
Debate Info

Do Yes, but
Debate Score:25
Total Votes:33
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 Do (5)
 Yes, but (6)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28596) pic

Don't sanctuary cities encourage people to use vigilante justice?


Side Score: 13

Yes, but

Side Score: 12
1 point

Hello bront:

My CITY cops enforce CITY and STATE laws.. They DON'T enforce federal laws. The feds have their own cops, and they DON'T enforce city and state laws.. That's the way it was DESIGNED to work.

Look.. I live in a sanctuary state.. My local cops WON'T enforce federal marijuana laws.. Why don't you complain about that??


Side: Do
3 points

Look.. I live in a sanctuary state.. My local cops WON'T enforce federal marijuana laws.. Why don't you complain about that??

Because I like marijuana. I don't like 10 time deported thugs being protected by laws, then raping a 5 year old.

Side: Yes, but
1 point

I don’t often find us in this much agreement off the bat. Jurisdiction is paramount in a federal system like ours. The idea of governing most at the most local level is also necessary for anyone who believes in small government.

The only thing I would add is that, while local authorities are not legally compelled to assist in federal law enforcement, they should not be obstructing the legal enforcement of federal laws by federal agents.

Side: Do
excon(18261) Clarified
1 point

they should not be obstructing the legal enforcement of federal laws by federal agents.

Hello again, A:

I'm not so sure.. If the feds tried to arrest me for violating federal marijuana laws, I'd HOPE my local cops would "obstruct" 'em.


Side: Do
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

So STUPOR STUPID says federal law written by Congress has no relevance !!!!!Hey STUPOR STUPID lets get rid of Congress !!!! What ya think ?????????????

Side: Yes, but
1 point


The fact that the far-right party contained 'socialist' in the name was a rebranding gambit to draw workers away from communism and into populist nationalism.

Despite this, the populist nationalists that support the likes of Donald Trump, regularly take the oportunity to remind modern day liberal or left-leaning critics of white-supremacists and neo-nazis that 'Socialism' was included in the Nazi party name.

Side: Yes, but