
Debate Info

Splat Doh
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Splat (1)
 Doh (2)

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DanBongino(106) pic

Booker breaks rules to prove Kavanaugh is racist. Explodes in his face.


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 2
2 points

Yep! It exploded in Kavanaughs face, and they had to bring his papers into the open, Just like Booker wanted! GO BOOKER! I only wish I could vote for you! (Maybe for President???)

Side: Splat
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

The documents that were supposed to show his racism with regard to profiling ended up showing how anti-racist he was. THANKS BOOKER!

In truth Booker was merely hoping to be martyred for his rule breaking. What he used to break the rules was irrelevant.

Side: Splat
hencycejedo(8) Clarified
1 point

The documents that were supposed to show his racism with regard to profiling ended up showing how anti-racist he was.

You're utterly full of shit. Everything you say is a lie, including the implication that you can prove someone is "anti-racist" merely by showing "documents".

The Supreme Court nominee has tried to limit the number of workers protected by anti-discrimination laws.

Kavanaugh’s record shows that he is part of the problem. Kavanaugh has expressed open disdain for the laws meant to give women, people of color, and older workers the same career opportunities afforded to young, white men.

During his 12 years on the US Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, Kavanaugh has weighed in on about two dozen job discrimination cases, including lawsuits brought under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. His legal decisions dismissed workers’ claims in the vast majority of those cases.

Kavanaugh’s opinions reveal two things about the Supreme Court nominee: He doesn’t seem to think job discrimination is a widespread problem, and he has actively tried to limit the number of workers who are protected by anti-discrimination laws.

Side: Splat
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
0 points

The "rules" were already broken! The maybe "unwritten" rules of decency! "In truth", YOU don't KNOW what Booker had in mind, only what RW media and the corrupt "party-in-charge" puts out there for weak-minded consumption. What THEY did to FORCE him to break the rules ….. is irrelevant???

Side: Splat
1 point

Dan Bongino previously worked for InfoWars. That's how utterly non-existent his credibility is.

Side: Doh