
Debate Info

Indeed Nah
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:23
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 Indeed (9)
 Nah (9)

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ThinkerLad(267) pic

Is Instig8or just a slave to points?


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 11
2 points

Yes, but we are all a slave to something! This is rather benign.

Side: Indeed
1 point

Good try mate. I know you're just fishing for dem points.

Side: Indeed
1 point

possibly, but no more so than most other debate creators

i'm talking to you PhxDemocrat and Joel_Mathews

but some (although certainly not even remotely all) of these debates can be interesting or even fun to visit

Side: Indeed
PhxDemocrat(13095) Clarified
1 point

To: Nomoturtle

Practically all Debate Sites have Leaderboards. Those who eagerly participate and who create plenty of debates and answer many posts get rewarded for their participation. There is nothing wrong for wanting to be in the top 10 of a Leaderboard in the same sense there is nothing wrong for an honor student who perseveres to be in the top of his/her class.

Side: Indeed
J-Roc77(70) Clarified
3 points

There is nothing wrong for wanting to be in the top 10 of a Leaderboard in the same sense there is nothing wrong for an honor student who perseveres to be in the top of his/her class.

The leader board here has nothing to do with quality only quantity. Being the top of a class usually implies aptitude and intelligence. You cannot compare being at the top of a leader board here with being the top of a class because the scoring here is a flawed metric. A person could just overwhelmingly post mundane ideas and get to the top of the boards here.

Being the most vocal doesn't get you to a top of a class if what you are vocal about is mostly vapid things.

Side: Indeed
Nomoturtle(858) Clarified
1 point

what J-Roc77 said.


you specifically are a hypocrite. you talk about an honest natural desire to be on the leaderboard and compare it to an honor student at school, but the foundations of the reward points logged onto your profile are illegitimate. you spammed this site for a long time before any personality emerged and the rapid bot-posting dissipated.

give me but an explanation for your behavior during the first weeks of your being here and i'll take it all back

Side: Indeed

Instig8or why did u make me an enemy?! I don't really care about the points. I just like debate.

Side: Indeed
instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

I don't like your views.

Side: Nah
1 point

You're just jealous.

Side: Nah
ThinkerLad(267) Disputed
1 point

It's sad to watch you worship the points, good man. I feel sympathetic of your captivity by THE POINTS! :)

Side: Indeed
1 point

I enjoy making you sad so if that makes you sad to watch then I am happy. :)

Side: Indeed

She can't be a slave to points because points are not even a person , I assume because it isn't capitalized.

Side: Nah
1 point

Hi there Intangible, nice to meet you too.

Side: Nah

Omg she spoke tome! (hides)

Side: Nah