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Debate Score:11
Total Votes:19
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KJVPrewrath(967) pic

Are black men sexy?


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 3
1 point

Personally, I can't say, but, millions thought Barack Obama was. I DID think Michelle was. :-)

Side: Yes.
MichioKaku(158) Disputed
0 points

Eeeeeeeeeew Michelle is a man. Didn't you know? Michelle Obama is a tranny.

Side: No.
0 points

I'm an old straight white guy so this probably seems odd for me to answer but my opinion is that race has nothing to do with being attractive. I was in an interracial marriage for over 30 years so it's never been an issue for me. I've found sexy women in all races. The most beautiful woman I've ever met was Iranian.

Side: Yes.
1 point

Funny you should say that. The most beautiful woman I've ever met was Iranian. She was also by far the smartest person that I've ever met. Too smart and beautiful for someone like me, but it was a short, brilliant, potent experience and one that I'll never forget.

Now I just have to stop myself from comparing other women to her, because they don't compare .. ah .... makes me kinda sad.

Side: Yes.
ObamasGoblin(93) Disputed
-1 points


You're so full of shit, & everyone on here knows just how full of shit you are.

Side: No.
NumberOne(422) Disputed
1 point

You're so full of shit, & everyone on here knows just how full of shit you are.

Says the guy with more accounts than Bernie Madoff.

Just know that your cheques from Putin are caked in the blood of innocents.

Side: Yes.
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