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Debate Score:18
Total Votes:19
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Grenache(6053) pic

If you have the answer then you don't need to ban opponents

Seriously, if your truth is beyond question, whether it be from God or your political position or your fields of study, then for absolutely any question the opponent may ask you should have a reasonable reply to make.  Banning them and walking away proves the opposite -- that you don't have the answer.  And saying replying is a waste of time is already irrelevant, because you chose to launch a debate on a debate website, you already chose to waste your time on the web.
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Just as Christianity is sufficiently robust to withstand criticisms from atheists and those of other faiths without ''DENYING THEM PLATFORM'', so those who believe in the accuracy of their argument do not feel it necessary to ban opposing viewpoints. The reason why those people who ban others from their threads is almost always due to the debate creator being aware of the weaknesses in their own argument which are vulnerable to exposure by a superior debater with a more creditable and persuasive standpoint, or as a consequence of them being unable to state their stance in a more convincing manner.

1 point

I made a debate on cosmology. A certain user started making posts about assholes, big cocks and sex with Putin. I banned that homosexually obsessed user. Was I wrong?

2 points

No. He wasn't really an opponent, he was just an asshole.

Grenache(6053) Disputed
1 point

Probably. I can see where those points might have been relevant.

BigOats(1449) Disputed
1 point

Those "points" were relevant to him asking me to beat the crap out of him, and I told him how he could get what he wants.

But that had nothing to do with the topic of the debate.

1 point

Can you prove you have the right to exist as a sinner outside of Hell?

Grenache(6053) Disputed
4 points

Not the topic of this debate, and already discussed under the appropriate link.

And look, I didn't have to ban you to say that.

1 point

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."

~Winston Churchill

1 point

I Deserve to Die and Burn in Hell Forever . Can you prove you have the right to exist outside of Hell as a sinner?

Grenache(6053) Disputed
1 point

Identical response above. ........................................ ,

smilinbobs(590) Disputed
1 point

The strange thing about religious zealots like yourself is that you do burn in the Hell you have created in your mind for the time that your mind is working. The good part is that you will be free of that Hell upon death because when your mind stops working you will be free from the Hell you have created. For those of us who have not fallen for the deception of believing that imaginary beings and places exist we are always free to exist outside of Hell. It's better than proof it's a fact.

Saintnow(3684) Clarified
1 point

Have you heard that when I get tired of fools, I ban them and pray they will see it illustrates how God will get tired of them and banish them forever in Hell if they won't repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ?

Saintnow(3684) Clarified
1 point

What little I read of your hatred anymore, you obviously are miserable in your anger against God. Where did the smiley bob go? OHHH, I GOT IT.......the guy was a fake, he was never there!!!!!