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 Does true love exist? (6)

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wisdumb(77) pic

Does true love exist?

Is there really such a thing as love or is it just some chemical reaction that bonds two people long enough to make a family?  Does it conquer all?  Is it some mysterious force beyond attraction?  What about love at first sight? This is not about the love of your parents or friends (unless you can make a good case that they are connected).  It is also NOT ABOUT GOD.  This isn't a god debate.  I mean the love between two people.
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Soldiers, friends, etc give their lives for each other. This doesn't kill the chemical reaction argument, but it does counter the "long enough to make a family" argument IMO.

Is there really such a thing as love

Yes. It's a word in the English language, and the letters l, o, v, and e are letters that exist in the alphabet. (Smirk)

wisdumb(77) Clarified
1 point

Lol smartass. .

1 point

After I met my wife I can truly say yes, yes it does.

However, I want to add that it's a fallacy that each person on this planet has only one possible match for their true love. You could be compatible with more than one person, even if they're very different people. Face it, people enjoy the love of their life for decades and then lose them to disease or accident and often somehow sometime later find their next love of their life and continue on happily. It doesn't mean true love doesn't exist, it means it can exist more than once.

Personally, I do believe in monogomy and am very happy that way. But if something happened to either me or my wife to take one of us out of the picture I'd fully expect the other to eventually find love again.

Of course true love exists. The problem is that today's selfish culture teaches everyone that if you are not always living on cloud nine, you might be happier if you try another love of your life.

The evidence shows that not to be the case. Most people who leave their spouse for another find out the grass was no greener on the other side. But now they are supporting two families.

It's amazing that people don't get it. The honeymoon will always end for every relationship. That's when you get down to real life and real love. You must be smart enough to understand no one is perfect and there will always be things in your marriage you don't agree on.

Get over it and don't throw away your children's security to chase after that young pretty skirt in the office. She will be worse than your current wife because she had no problem going after another wife's man.

What does that say about her moral values? She would leave you in a hot second as soon as the honeymoon was over.

A real marriage requires a real commitment to each other for life. Those vows you take mean something and if you keep them, your life will work out just fine.

In atheism, true love does not exist. It is simply a biological trait that cause you to reproduce and extend the species.

wisdumb(77) Clarified
1 point

I think you meant naturalism, not atheism. .