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 Are Democrats far more liberal in there approach to life issues than Republicans? (19)

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Dermot(5736) pic

Are Democrats far more liberal in there approach to life issues than Republicans?

 As an Irish man the impression I get as an outsider is that the Democrats in the USA seem to be far more liberal and tolerant in there views is this an accurate impression ? If not where am I wrong ?

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1 point

Thank you its just one thing reading about it , I wanted to hear from people who actually experience it first hand .

1 point

Well, Democrats are typically liberal... Republicans are conservative. The Democrats are also a bunch of crooked assholes... Republicans aren't much better though.

1 point

Thanks it's nice to hear from someone who has first hand experience , I'm not always sure if the newspapers are giving a fair reflection over here .

1 point

How does the Irish media portray Obama?

Democrats are generaly liberal. Republicans are typically conservative. The political sytem here has become a mess of political parties and lobbyists.

1 point

Thanks for your input and yes it can seem a pretty complicated system at times even though in theory it's meant to be straightforward.

Yes, they are far more liberal then the republicans. They suck at job creation.

1 point

Hi Jacob yes so it seems and that's what people need at least the idea that they have good job prospects when they finish college etc .

1 point

I am not sure. If you want the ability to own any kind of gun you want, the Democrats aren't too liberal towards you. If you want to spend your money however you feel, they aren't too liberal toward you. Those are life issues as well.

1 point

Yes and thanks for answering the question interested me as an outsider .

The Democrats are more tolerant in their views because it is the Party that is inclusive of all.