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Gronk(8) pic

If there is no body, was there a murder?


Side Score: 29


Side Score: 15
4 points

If there is no body, was there a murder?

Hello G:

"Murder", is a legal determination. As such, it can mean many things.. It's an extremely malleable term. Can a jury find someone guilty of "murder" WITHOUT a body? Sure. Does being found not guilty of murder, body or not, mean an accused didn't actually kill somebody? Nahh..

So, here's my answer.. Even IF there's no body, a murder COULD have happened.. Even if there WAS a body, a murder might NOT have happened..


Side: Yes
2 points

If someone was murdered then of course there was a murder, with or without a body.

Proving the case against the suspected guilty party will always force the prosecution to work harder.

There have been cases where suspects, such as Nat Fraser and Lindy Chamberlain have been convicted of murder without the body of the victim being discovered.

Side: Yes
1 point

If someone was murdered then of course there was a murder, with or without a body

But if there is no body then you can't prove they've been murdered you stupid imbecile. Do you understand literally nothing?

Side: No
Amarel(5669) Disputed
2 points

But if there is no body then you can't prove they've been murdered you stupid imbecile.

You do not need proof of something for it to have occurred. I can't believe this needs to be explained. If someone assaults you, and you can't prove it, you were still assaulted.

Furthermore, if someone committed a murder at sea in front of witnesses and they dump the body never to be seen again, but then they confess, then you have no body and a murder with a conviction.

Side: Yes
2 points

When I read the question I presumed it by ‘posed’ by someone with extremely limited intelligence, how pleasant it was to know I was right ......again

Side: Yes
1 point

When I read the question I presumed it by ‘posed’ by someone with extremely limited intelligence

It's funny how you make these accusations despite not being able to write coherently in your own indigenous language.

Side: No
Dermot(5736) Disputed
2 points

It's correct how you make these observations, have you noted also I’m not able to write coherently in my own indigenous language.

I have , I make allowances for it

Side: Yes
1 point

Is there a weapon covered in blood.Is there blood on the floor.Is there bullets on the floor holes in the walls a floors.Rope on the ground.This is a stupid discussion.I just described a few murder scenarios.But there is no body so it can't be proved by the cops.The cops need a body to prove that it is a mud er or suicide.

Side: Yes
1 point

Often times, cops find this to be a difficult challenge to determine whether an individual was killed or not. But yes, it's possible. Serial killers can sometimes get rid of the body by burning it, chopping it up into pieces like Dexter or some other way. Those who deny someone has died though will often be seen as blindly ignorant, unaware citizens or co-operatives aka fellow assailants with the main serial killer. Man or woman. Anyone can seemingly be involved. Bodies go missing all the time in cases of organized crime that has a grudge to settle with anyone they deem "a loose end". In no way is it ever an isolated circumstance because there are events that lead up to things like this. From a simple kidnapping to a complete disappearance of any innocent individual. Here are a couple of examples of what usually can cause bodies to disappear; Drug cartels or Arms dealer gangs want a rat snuffed out. They bring him or her in for "ratting them out" to the cops and then they kill them, then they throw them either into the sea or use some brutal method to make them disappear forever without a trace. Yet cops will not believe that nothing has happened once they have found every trace and have talked to every witness that knew the victim or sometimes, formerly, knows the assailants themselves.

Cops and detectives have to find every possibility of what did happen according to witnesses or from thoughts, theories etc, what could've happened and what really happened aka (the truth) vs all the things that are to be left out. Think, analyze, resolve the problem. Sometimes evidence can be fabricated. Sometimes people do fake their deaths in order to "stage" a diversion while the real criminal action occurs somewhere else. Trust me, it happens. Gangs can use it if they wanted to.

Side: Yes
1 point

If the body is not found then too it can be a murder case. Why can't it be?

In movies and even in real-life too the investigating team often faces such cases where the murder has have happened but the body couldn't be found.

It is so obvious that the murderer to hide his/her crime could have possibly hidden the body somewhere or burned it or disposed of the body parts at different isolated places where you possibly can't even imagine.

So yes, I believe that even if there's no body found, a murder can be suspected.

Side: No
1 point

If the body is not found then too it can be a murder case. Why can't it be?

Because you can't prove that anybody was murdered.

Side: Yes