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Debate Score:7
Total Votes:8
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excon(18262) pic

Are there MORE Islamic terrorists in the US than white nationalist terrorists?


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 2
3 points

Probably, but still a very small number thanks to Trump's ban. If he could only secure the border then they will have no access to the United States.

Side: Yes
1 point

All the WHITE nationalist voted and HILLARY was a LOSER ! So voters are subject to the MANAFORT trial and jury ?????????????

Side: Yes

No. There's a higher percentage compared to their population.

Let me turn it around so you can see the lack of logic in the question.

Are there more white or black terrorists in North Africa?

Oh my god. There are more black criminals and terrorists in North Africa than white criminals and terrorists. Monsters...

Do libs actually buy this shit...

Side: No
0 points

No. There's a higher percentage compared to their population.

Utter bullshit. The percentage of white nationalists who are terrorists is much higher than the percentage of Muslims who are terrorists.

Side: Yes