
Topazxx's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Topazxx's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

And what exactly funds the Police? Taxes which are controlled by the government. We'll always need Police, but without taxes, they won't be able to run. If theoretically, you got rid of taxes, then the Police would have to turn into a business to be able to survive, and start charging for what they do, which I for one, don't want. Plus if it was to make it's own money, then criminal could easily make "donations" and suddenly become innocent.

Well, technically it's not free but you're not really paying for it. You pay taxes and tax go towards health care. However, in some countries you have to pay for your own health insurance or be charge a LOT of money when you need help.

True but at least you wouldn't be whining about how this government works.

1 point

Ooops, sorry. Thank you for correcting me, it was meant to be Penny Lane

2 points

Penny land by The Beatles. Brilliant song and I love it.

Even if you disagree with my song choice, The Beatles is definitely the best ever English music group.

2 points

...or if you were to stop immigrants into the country, completely, every country will get really offended and attack the US. Plus what about the immigrants from countries like the UK, Australia, and other educated, powerful countries? By blocking them, you are angering your allies and stopping the country from benefitting.

If the US stops letting immigrants in, it's economy would collapse. Seriously. A lot of countries will stop trading with it on principle. And the collapse of the US economy means

1 point

Jacob. He has a sense of humour and a cool personality.

Edward is always so dramatic and going on about how vampires how no soul. Brooding just isn't cool.

Plus, Edward has no respect for Bella at all - it he did he would have respected her choice to become a vampire and not treat her like a child with his "I know what's best" attitude. He once delibrately broke her car just so she won't go see Jacob; the guy who helped Bella when she needed it the most. He also pressurized Bella when it came to marriage and college. Marriage is meant to be a partnership and if she doesn't want to marry him, he should accept that.

1 point

I disagree. The foetus is in the women's body and shouldn't be considered a seperate enitity before it's capable of thought. It is not it's own body - if it were its own body, then it would be seperate from the mother. The foetus, during pregnancy, is a parasite, though maybe one the parents might benefit from in about 20 years in the future. If they're lucky.

Yes you are right - the abortion does affect the foetus. It kills it. Duh. It doesn't effect the feotus mentally or emotionally though, simply as the foetus isn't developed enough for that.

Also, what if a woman gets pregnant without chosing to? Are you saying that if a women gets raped and impregnated she HAS to have that baby, even though if she does, she might ruin her education, get ostracized by her peers and family, and effectively ruin all her prospects?

1 point

We would win :) Canada's a bit of a tag-along there. A surprisingly powerful country and it's a lot like America, but like the UK when to comes to laws.

1 point

Each country is a separate entity, so Europe would never manage to unite to take over the world together. Europe is a continent, with the two strongest countries being France and the UK. Plus, neither the UK or France could offensively fight against over superpowers - the UK is pretty powerful and could probably handle defense, but wouldn't do very good on the offense.

Also, there's a lot of hostility between countries - there is a lot of discrimination in the UK towards Germany and Eastern countries, especially Poland. Did you know, the majority of England loves the USA? Seriously, the UK would try and conquer the world with America and Canada, then try try and take over the world with Europe.

1 point

A school, government or any society really, couldn't exist without any levels of authority. By putting both teachers and students into school uniform you put them on the same level. Everyone is equal, I agree with you on that.

However, would you're saying is basically, everyone is equal in everything - wrong. It's like saying a person with 20 years of experience working as a doctor is equal with a person who did a first-aid course 2 years ago, when it comes to medicine. It's like placing 10 year olds in the government and leaving them in charge of the taxes. We need structure.

By putting both teachers and students in school uniform, you are blurring the lines of control and authority. Not good. In business, a tall structure almost always works best. There's a reason for that.

0 points

No - it would get rid of any authority they have over the children. Children won't be seeing teachers as people they should respect. I would pity the teachers so much.

4 points

Evolution has been proven to the extent anything can be proven.

If you try hard enough you can disprove anything - the pen in front of you, isn't really a pen, but just your senses being trick. You're not actually in the place you think you are, you are actually on the moon - the government drugged you and flew you in a rocket and has now placed you in a fake version of your room. You didn't feel woozy waking up? New high-tech drug. You actually went outside your house 5 minutes ago? Stimulation.

What creationists do is they fight logic with faith. Basically, they cover their ears with their hands and shouted "la, la, la, not listening. The Bible is right". They either ignore evidence, and say there is no real proof, or they say that they should just trust in God and stop questioning him.

Evolution has been proven. Undoubtably so. The Genome Project, where they mapped out the human DNA, only provided more evidence.

2 points

The question asked was "Why do all the bad things in the bible and folk stories happen because of women?", not "can women do good things?". That women can do good should be an established point. People shouldn't keep bringing it up at every discussion involving women - you shouldn't have do defend and prove that women can do good things.

2 points

Alone(p): lacking companions or companionship; "he was alone when we met him"; "she is alone much of the time"; "the lone skier on the mountain"; "a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel"; "a lonely soul"; "a solitary traveler".

If you are alone, and perfectly fine with that, then is it much better than spending time with others and feeling alone; if you are in the company of others, and feel lonely/alone, then mentally you are feeling seperate from others, and maybe even excluded. If you constantly spennd time with others, this seperate mentally will just be highlighted, and enforced.

1 point

Irrelevant - we all know that. Doesn't at all contribute to the debate.

2 points

If you're lonely when in the presence of others, then you, mentally, feel isolated and cut off from the rest which only serves to highlight your loneliness.

For example: there's a guy who's feeling lonely whilst in the company of his friends. He is feeling lack companions/hip whilst with others - the interaction with just serve to highlight and worsen his loneliness, especially if he is feeling that the people around him are excluding him.

