
LibertyFTW's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of LibertyFTW's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Finally now Republicans can stop going apeshit !

1 point

Well I think too much government and too much regulation can create a hierarchy but the same goes the other way around, when their is not enough government and not enough regulation corruption could create a new hierarchy this one is called wealth inequality.

1 point

Actually I can see three terms as being pretty reasonable, but four terms is the borderline!

1 point

If you've seen the painting of Yaweh than you would understand, not only is God male but he is black also (really it doesn't even fucking matter because in all reality God is non existent.)

1 point

Technically I am too young, however I will vote when I am older not because I think it'll do shit since the electoral college doesn't take the raw vote into consideration, but for the fuck of it anyway! Because there really is no reason not to vote and what else will I have to do on Election Day?

1 point

Technically I am too young however I will vote when I am older not because I think it'll do shit since the electoral college doesn't take the raw vote into consideration but for the fuck of it anyway cause there really is no reason not to vote and what else will I have to do on Election Day?!

1 point

While I don't believe in God myself, I do know that Yaweh which is the technical Christian concept for God, is male.

3 points

No doubt, I mean obviously because their policies favor the rich first of all!

1 point

We follow this Constitution because it's the backbone of our Nation its what made our nation so great back then

The constitution condoned slavery and enforced laissez faire economics which led to the great depression we have lawmakers for a reason to make new laws the constitution did not make. Besides none of the founders liked the constitution Thomas Jefferson said that the constitution should be rewritten every 2 decades saying that "the living should be governed by the living not the dead"

1 point

Sure, he's got his first amendment rights, however it would be more accurate to depict them as Nazis as explained in this video.

The Tea Party: KKK or Nazis?
1 point

Since when was the Patient Protection Act a complete government monopoly? Last time I checked it simply aims to increase the quality and affordability in health insurance, that's all and its individual mandate was a conservative idea under president George HW Bush founded by the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation!

1 point

It should go single payer .

1 point

When there were more liberals. .

2 points

Conservatives .

1 point

A restoration of constitutional principles are much more important than restoration of democracy, seeing as how the two can easily conflict. I mean, we don't want mob rule now do we?

We might not live in a genuine direct democracy but that does not mean we don't live in a representative democracy. The most important thing any politician can do is the represent the American people by listening to them also we don't want to end up in the great depression again and ignore what the issues are for the American people simply because "that's not important" or "we don't have the authority to do anything under the constitution" here is a fun little fact about the constitution most of the founding fathers disliked the result of the constitution, and others hated it most significantly Thomas Jefferson he believed that instead of the amendments we rewrite the constitution every two decades! Now if we listen to an economic system mandated by the constitution (Laissez-faire Capitalism) the middle class would not exist it took government involvement throughout the 20th century to essentially create the middle class!

2 points

The possibility of the existence of God is minimal the strongest evidence against God is this simple concept Christians happen to believe about it, omnipotence.

1 point

The best way we can stop this problem IMO is by replacing private funding of electoral campaigns with public funding and by abolishing crappy voting technology that stole the 2000 and 2004 elections from the Democrats, what would result is a restoration of our democracy.

2 points

Republicans obviously fucking did it themselves this is all thanks to Ted Cruise and his obsession with de funding the patient protection act!

1 point

Yes if it the only path to positive salvation I'll take it, problem is THERE IS NO GOD!!

1 point

Luckily we do have one, it's called the national day of reason.

2 points

The definition of privacy is the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people. Hypothetically if a man is writing a significantly important article and his wife walks into the room without him being aware he would be distracted and hence he would want privacy not necessarily because he is hiding his work he has no problem with anyone seeing it it is just that he wants to get it done!

1 point

In that case it would repopulate earth so yeah, and besides there are only a few men in this hypothetical so it would not genuinely be that harmful especially if a lot of the women had multiple children repopulating the earth at a quicker rate and at some point when earth has repopulated enough I would outlaw rape once again!

3 points

The New Deal paved the way for our monster government that we have today

So you think the US would have been better off with the great depression for the rest of the 20th century, I hate to tell you this but Ayn Rand laissez faire capitalism is completely outdated if we had no regulations on businesses,if we had no Federal Reserve, if we had no National Industrial Recovery Act there would be no middle class, the middle class would simply be non existent! Don't believe me? The top 1% has 40% of the nations wealth, now just imagine laissez faire capitalism applied to that. case closed

2 points

The Japanese were not going to give up, at all it was one of their policies us traumatizing them with the atom bomb was the only genuine way to send the message telling them we want them to surrender.

2 points

Without the Manhattan Project we could still be fighting the second world war!

