
Debate Info

Yes, I think he is No I dont think so
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:24
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 Yes, I think he is (6)
 No I dont think so (12)

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Sniper820(7) pic

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Is Obama a good president?

Do you like te job Obama is doing in America?If you do do yes if you dontpick no.SimpleSmile

Yes, I think he is

Side Score: 6

No I dont think so

Side Score: 14
Winning Side!
1 point

OK, before you start judging the Obama presidency, you have to first look back at the 1st & 2nd term of George W. Bush. To make it simple, picture this analogy. Bill Clinton drove the truck of economic prosperity up the hill (profits) and then he handed the wheel over to George W. Bush. George W. Bush went down the hill. Then the pedals broke. He handed the wheel to Obama, saying "It's not MY fault." then he jumped off the truck. Obama grabbed the steering wheel, and managed to stop just before the fiscal cliff. If you get that analogy, you understand that the economy of the U.S. has been declining for 14 years now, and it's hard to stop a collapse that big. You may look at his Affordable Health Care Act, and scoff, saying "Why do I have to pay for someone else's health care?" Which isn't true, because you pay for theirs with your tax payer dollars, and in turn, they pay yours. Which brings me to my 2nd point. Just because our economy is declining doesn't mean that we deny all our duties as a superpower of the world. We don't stop all our efforts of stopping terror, or helping kids in Cambodia. We should not neglect these duties because of our own selfish reasons. If we were really deep in debt, we would sell our land to different countries, live in grass huts, and stop all systems of entertainment. Obama is doing a good job of trying to stop the economic decline, and also helping other countries that are more needy than us.

Side: Yes, I think he is

Is Obama a good president? AHAHAHAHA!!AHA!!!HAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHA!!!!


Side: No I dont think so
1 point

He supports gay marriage and abortion so he is not a Christian president at the least.

Side: No I dont think so
God_(507) Disputed
1 point

Just because he supports Gay marriage and abortion doesn't mean that he is not a Christian president. But, yes he does suck and it was definitely not a good idea to make him president again.

Side: No I dont think so
GOPLover(47) Disputed
1 point

Just because he supports Gay marriage and abortion doesn't mean that he is not a Christian president. But, yes he does suck and it was definitely not a good idea to make him president again.

Both are sins

Side: Yes, I think he is
1 point

Being Christian, which he is, and thinking the government should impose Christianity through its laws are two different things.

Side: Yes, I think he is
1 point

No, he could do better but he's not. Sorry Obama. Obama should have kept his promise you know. He said he would put this country to glory but he is about to make it lose its AAA rating

Side: No I dont think so
1 point

There is a reason why Osama rhymes with Obama... I mean really? You are a filthy hypocrite Obama.

Side: No I dont think so
1 point

There's a reason why his surname rhymes with Bin Laden's first name?

Side: No I dont think so
0 points




Side: No I dont think so
1 point

Bush does rock!

Oh wait, you mean that Bush - well, then no.

Very articulate argument by the way.

Side: Yes, I think he is