and doesn't reflect how if the US had a democratically elected POTUS...HRC would be in.

1 point

Genetic engineering can fix people now and need not extend to designer people. Preventing disease doesn't mean a longer life. It means life to last only as intended.

Creating as you say 'super' humans, will create a very crowded earth given that maybe living to 100 would become normal.

1 point

It isn't except that to the's a profit center.

All of the arguments here must first consider that obvious necessity in a for-profit,,,culture of prosperity.

Oil and other fossil fuels provide heat energy still for 200 years and is a great profit.

Profits are the goal...not care for the environment

1 point

Shutting down the govt. comes right from the repub playbook. Repubs and the right know that very often do not get the votes and hell has no furry like a repub scorned. See Clintons.

So all the right has without the votes, is to use whatever house they can to shutdown the govt. as a means of extortion.

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
1 point

The US was at war and the nukes saved 1 to 2 million lives likely lost in an all out US invasion. If they weren't dropped, I might not be here.

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
2 points

Most likely because most repubs are only concerned with what they...want to believe.

Also, because Obama was sharp as a tack and trump is dumb as a rock.

1 point

Invest in bicycles.

Can't wait for the world to burn all of the world's oil.

I want to see how humans will evolve....if [we] do.

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
1 point

If Kousins is worth anything like $80 million guaranteed, then Kaepernick is worth $40 million. Sports players are not 'fired' by a city...conservative or liberal.

The 'conservative' NFL has blackballed Kaepernick...pure and simple.

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