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We stand 4 this They stand for this
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:8
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 We stand 4 this (4)
 They stand for this (3)

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Negligentt(397) pic

Can liberals put into words what they stand for?

We know that it isn't the National Anthem, so what is it?

We stand 4 this

Side Score: 4

They stand for this

Side Score: 3
1 point

I as a Liberal(-ish. My views vary from subject to subject), and while I don't speak on the behalf of all Liberals, I can explain my own personal philosophy.

~I believe that the government is put into place to provide order and structure, and laws should be implemented to protect the freedom of individuals as well as controlling the market.~

This (above) is a simplified version of what every liberal believes.

These personal freedoms include freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the freedom to do as you please with your own body (get tattoos, smoke, drink alcohol), freedom to love (same-sex marriage), etc. As long as it does not directly harm another person, it should not be limited or banned (ex. You should be allowed to drink, but as soon as you harm another person or their property while driving drunk, you are sent to prison.)

I am also pro-choice, and while some Conservatives may think this is a contradiction, I don't see it that way. I cannot consider the fetus a "person" unless it has developed certain vital cognitive functions (this does not count for people that have some kind of disability because we know they weren't meant to develop that way) such as feeling pain, so abortion should be allowed in the first trimester. After that, it should be restricted to life-threatening cases in order to protect the natural right to life.

I am against the death penalty because no matter how horrible the criminal, we shouldn't violate their right to life. Criminals should only be killed if absolutely necessary (a crazed killer charging at a police officer, and the officer shooting in self defense).

I believe that the rich should pay higher taxes than the poor because there are basic services that should be provided by the government, and the funds come from the people. If someone is earning enough to where their paycheck can be slashed in half and they can still live a comfortable life (own a house, raise a family, go on vacation) then they should pay a 50% tax. This is not violating their rights because nothing is stopping them from earning more money, the government is simply taking a share for those that can't afford basic necessities.

Those are just a few of my beliefs.


As for your comment about the national anthem, I don't have to stand for it because it is my RIGHT TO DO SO. There is nothing illegal about refusing to stand for it.

(I only stand for it because I would be socially stigmatized if I didn't.)

What IS unconstitutional is the fact that our pledge was edited in 1954 to include god (the first amendment exists for a reason.) (Also yes, I know the anthem and pledge are different.) Once the government decides to obey it's own laws in the most basic form, then maybe I will feel a little patriotic.

Side: We stand 4 this
1 point

I'm not a liberal but I believe you can boil it down to:

let people live

let people live their lives how they want to as long as it's not hurting you

let's be the good guys instead of angry selfish a-holes

How's that?

Of course, you will find all three of those points incredibly offensive and at odds with what you believe it means to be an American.

Side: They stand for this
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

ROFLOL, did I just hear you say "let people live their lives" ?

Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party supports killing viable babies up to birth for any reason. You voted for her!

Spew your garbage to someone who does not know what you stand for you mindless Liberal hypocrite.

Side: We stand 4 this
Grenache(6053) Disputed
1 point

One, I'm neither a liberal nor a Democrat.

Two, the debate asked for what liberals can say they stand for. It did not ask if they were right.

Three, don't ask them to say what they stand for and then turn around and say "spew your garbage" somewhere else. That only proves you never gave a rat's arse for anything they would say to answer, which means it didn't even belong as a question on a debate website.

Side: They stand for this
0 points

Hello N:

Truth, justice and the American way..................


Side: They stand for this
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

ROFLOL, justice? Justice for who?

Surely no justice for viable unborn babies! Liberals support dismembering these late term babies. You call that justice? FOOL!

Side: We stand 4 this