1 point

Yes considering that they largely contributed to the establishment of America, however their views on government are outdated and it has been proven to be such in 1929 with the great depression, a result of laissez faire capitalism. Additionally I must add that the constitution was in fact a compromise the founders did not agree on the establishment of the country and the constitution was a compromise. Thomas Jefferson believed that the constitution was something to be re-written every 19 years one of the first mistakes in this nations history was in 1795 when the constitution was apparently not re-written.

2 points

Roosevelt's new deal reshaped American economics for about a century, he regulated businesses, passed the National Industrial Recovery Act and guided America out of the great depression. Reagan had sold weapons to Iran and increased out debt.

0 points

The further the left you go, the more socialistic

And the more right you go the more you lean into hierarchy where the top 1% gets 75% of the country's wealth while the 99% sufferers!

The idea redistributing the wealth is just wrong it hurts the people who work for their money

Much of our policies already harm the people who work for money, the income tax in general takes away money people worked for and yet without it the government would not be able to function properly, income taxes give money to the government who uses wisely.

and enables those who do nothing to benefit from the hard work of others.

So your solution is to just ignore the poor and middle class while having the system benefit rich people and corrupt big business, Gotcha.

United States welfare, which provides not incentives for actually finding a paying job rather than living off government money

Look at Norway, they are a welfare state and they are one of the riches countries on earth! I rest my case

The notion of government funded healthcare is a bad idea.

So what exactly is your solution of the more the 3 million Americans without health insurance, last time I checked the traditional conservative solution is to die quickly! having more unfortunate people without healthcare die, that sounds very "pro-life" to me. This is another example of why other countries happen to be beating us, every developed country has free health care with the US as an exception!

Liberal views on gun control are just wrong.

Conservative views on gun control (gun anarchy) are FAR worse!

Just because not everyone needs or wants to own a gun doesn't mean it should be hard to get one

Great an attack on background checks! Look we don't want to make it harder for everyone to get guns, we just want to make it harder for criminals and psychopaths to get guns. And you should not bitch about guns until assault rifles are outlawed which is as common sense as you can get on guns.

The death penalty is a perfectly justifiable act for a person who has committed such a serious crime as murder.

Capital punishment is one of the most embarrassing and outdated things we have retained in this country, again it shows the hypocrisy on Republicans of being pro-life only in the case of a fetus but when you are in a foreign country the US does not happen to like, lacking healthcare or are a "convicted" criminal all of a sudden the Republicans say fuck life, plus the damn thing is rather ineffective! 68% of people who have been convicted to capital punishment have later been proven to be innocent as libertarian God Ron Paul agrees. Don't bother using the deterrent excuse since the murder rate in death penalty states are higher than the murder rates in non death penalty states, so it must be a shitty deterrent!

Most liberals, including one of my best friends, seem to argue that it's more humane to keep a mass-murderer in prison for life, spending million of dollars in food, clothing, equipment, etc.

The fact keeping a mass-murderer on death row for years and than committing capital punishment is more expensive than life in prison suddenly makes life in prison a more welcoming choice doesn't it? I needn't argue with that.

1 point

The further the left you go, the more socialistic

And the more right you go the more you lean into hierarchy where the top 1% gets 75% of the country's wealth while the 99% sufferers!

The idea redistributing the wealth is just wrong it hurts the people who work for their money

Much of our policies already harm the people who work for money, the income tax in general takes away money people worked for and yet without it the government would not be able to function properly, income taxes give money to the government who uses wisely.

and enables those who do nothing to benefit from the hard work of others.

So your solution is to just ignore the poor and middle class while having the system benefit rich people and corrupt big business, Gotcha.

United States welfare, which provides not incentives for actually finding a paying job rather than living off government money

Look at Norway, they are a welfare state and they are one of the riches countries on earth! I rest my case

The notion of government funded healthcare is a bad idea.

So what exactly is your solution of the more the 3 million Americans without health insurance, last time I checked the traditional conservative solution is to die quickly! This is another example of why other countries happen to be beating us, every developed country has free health care with the US as an exception!

Liberal views on gun control are just wrong.

Conservative views on gun control (gun anarchy) are FAR worse!

Just because not everyone needs or wants to own a gun doesn't mean it should be hard to get one

Great an attack on background checks! Look we don't want to make it harder for everyone to get guns, we just want to make it harder for criminals and psychopaths to get guns. And you should not bitch about guns until assault rifles are outlawed which is as common sense as you can get on guns.

The death penalty is a perfectly justifiable act for a person who has committed such a serious crime as murder.

Capital punishment is one of the most embarrassing and outdated things we have retained in this country, plus the damn thing is rather ineffective! 68% of people who have been convicted to capital punishment have later been proven to be innocent as libertarian God Ron Paul agrees. Don't bother using the deterrent excuse since the murder rate in death penalty states are higher than the murder rates in non death penalty states, so it must be a shitty deterrent!

