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Debate Score:17
Total Votes:18
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DarkWanderer(285) pic

Does being specifically stupid get you votes in US elections?

The problem with democracy in a country where the government is deliberately doing everything it can to dumb down the public and corporations do everything they can to manipulate them is that the stupid opinions of a largely ignorant hoard of brainwashed fools effects the trajectory of the country (usually the trajectory points exactly where the 1% want it to due to this).


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 9
3 points

Yes it does, get over it.

Side: Yes

Yes it does, get over it.

I'm glad you agree but why should I get over it? Isn't this a problem that should be addressed?

Side: Yes
1 point

The left has a monopoly on academia, and you're telling us kids are intentionally being dumbed down? You are a product of this same system. This finally is sinking in huh?

Side: No
2 points

"Stupid" helps, but, I think that is a smaller part of the problem than "gullible and greedy" mixed in with a healthy serving of religious mantra and racism …. all dangerous to democracy … but they get you votes in U.S. elections. NOT what the founders had in mind.

Side: Yes
1 point

Stupid" helps, but, I think that is a smaller part of the problem than "gullible and greedy" mixed in with a healthy serving of religious mantra and racism …

Riiiiight. While millions of leftists hate whites and conservative minorities, are religious, and are rich and greedy...

Side: No
1 point

NOT what the founders had in mind.

So do tell us what those slave owning founders "had in mind".

Side: No
0 points

Yes, when the Left deliberately denies Biology and the natural design of our bodies, to get votes and money, they definitely do get votes from the low end free loaders, Progressives and the LBGTQRSUVWXYZ activist groups.

Side: Yes

You just described what the left is doing.*

Side: No