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Temporary to feel nice No objective point
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:12
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 Temporary to feel nice (3)
 No objective point (5)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

If it all ends in heat death what point is there to liberalism

Temporary to feel nice

Side Score: 3

No objective point

Side Score: 8
1 point

Hello bront:

I have NO idea what you're talking about.. But, I'm gonna GUESS that you're talking about global warming..

The POINT to liberalism is, that if we DO some stuff, we MAY be able to AVOID a "heat death"..

On the other hand, YOU, and your right wing religious fanatics, WELCOME the end times.. So, if you COULD do something, you'd choose NOT to..


Side: Temporary to feel nice
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
2 points

The bigot speaks again. Calling Christians who actually believe what the Bible teaches as being fanatics.

It is political correct Big Brother people like you who are the fanatics. You are forcing all Americans to bow to your PC humanist religion.

Side: No objective point
Chinaman(3570) Disputed
2 points

Potential arsonist should be receiving mental wellness checks and that mandate needs to be put in place immediately. That's doing stuff right up in there.

Side: No objective point
1 point

The POINT to liberalism is, that if we DO some stuff, we MAY be able to AVOID a "heat death"..

Heat death is caused by the sun entering into supernova. You guys got a plan for that?

Side: No objective point
1 point

Could someone translate the opening statement into English please?

Side: Temporary to feel nice
1 point

The sun won't last forever nor will we. And if there is no afterlife, why the constant scramble to create some "utopia" that will not last. ...

What amI saying? No utopia will exist in the first place. Carry on.

Side: No objective point
Eloy(190) Disputed
1 point

The destruction of Earth by the Sun will not happen until many millennia after the extinction of the human race. I am not sure where this places me in this debate.

Side: Temporary to feel nice
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