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true false
Debate Score:74
Total Votes:77
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 true (33)
 false (24)

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atypican(4873) pic

"Fractional reserve" banking is the biggest,:most harmful fraud, and its legal

"The faults of the burgalar are the qualities of the financier" ~George Bernard Shaw. (He gets it)


Side Score: 40


Side Score: 34
2 points

Under this FUNDAMENTALLY FRUADULANT system economic collapse is inevitable, yet with all the babbling about "the economy" we hear from the big news organizations, the elephant in the room is totally ignored. This isn't conspiracy theory. This is cold hard fact, yet most people shrug their shoulders as if it was impossible to outlaw this particular kind of injustice.

Side: true
1 point

Silly. How is it fraudulent? Most anyone knows that the bank lends out some portion of their money in order to make money - and people readily agree to this.

When interest rates are high, it means you make a little money by having savings in the bank - when interest rates are low, less so, but it reduces the overall cost of banking and improves efficiencies in lending, etc.

What the reserve percentage and target inflation should be etc. are all legitimate questions, but that it is fraudulent is an overstatement.

Side: false
atypican(4873) Disputed
2 points

Silly How is it fraudulent?

Banks are permitted by law to loan out at least 9 times the money they have "on deposit". This is what "fractional reserve" means. Interest charged is irrelevant to this basic fact. It is the fact that they lend what they don't even have that makes it fraudulent.

Most anyone knows that the bank lends out some portion of their money in order to make money - and people readily agree to this.

Your statement is proof that you yourself are STILL unaware that they are permitted to loan MUCH MORE than they actually possess. The interest they charge is not what makes it fraudulent.

What the reserve percentage and target inflation should be etc. are all legitimate questions, but that it is fraudulent is an overstatement.

The "reserve percentage" is a set amount of legally permitted fraud. The average person would go to jail for this kind of ponzi scheme.

Side: true
atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

What the reserve percentage and target inflation should be etc. are all legitimate questions

It seems to me the aim should be keeping inflation to a minimum

Side: true
2 points

I found this here and will defend it as if I wrote it

The standard response from the average Joe is “everyone knows that the bank loans out your money.” Or, they will say “all banks in the U.S. include a clause in the depositors’ contract that specifically says that the relationship between the depositor and the bank is exclusively one of creditor and debtor”. Suppose the bank takes your money and loses it all. How does the bank satisfy your expectation that the money is there on demand to pay your rent and electricity bills? It’s simple. They take the money from someone else. If the bank had told you it is lost and unfortunate, there would be no fraud. The fraud occurs the minute the bank takes someone else’s money. The victim of the fraud is the other depositor. The bank runs a Ponzi scheme (a fraudulent activity) that can continue for a very, very long time, but is no less a Ponzi scheme and should be treated as such. Although, you and the bank may be well aware of what is going on, it still should be treated as fraud. The fact that you are aware, or even unaware, of the Ponzi scheme does not diminish the fraud. Government deposit insurance just shifts the ultimate cost of the fraud to other depositors, taxpayers or anyone using currency to conduct transactions.

Why is counterfeiting illegal? The counterfeiter is happy since he gets real goods and services, and the store owner is happy since he made a sale and can also get more real goods and services if he spends the money quickly before prices go up. So where is the problem? The transaction has been beneficial to both. It is illegal because of third party effects. The counterfeiter takes from the economic pie but does not contribute to the economic pie. He has basically stolen real goods and services by reducing the purchasing power of the money in everyone else’s wallets. When the fractional reserve banking system creates money out of thin air, it is also a form of counterfeiting, and has undesirable third party effects. Economists know that it is the rapid expansion of money and credit, unjustified by the growth of slow moving savings, that have created the booms and busts of the last two centuries, and the hardships that have gone along with them.

Eliminate fractional reserve banking and you eliminate most booms and busts. Unable to create money out of thin air, banking would now just be another sector without the ability to sink the entire world economy.

We need to start a serious discussion about ending fractional reserve banking and central banking at the same time. Our current banking system is not free market capitalism. Banking in its current form should be outlawed because it is both fraud and theft. We have a duty to our children to leave them with an economic system that is not constantly swinging from booms to busts. A system that is stable filled with opportunities that only a true capitalist system can provide.

Side: true
SlapShot(2608) Clarified
1 point

Suppose the bank takes your money and loses it all. How does the bank satisfy your expectation that the money is there on demand to pay your rent and electricity bills? It’s simple. They take the money from someone else.

Not true.

The FDIC fully guarantees reimbursement to you if the bank loses all your money, providing the amount is less than 100,000. (as is the case with 98% of Americans who have bank accounts.

Why is counterfeiting illegal?


I will tell you why................

ever heard of the word "inflation?"


Banking in its current form should be outlawed because it is both fraud and theft.

Not true, and overly harsh. Look--you and I both know that over 90% of American bank account holders, including those of us who take out the occasional loan, do so with NO fraud being foisted upon us by our banks. And certainly with no theft occurring. Hell, we even get some interest dividends from letting them keep our money.

You seem to fall into the trap of cherry picking on the rare case of fraud by banks and lending institutions. Thus advocating throwing out the baby with the bathwater and totally eradicating and then re-structuring out entire financial system. This is totally necessary.

What IS necessary is for us to fully prosecute those white collar thugs who DO defraud the American public. I too am pissed that nobody went to jail after the '08 Meltdown. But this does not mean I want to tear down the entire system and begin anew.

Andrew Jackson tried this. It did not bode well for the economy. And it turns out his reasons for doing so were not as altruistic as he claimed.


Side: true
1 point

Fractional reserve banking is what got George Bailey in trouble in "it's a wonderful life". Nothing fraudulent about keeping only a fraction of cash on hand to back deposits. And nothing wrong with it either, so long as there isn't a run on the bank.

Side: false
atypican(4873) Disputed
2 points

That's like saying there's nothing wrong with cheating unless you get caught

Side: true
Amarel(5669) Disputed
2 points

Actually, FDIC insures that even if there is a run on a bank, people will get there money back. The use of your money is the reason they pay interest on savings. There's no cheating involved.

Side: false

I agree with Atypican. It's a little like gambling to an extent. If the chance goes foul - usually the citizens get the shit end somehow. Either thru bail outs, etc

Side: false
atypican(4873) Clarified
1 point

You posted on the wrong side. Please edit your argument and click "switch sides" If the score is even there's a better chance for new participants. Thanks

Side: true
1 point

It's a little like gambling

Is all gambling fraudulent?

thru bail outs

The public made money from the bank bailouts...

"To date, Treasury has recovered $267 billion from TARP’s bank programs through repayments, dividends, interest, and other income – compared to the $245 billion initially invested." - Oct 18, 2012

Side: false