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 How Do You Deal With Annoying People? (24)

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Hellno(17724) pic

How Do You Deal With Annoying People?

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2 points

We need to develop a way to deliver bitch-slaps through the internet. Wait, that could be abused... I'd rather not have a dick in my face.

2 points

I'd rather not have a dick in my face

LMAO! You are quickly becoming one of my favorite users on this site...

Okay, if only this were possible internet bitch slap

2 points

Lol. I'd totally do that to Chaffy like 100 times. XP

2 points

Then it wouldn't be long till this. Ahh, the fun we'd have.

2 points

The ancient art of dealing with annoying people is slowly being forgotten, but I do know these solutions...

-throw random objects at them (mildly rude)

-ignore them (doesn't always work)

-leave (doesn't work if they follow)

-interrupt what they are saying or doing (also rude)

2 points

Dig hole, place person in hole, fill hole with concrete .

1 point

I usually just ignore them to the point they get tired of annoying me and they stop annoying me.

1 point

I make them look like fools via debate.


By laughing at them.

1 point

True dat! Where ya been Chatt? I haven't seen ya around much lately?

I ignore them, or I'm nice to them. I know it sounds really cliche, but it's worked very well in my experience! =) Even if it takes a few months.

yeah same here.....kinda.....sometimes,but most of the time. :)

1 point

i just annoy them back, and if that doesnt work i just punch them in the face and leg it

Tell them how much they aggrevate you and everyone else, out of sadness they will stop or better...

1 point

. .

1 point

I'll just get chief Ramzie to sream at them until thier ears start to bleed.

go to your happy place and always keep this in mind:

your WAY better looking then whoever your mad at ;)

I do my best to ignore them. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but I am not going to put up with being annoyed.

Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

This debate is two years old! You leave arguments on several old debates of mine every day. Now, normally that would be fine except that you're not really interested in actually debating or interacting with anyone. Every time you post on some old dead debate of mine it notifies me. It's really annoying to click on my notifications only to discover it's just another pointless post of yours.

wwww(24) Disputed
1 point

then you should close the debate so no notifications bother you, that would be the obvious solution.

0 points

Downvote their arguments. 0.o


3 points

That can have the opposite effect... it just encourages me. ;)

1 point

Well in that case I'll just have to upvote you ha!! See reverse psychology works every time.