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Debate Score:25
Total Votes:25
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Debate Creator

Debater411(44) pic is the new home for many

Many CreateDebate users have switched to Debateisland and the trend is growing.  How much longer until most will switch?


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 17

I use that site under the name someone234 but I am an old-school debate site user.

If there were generations in the history of debate sites and trolling them, I was in the second generation and this present day is generation eleven. bullied me and banned me for sticking up for myself. This site did ban me but the second chance is key.

I love createdebate and may well use this until I die or get too old to type coherently.

So I'm a bit torn when debate island and CD fight because both are great sites but in terms of old-school debating there were only two sites that seriously competed and since ddo copied CD by adding polls and multiway opinion fights, I respect CD much more.

Side: Yes

In short, for newschool debaters who only began internet debating in 2016-2017 era, debate island may seem great but CD was the pioneer of multiway debating.

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Democrat you were bullied and banned can you give us anymore excuses LMMFAO

Side: No
GoodListener(603) Clarified
1 point

Hellno, I know who you are and you are not going to get a single reaction from me.

Side: Yes
1 point

Last night Debateisland launched Artificial Intelligence capability, that's pretty amazing. Those who prefer unfiltered debating with ability to insult anf bully others online may find it less than ideal, but those who appreciate being part of a civil community (like myself will love it.

Side: Yes
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello again:

As long as you SPAM this site, I'm gonna SPAM you. What you are doing is HIGHLY unethical. Stealing from competitors is NEVER OK.. If you wanna advertise, PAY FOR IT!!!


Side: No
GoodListener(603) Clarified
1 point

Aaron deleted the topic I made against Debra. Your site brainwashes people and censors opposition.

Side: Yes

Your site brainwashes people and censors opposition.

This seems to be the problem with most debating platforms. Either the mods or the owners themselves find it too difficult to remain politically neutral and hence their platforms eventually devolve into places where everyone thinks alike. My experience of this site however is different. The owner rarely gets involved at all. Here we have anarchist trolls, socialist trolls, Nazi trolls and everything inbetween.

Side: Yes
5 points

Hello D:

Some slimeballs go on their competition's website to advertise their own.. I'd NEVER post on a site owned by people like that..


Side: No
Debater411(44) Disputed
2 points

Great, thanks for insulting. You make many assumptions and are generous with insults. The fact is that many CreateDebate users are there, and that was the point of the debate.

Side: Yes
excon(18262) Disputed
2 points

The fact is that many CreateDebate users are there, and that was the point of the debate.

Nahhh... Your point was to STEAL from your competition, pure and simple..

I would NEVER post on a website run by thieves..


Side: No

Some slimeballs go on their competition's website to advertise their own

Slimeball is another great 1980s insult. I was just thinking about the word: scuzzbucket. Oh, happy days.

Side: No
3 points

excon does have a point though.

You've been on this site for 277 days and only have 10 arguments, 8 of those are about other debate sites.

You've created three debates, two of which are about other debate sites.

It seems like you are trying to advertise your own site and using any discontent on this one as a platform. It's a debate site, all debate sites are going to have arguments, that's the nature of the beast.

Your generic statements actually make it less likely that I would join the site you are advertising. But hey, that's just me.

Side: No
Debater411(44) Disputed
1 point

Very fair point. I am not sure though how is it generic: let me clarify further- many top users from CreateDebate are actively debating on DebateIsland.

Side: Yes
2 points

Why don't you actually try out this site properly before you start trying to move us away through advertisement? When you've made some worthwhile arguments and fully tested all the features, then you can start comparing it to other sites.

Side: No
1 point

I shit web sites better designed than that. It's ugly as hell. Completely ameuteurish

Side: No
GoodListener(603) Clarified
1 point

I have criticised the site on specific points. Each time I make such a topic he removes the topic and either does what I said to do to improve the site or chooses to totally ignore it and then asks me to pay for premium access after ignoring my point. Their admin is a joke.

Side: Yes
1 point

What I disgust most is the domain name ".com" !!! Because of the "prefices" and acronymization rules, many acronyms have to be prefices of words, some of which are meaningless!! The prefix "com-" of "commercial" is now meaningless while "mercial", the main part, carries the meaning (It comes from Latin "merx").

Side: No