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 Dems want the Government to shut down because this is their only hope of slowing economy. (6)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Dems want the Government to shut down because this is their only hope of slowing economy.

The Democrat Party is grasping at straws. They can clearly see how quickly Conservative economics can lift an economy. They don't know what to do! They have tried to obstruct Trump at every step, yet he keeps on winning :)
So I guess shutting down the Government is their last ditch effort.

Democrats know full well that after eight long years of their Party's Liberal policies and war on business, and not being able to get past an enemic 2% GDP growth, that Trump and the GOP are proving the truth to the benefits of lower taxes and free market business.

Can you even imagine if the Black community were experiencing less than 7% unemployment (a record) on Obama's watch? There would have been non stop celebrations of how the Left's policies do work, and how they are the only ones who truly care for African Americans.
When Trump accompliches this feat in less than a year, not one peep from Democrats, but rather non stop judgmental rants of RACIST!

Repubicans know that a good economy lifts all ships, and is the only real answer to helping the poor. Able bodied People need jobs, not food stamps. Yes we all understand there must be safety nets for those who can not help themselves, but the majority of people using social programs are anything but helpless.
They need to be encouraged to get off the dole. Tough love works! No Fault bleeding heart Liberalsim has proven NOT to work. After eight years of Obama, record numbers of people on food stamps, welfare, etc.

When you enable laziness, irresponsibility, and Government dependence, you will get more of the same. This is exactly what the Democrat Party wants because it translates to more votes.
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They are frantically doing whatever they can to make Conservatives look racist because they have nothing left. They cannot win on the issues. "Trump hates minorities" is the only bullet left in the chamber.

They tried "the market will crash if he wins". They tried taxes. They tried sex scandal. They tried Russian collusion, obstruction of justice, mentally unfit, insane, Alzheimer's, blah blah blah. "He hates your brown and/or black skin". That's the only mud that is left to throw...for now.

I can't wait to see what they come up with for the second year...

Yes, they are terrified of Trump. Finally we have a President who makes even the establishment republicans jump on board.

What are democrats going to say to the working man when they all voted against the tax cuts?

They kept ranting how the tax cuts only helped the Rich, but come february and bigger paychecks, bigger bonuses, bigger 401k plans, etc. the working man will be shown how fake the Left is.

There has never been a more clear difference between the two Party's, and Democrats are on the losing side.

They don't even have their own agenda to give the people. Their entire Party is running on hating Trump.

It's laughable and the scariest part for Democrats? With a booming economy means fewer welfare votes and fewer Black votes.

2 points

According to Obama officials it is the Democrats fault for this shut down, if you go by their comments in 2013.

“Obama will not — he cannot — negotiate with a roving band of anarchists who say, 'Build our oil pipeline or the troops don’t get paid."

That is what is happening now. The Democrats are saying get DACA resolved or the troops don't get paid. Exact same!

How about this one.

After the 17-day-long government shutdown in 2013 was over, Obama advised Republicans to win the elections and argue for their positions rather than breaking the process of the how the government makes policy.

“You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election. Push to change it. But don't break it. Don't break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building. That's not being faithful to what this country's about,” Obama said.

Well, Republicans did go out and win the elections so now it is time for Democrats to adhere to this.

What comes around goes around.

Well said, it's amazing how quick poiticians totally flip flop on what they have said in the past.

This is why politics is so corrupt and why Americas should always vote for SMALLER Government.

The entire system is based on hypocrisy, deception, and double standards. It truly is childish and shows what little respect politicians give to voters when they believe they can be that hypocritical to our faces and get away with it time after time.

Were it not for low end voters who never follow what goes on in Government, and only vote for the Party that gives them the most free stuff, these politicians might have to show some semblance of honesty.

Ok, now we will hear how the unemployment for Black people is at a record low, because Slave owner Trump has beaten them with a stick to get them working again. What else can explain it?

1 point

Will shutdown slow the economy? I think they are just trying to make people mad when they want govt assistance and can't get it due to shutdown.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

No, I don't beieve the shutdown would slow the economy, I just mentioned this because they have been grasping at straws Trump's entire Presidency.

I agree with your point more so than the economy. Democrat Politics revolves around fear mongering and conditioning Americans to fear the GOP.