
Debate Info

Brontoburgers for all Nut uh...
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:20
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 Brontoburgers for all (3)
 Nut uh... (15)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Christianity isn't a religion, it's a lack of belief in a magic nothing

Christianity is not a belief. It is simply the lack of belief in the magical Atheist nothing that manifested reality from its magical nothingness... ahem......... (giggle)




Brontoburgers for all

Side Score: 3

Nut uh...

Side Score: 16
1 point

Yes! The smell of a brontoburger sizzling on a grill might not be appealing, but, the thought is. I'll stand on the wind side and enjoy the sound.

Side: Brontoburgers for all
1 point

So, what would you like on your Tombstone? How about...

"He argued until he was blue in the face as the sand slipped between his fingers"?

Side: Nut uh...
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

If I was a "god", I would consider hypocrites my worst "creations". How could I find no evidence OF a god throughout my life and at the last few years/days do a CYA belief? Maybe I'm "blue in the face", but I think it's better than "red in the face". (No politics implied). I would be totally embarrassed to die a CYA hypocrite AND, if I was a god I'd be embarrassed to have left "spreading my word" to my creations that got totally confused, started MANY religions with many different "words", and did not expect many to dismiss all of that confusion!

So, now I'm supposed to listen to some wacko who thinks he's some kind of lizard that is convinced HE knows the REAL word, 'cause HIS "man made book" is THEE correct one! (You ARE a HE ... aintcha?? Must be, you think women are lesser individuals ... 'cause your book tells you so. )

I can't follow an unjust "god", and a god that leaves a confusing message to billions of his "creations", then punishes them for not getting it straight, is an unjust god. Just my respected name on my stone will be fine.

Side: Brontoburgers for all
1 point

Hello bront:

The singularity isn't nothing... But, you can't mention it because it DESTROYS your argument..


Side: Nut uh...
1 point

So tell us about it. We'd love to hear about it. 8

Side: Brontoburgers for all
1 point

Nope. Pretty much every major definition and criteria for religion includes Christianity in it. Nor is a "magic nothing" necessary to believe in nothing, or atheism, or whatever. That's just your latest smear.

Side: Nut uh...
1 point

Nope. If you believe in something unprovable and it has mythological abilities, you are no less than? A theist.

Side: Brontoburgers for all
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Finally, I agree with you. "If you believe in something unprovable and it has mythological abilities .... " You MUST be a theist.

Side: Brontoburgers for all
1 point

Yes, we don't know the exact circumstances in which the universe came into being. Why do you guys have to shove a "God" into the equation in order to try and plug up the gap?

Ultimately, when it comes to the issue of the origin of the universe, the only intellectually honest answer at present is "we don't know". What I find infuriating is the fact that, for acknowledging this, atheists are deemed to be "arrogant", whereas insisting that you know that the universe was created by a deity who cares about you and has a personal plan for you is, for some unknown reason, considered "humble".

Side: Nut uh...