
Debate Info

Yes, I love it! No, it sucks!
Debate Score:69
Total Votes:99
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 Yes, I love it! (19)
 No, it sucks! (16)

Debate Creator

MKIced(2511) pic

Do you like Family Guy?

I happen to LOVE Family Guy.  It's absolutely hilarious.  I think it's one of the greatest cartoons ever created... Ever. What about the rest of you.

Yes, I love it!

Side Score: 45

No, it sucks!

Side Score: 24
4 points

Oh my effing god I can't believe there are people on earth who both understand english and don't think it's one of the funniest things ever made.

Simple? SIMPLE?

Oh contrare, 90% of the jokes are funny on several levels, and some of us like the fart jokes, and the vague social commentary.

Other suggestions you should all watch on adult swim:


Venture Brothers

Aqua Teen (of course)


The Boondocks

The only thing on any other station that can hold a candle to AS is South Park

Side: Yes, I love it!
1 point

this explains pretty well...;_type=

Side: No, it sucks!

family guy is awsome I watch it every week day morning....

Side: Yes, I love it!
3 points

I love !!!FAMILY GUY!!! better then the simsons mainly because i would watch all the family guys of the week and then i would watch the simpsons (only because my sis watches it) then at least one tiny bit would be the same as !!!FAMILY GUY!!!

Side: Yes, I love it!
2 points

I don't love it, but it does challenge the normal thinking of America and make us think. It definitely keeps the FCC on its toes, riding the edge every episode.

Side: Yes, I love it!
2 points

Wouldn't say I love it but I do enjoy it every now and again. Favourite character of course is Stewie, and all time favourite clip:

Mom Mum Mommy!
Side: Yes, I love it!
2 points

Oh and I almost forgot this one, probably best Stewie - Brian moment ever! :o)

Brian's Novel
Side: Yes, I love it!
2 points

down in aus, that show is one of the legendary shows we love most.

love the show, love peter & totally love Stewey! :D

Side: Yes, I love it!
2 points

famliy guy is the best thing in the world i love stuie he is the best

Side: Yes, I love it!
cstrach11(16) Disputed
1 point

...the best thing in the world?...really?

You need to get out more.

Side: No, it sucks!
2 points

ohh yeahh, some statements are a little 'out there' but he is definitely a cool character and funny; not only that, some situations are relatable lol

Side: Yes, I love it!
2 points

Family Guy is freekin the best cartoon on TV ...within the last month I just gave it a chance and watched it (don`t watch many, maybe South Park and sometimes the Simpsons). I know it`s been on for 10 years or so, so yeah, I`m a newbie to it. It`s so crazy that it`s great, that`s why people like the show. If you`re offended by any of it I suggest changing the channel and go back to being a prude who finds little funny in life, let alone laughing at the way things are and everyone`s differences. I`ve got my DVR setup to record all episodes, repeats and all ...I`ve got a lot of shows to catch up on and have been laughing my ass off a lot lately. This show is the best.

Side: Yes, I love it!
1 point

I usually don't like that kind of crude humor but the makers of the show happen to be very good at it. I can't watch it without laughing. But I don't love it.

Side: funny show
1 point

It's a funny and entertaining show.


Side: funny show
1 point

I love Family Guy it is the funniest animated show on T.V.(probably because of Stewie.) Family Guy is funny deal with it.

Side: Yes, I love it!
1 point

of curse yes! because when you dont have anything to do you can see this program to be yourself happy...

Side: Yes, I love it!

Family Guy has far-fetched stories that amuse me. Peter Griffin always cracks me up.

Side: Yes, I love it!
0 points

It is a funny cartoon that makes you think sometimes. That is way better than the Tom & Jerry crap, Family Guy has many instances where you must think or you don't get the joke. All in all it is a really funny show.

Side: Yes, I love it!
0 points

hello think its the best thing out there hats my opinion do dont get mad but dang i love that show i will destroy you ville women

Side: theres no question family guy
0 points

Dude! Family Guy owns! The Cleveland Show sucks monkey balls, however, but Family Guy is the best! Way funnier than the Simpsons! It always has something new to make fun of and actually has a plot! I LOVES me the Family Guy!


Side: Yes, I love it!
-1 points

I do really like it, but it is such a ripoff of the Simpsons, come on people.

Side: simpsons ripoff

IT SUCKS! The form of humor they use is so simple, its almost cheating. Im talking about all the references they make. ANYBODY CAN MAKE A STUPID REFERENCE! The storyline in every episode changes about 50 times. ITS DUMB!

Side: No, it sucks!
1 point

I don't really HATE family guy, but I don't like it much. It makes insensitive jokes about disabled people(e.g. the paraplegic guy), has way too many pedophile jokes that kinda creep me out, and is just stupid sometimes. I agree it can be really funny sometimes, overall, it's not that great in my opinion.

Side: Not my style
1 point

I don't hate it, but I don't love it. I'll watch it if there's nothing else on TV, and it might make me laugh, but never a guarantee. It's mostly because i don't like cartoons in general anymore; they don't offer me anything.

Side: No, it sucks!
1 point

To me it is the same as with James Brooks - If you tell a hundred jokes every two minutes, you are bound to get at least one good laugh

That doesnt make it great.

Side: No, it sucks!

Never watched it. I did, however, think that the commercials were disgusting.

Side: No, it sucks!
1 point

this is the worst show ever made. The worst thing about it, Its name Family.

Supporting Evidence: wickless candles (
Side: No, it sucks!
1 point

I used to mildly like it then South Park took the piss out of it, opening my eyes to how bland and repetitive it is. South Park and the Simpsons blow Family Guy, American Dad and the Cleveland show out of the water!

Side: No, it sucks!
1 point

No, it is too violent!!!!!!!! And, young children should not watch it!!!

Side: No, it sucks!
1 point

No I don't like Family Guy because I know Peter is supposed to be retarded but they made him to stupid.They make light of major issues such as child abuse and the disabled.An old pervert who they allow to keep their kids from time to time while their away?Peter is painfully rude to his own daugther Meg which pokes fun at child abuse.The baby Stewie hates is mom and I could go on.This show should probley be taken off the air.It's not even fit for adults to look at times.I wonder why it stays on.Whar keeps people looking at such a weird show.

Side: No, it sucks!
0 points

I rather watch South Park. But if its the only thing on, i'll watch it

Side: No, it sucks!
0 points

I don't watch cartoons. I've progressed beyond those childish days.

Side: No, it sucks!
0 points

This SUCKS!! It is an airheaded idiotic piece of vapid junk that most viewers probably think is real life.


Side: No, it sucks!
0 points

I saw one episode. This show is probably the dumbest thing ever created. It's disgusting, childish, and simply unintelligent. (Kind of like stupid liberals)

Side: No, it sucks!
-1 points

Stewie finds Playboy, says "I'll see what a vagina looks like", screams, shoots pic w/ gun, says "Now you'll never hurt anyone again" inferring in part that a vagina is so ugly it's painful to look at. Have the shows male creators looked @ their penis' lately? They look goofy too. & since when did vaginas hurt people? Penises do most of the hurting in the form of raping/murdering, molesting. Just what we need, another forum for woman hating cuz guess we just don't have enough of that in this world. Would the shows creators ever show a girl looking @ pic of naked man to see his penis for the 1st time & then have her shoot it in horror, telling it how ugly & hurtful it is? Hell no! This show sucks (to use a penis term). It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Side: No, it sucks!