Sometimes interactions just don't help.

Also, don't bring religion into this.

4 points

Did you know that not EVERYONE on this website is American? You said I took my language from Britain, I AM BRITISH. Right now, I am in England. My country globalised our language, so stop trying to knock it down by trying to use that against it.

People don't always care about logic. Face facts - English is the most widely spoken language (though not the most spoken). It probably will continue to be, as well. The majority of speakers (including myself) don't use the correct grammar and the language is constantly changing, not making sense half the time.

Just because it's used in computer programming, though how it is I don't know as I thought computer programming was done in binary, doesn't make it great. The invention of the computer was mainly done in the USA and the UK - which are both English speaking countries.

1 point

For me, I just close my eyes. Even if I end up just laying there with my eyes closed for half an hour, I eventually always get to sleep.

Also, I try and get lost in my imagination - I'll create a fantasy stories and get carried away.

For example, I acidentally get lost one day, and the next thing I know, I'm waking up in a parallel universe which is ruled by two kingdoms - the dark and the light. But both kingdoms don't fight as they've realized that you can't have one without the other, so simply live side by side. But another party is plotting the downfall of the kingdoms and try to push them to war - the leader of that party believes that only white should exist and dark needs to be destroyed, so as to create an Eden. He frames the Dark Prince with the destruction of the Elm Tree; a tree sacred to the Light people, and they seek to kill him in revenge. The Dark King banishes his own son (and the son's allies) out of the kingdom, is an attempt to please the Light people. They stop rioting but a deep tension is creater between the two kingdoms. When waking up I accidentally meet the Prince and co. and join their party whilst they try to stop the extremist light party from worsening the social tensions and causing the downfall of the kingdom... and then you wake up and it's morning.

1 point

Alternatives - all the way. Especially bio-fuel as it's carbon neutral.

If we continue using fossil fuels we'll just be doing more damage!

1 point

Taxes are what support the government and keep order. It's because of taxes, you can go to the Police if you're in trouble. In the UK (which is where I live), it's because of taxes, we get free healthcare, basically free TV and benefits.

You don't want to pay taxes? Then get out of the country.

4 points

India... where they have like a whole class of opressed people and a huge wealth differences? And with a language that the majority of the world can't understand and doesn't want to understand? India's education quality has nothing compared to Western education and it's the superpowers that control the world's economy.

I highly doubt India will ever lead the world, and it doesn't even have the potential to. It should leave that to the superpowers.

1 point

However you do look at it, we don't 100% know what happens after death. You can't. Even if heaven and hell does exist, you don't really know what is going to happen.

Also, atheism is probably the most logical religion out there. And they do have their own theory about life after death - that there isn't life after life. Simple.

P.S. Not an atheist, but used to be.

3 points

In my personal view, yes. But I don't believe in God as in a "merciful" deity, who we all must try to please otherwise we'll be damned to hell. I believe that's about as real as Zeus.

I believe that God exist's as the universe - that God is "the circle of life", what causes birth and death, and nature, and that we are all, literally, part of God.

2 points

A sibling ; n.

One of two or more individuals having one or both parents in common; a brother or sister.

God created angels. God created us. So, angels and humankind are siblings a.k.a. brother and sister. End of story.

Satan is a fallen angel - he was an angel. As we have established angels are our siblings, Satan must be our sibling.

P.S. As I am not Christian, I not actually believe in Satan or angels, so this is all theory.

1 point

Really it depends on where you live (not everyone on this website is American). I'm British and I think education is taught correctly. You learn about it in year 6 (10-11 year olds) and learn more in year 7 (11-12 year olds). I think this is a good age and you cover everything - STD's, birth control, abortions, religious views etc. Apparently in some schools in America, you only learn the religious version i.e. pre-marital sex is bad and you will go to hell.

1 point

I am completely fed up with sexism on the web. And if you ever complain about it, you get told that the women of today are too sensitive and by complaining and whining about something so small, are just embarassing themselves. Well, I am offended by sexist comments and damn proud of it. Women have achieved the big things - they are able to have careers, vote and are able to have an education. Now women need to achieve the little things which are holding back equality - every sexist comment is one of the "harmless" little things, as well as stupid things that the majority of men don't actually mean, but say anyway.

1 point

Hardship = adversity: a state of misfortune or affliction; "debt-ridden farmers struggling with adversity"; "a life of hardship"

Yes - people need hardships to grow and develop. If we were to go through life with no problems at all, first of all, it would be boring. Hardships make us think and adapt to new situations and try to overcome them. And when we do overcome them, we and better and wiser than before. This is very important for young students, and young adults in general - if they are able to mature then and become a better person, then they will be a better adult.

"What doesn't kill you, will make you stronger."

1 point

Of course it should be law to where a seat belt. It's just common sense.

One argument for it not being law, is that people should be able to choose to wear a seat belt and not to be forced. However, by making it law, you are making sure everyone does it and makes sure not to forget.

For example, if you're in a rush to get somewhere and it's not law to put on a seat belt, you might forget to put it on or dismiss it as unimportant. If you were to end up in a collision, you would be dead.

However, if it was law to put on a seatbelt , you would most likely take the time to put on the seatbelt. You might whine and be annoyed at you being a little bit more late, but you'd still do it. And when you get in a collision, you would survive.

2 points

A human being is a part of a whole, called by us _universe_, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

~Albert Einstein

Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

~Terry Pratchett

You're afraid of making mistakes. Don't be. Mistakes can be profited by. Man, when I was young I shoved my ignorance in people's faces. They beat me with sticks. By the time I was forty my blunt instrument had been honed to a fine cutting point for me. If you hide your ignorance, no one will hit you and you'll never learn.

~Faber to Montag, Fahrenheit 451

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