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 If the media, & the establishment politicians, & the big corporations hate Trump...HELLO! (17)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

If the media, & the establishment politicians, & the big corporations hate Trump...HELLO!

That should tell you everything you need to know about a candidate. It tells me Trump is what this nation needs because all the corruption that I listed in the title are fighting so hard to keep him from upsetting the status quo of big money, pay to play politics.

Democrats know this to be true and is why they hate him so much. He is polar opposite to everything that their Big Brother Government is doing to control the little guy.

The sick part is that those who would vote for Hillary could not care less how corrupt and bankrupt our Government is.
They want their free food stamps, free medicaid, free College, etc., no matter how soon it will all collapse from our huge debt.
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1 point

No one wants Trump to win because this election is a joke, like his hair.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

There are millions of people who want Trump to win. Hillary called them Deplorable and irredeemable.

Talk about a corrupt elitist B@#&!

Have you considered the idea that media, establishment politicians, big corporations, and the general public all dislike Trump because he isn't a good candidate?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Only people supporting this corrupt Democrat party would try to refute the obvious.

How stupid can anyone be to not understand how corrupt our government is?

If these corrupt Democrat politicians and even establishment Republicans, who are tied to big money, dislike Trump so much, it is obvious why.

They want to hold onto their nice little gig, laughing at the little guy stupid enough to keep electing them, while they are all above the law.

Trump is the first real threat to their game. It's a shame Trump is not a better speaker or this election would have been over months ago.

I don't elect a person on their eloquence. I elect them on being able to have the guts and strength and work ethic to GET THE JOB OF FIXING AMERICA DONE!

This job of fighting the good old boys in power will be the hardest job this nation has ever seen. They will throw the kitchen sink at anyone who tries, as we are seeing.

2 points

Um... Trump's plans are really good for people with big money. He is cutting taxes on the rich by a massive amount. Hillary is the one who is currently going after the big banks and the rich as a result of Bernie Sanders' movement.

I don't elect a person on their eloquence.

Right. You go by skill. Which you measure by experience. And what experience are you referring to? Trump has none other than as a reality tv star (which would make him equipped with the skills to win you over), as a businessman who bankrupted multiple companies and literally lost nine hundred and fifteen million dollars in one year. Or how bout as a government official, which you are trying to elect him to be? How the hell do you expect him to be the one know knows how to 'fix America.' What does he even think needs fixing?

1 point

Democrats know this to be true and is why they hate him so much. He is polar opposite to everything that their Big Brother Government is doing to control the little guy.

You know you do point out something that I thought myself. Trump is uncontrollable and i could see how that could be inconvenient for the big corporations who wish to keep their part of government. However, what scares me is that if big corporation cannot control Trump, no one can. Trump cannot even listen to his advisors. That means that he can't listen to the people. He does what he wants. I don't want that.

Out of curiosity: did you vote for Trump in the primaries? If yes, why? Why did you prefer Trump to the other Republican candidates?

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

I voted for Cruz. I would have voted for Rubio, huccabee, Ben Carson, as well.

The corrupt biased media withheld Trump's past locker room talk so that he would win the primaries. They knew he would be easiest to beat by the criminal Hillary. Especially after they brought out all the dirt they could dig up.

You are the sheep led by Big brother media. If i had to guess, you vote for Democrats because of all the tax money they take from tax payers and hand it out to able bodied charity cases. Do you use any Government social programs?

Gypsee(347) Disputed
1 point

I voted for Cruz. I would have voted for Rubio, huccabee, Ben Carson, as well.

So, Trump was your last choice? Why?

If i had to guess, you vote for Democrats because of all the tax money they take from tax payers and hand it out to able bodied charity cases. Do you use any Government social programs?

I do not now because I left my country for a cheaper education. But my family benefited from the military insurance. I am grateful for what it has given us but I believe that people shouldn't have to risk their lives or pay buttloads to have access to a health insurance or education.

Have you lived in a socialist country?