
Debate Info

Yes - Boston Tea Party No - Colin Kaepernick
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Yes - Boston Tea Party (4)
 No - Colin Kaepernick (5)

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excon(18261) pic

Is DISSENT the most patriotic of American of activites, or the most UN-PATRIOTIC

Yes - Boston Tea Party

Side Score: 4

No - Colin Kaepernick

Side Score: 8
1 point

I hope, after Humpty Trumpty's remarks today, that EVERY NFL player takes a knee tomorrow! Not against the flag, or the U.S., but against what is happening, under Trump, to this country! (And the NHL and NBA also.) I love America, but not what is happening to it or the attitude of the radicals within it.

Side: Yes - Boston Tea Party
3 points

Is DISSENT the most patriotic of American of activites, or the most UN-PATRIOTIC

Depends what you are dissenting. The redcoats dissented us dissenting.

Side: No - Colin Kaepernick
2 points

Kaepernick is not protesting the USA, He's not protesting the flag, he's protesting things being allowed to happen, over and over. I think he has a legitimate objection, and, though I hate to see it, how else can he call as much attention TO it???

When America does something disgraceful (and we have MANY times), it SHOULD be brought out and WE should do something to STOP it! THEN we can be proud of America again! Let's be proud.

We are not proud of the slavery we once instigated. We are not proud of the Japenese we dumped in camps. We are not proud of the waterboarding we did a few years ago, etc. (Some think these things were okay, most don't!) They are not IMO. I "respect" Kaepernick's opinion and action. It shouldn't HAVE to happen.

Side: No - Colin Kaepernick
Chinaman(3570) Disputed
1 point

Kaepernick does not like the flag then he is welcomed to leave the oppression he has suffered under multi-million contracts playing football.

Side: Yes - Boston Tea Party
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

As I said, he is NOT against the flag, he is against what is happening UNDER that flag ... the un-Constitutional things.

Trump disrespects America (and women, and the Constitution) almost every time he opens his mouth.

Side: Yes - Boston Tea Party
excon(18261) Disputed
1 point

Hello poochy boy:

Aren't you the guy who QUIT this website because they didn't RESPECT your 1st Amendments rights??? You ARE, aren't you?

Colin Kaepernick has 1st Amendment rights too.. Why are your 1st Amendment rights more important than his?? Skin color perhaps???

Now, get this bone..


Side: No - Colin Kaepernick
1 point

You cannot consider dissent for dissents sake and drop all context. It depends on what the subject o dissent is. You've illustrated this with the response options.

Side: No - Colin Kaepernick
1 point

Hello A:

Yeah, I didn't word the debate very well.. But, I think you answered it in any case.. If the SUBJECT is important enough, people WILL dissent. And, they wouldn't do it if it wasn't important.


Side: No - Colin Kaepernick