Most liberals, including one of my best friends, seem to argue that it's more humane to keep a mass-murderer in prison for life, spending million of dollars in food, clothing, equipment, etc.

The fact keeping a mass-murderer on death row for years and than committing capital punishment is more expensive than life in prison suddenly makes life in prison a more welcoming choice doesn't it? I needn't argue with that.

1 point

She's allowed to get involved, in fact it was me who interrupted your debate it happens all the time on this site.

2 points

I think that question was directed the other way around, would you be happy without a purpose?

1 point

I like to live for today .

1 point

Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being, abortion for the most part legal hence it is not murder.

1 point

Again, it doesn't fucking matter, They were progressive get over it!

libertyFTW(213) Clarified
1 point

This is how

from Job 3:16-19

"Or why was I not as a hidden untimely birth, as infants that never see the light? There the wicked cease from troubling, and there the weary are at rest. There the prisoners are at ease together; they hear not the voice of the taskmaster. The small and the great are there, and the slave is free from his master."

libertyFTW(213) Clarified
2 points

This is how

from Job 3:16-19

"Or why was I not as a hidden untimely birth, as infants that never see the light? There the wicked cease from troubling, and there the weary are at rest. There the prisoners are at ease together; they hear not the voice of the taskmaster. The small and the great are there, and the slave is free from his master."

0 points

I don't think the founders were doing that LOL that kind of proves my point.

2 points

Technically The Bible is pro-abortion but this argument is kinda insignificant to your point.

1 point

It still does not fucking matter though, technically speaking they were liberals.

2 points

Also, for the love of God, don't return to the corporations are evil argument

Corporations have been bribing our politicians in government with money to serve their corporate agenda, of course they are evil.

Not only have they fucked up the meaning and purpose of Democracy, but they have even directly hacked into it. In the election of 2004 corporations like Diebold and Premier literally raised the margin of error to its highest percentage in history, a 2006 study confirms these machines are more susceptible to tampering and a whistle blower also came out and revealed that the results on the machines were in fact hacked!

0 points

Our Founding Fathers would be ashamed of what Liberalism has done to us today. All of them were deeply Conservative

Our Founding Fathers were self described progressives and obviously such.

keeping in mind most Liberal viewpoints on gun control and SOPA/PIPA

What exactly is wrong with having background checks and banning assault weapons which are not even necessary?

Supporting SOPA/PIPA are viewpoints only establishment Democrats have, no genuine liberal supports those.

The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve, nor will he ever receive, either.

Coming from the same political ideology that gave us the patriot act.

That sounds more like something a Libertarian would say and not a conservative. You might want to check out Libertarianism.

3 points

The left, in my eyes, is an encroaching tide of socialism

How exactly is it an encroaching tide of socialism?

2 points

On November 11th 2001 a study confirmed that had Florida persisted to recount its votes than Al Gore would have led. So while George W Bush won the election as a historical event, under the very nature of our law Al Gore won.

1 point

In 2000 the state of Florida was too close to call but with a Bush lead, he lead by under 0.5% of votes which means by state law their has to be a recount. And so they recounted however this process was supposed to take a long time, remember about 6 million people voted in Florida in 2000 and it was hand paper recounts, not only that but protesters who did not want a recount distracted the recounters from getting their job done pretty soon this caught the attention of federal courts in Florida where secretary of state Katherine Harris began getting involved in the recount decision who was and activist for the Bush/Cheney campaign and is responsible Data Base Technologies which knocked many Democratic voters off the voting rolls which had probably lead to the hacked results in the first place! Anyway she had made recount deadlines throughout the month until eventually she had decided to stop all of the voter recounts and give Florida's 25 electoral votes to Gov. George W Bush. The Democrats went to the supreme court to give Florida permission to continue recounting votes unfortunately the members in the supreme court voted no 5-4 and forced Gore to concede. A November 11th 2001 study confirmed that had the recounts persisted Al Gore would have led in Florida! After the 2000 election President Bush signed the Help America Vote Act in 2002 which led to the problems in the next presidential election.

2 points

The concept of hell is too much and too overwhelming therefore if God really was real and additionally was a cool guy to get along with I would fuckin worship him. Unfortunately the possibility of his existence is out of the question in my mind, this shits not real so it will not happen!

libertyFTW(213) Clarified
1 point

Notice it said LOL meaning laughing out loud, meaning I was just kidding! I am tolerant.

1 point

why would you feel sorry for my wife?

Because you are "very conservative!" LOL

1 point

Our computer screens are made of RBG pixels so it's not yellow regardless.

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