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Debate Score:24
Total Votes:28
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atypican(4873) pic

Is it possible to discuss....

.....the function of religion itself and not the specific content of certain religions?


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 14
1 point

Anything is possible. We just haven't demonstrated that possibility too often around here.

I try to think of how the religion affects the religious, rather than just what the religion tells them to do, but so often am I drawn back into what they believe they are being told to do.

It's pretty much as Cartman said, it's possible, but only if everyone (not just the religious) stay on track.

Side: Yes
1 point

From the other side Daver ---->

"religion provides an avenue to deal with tragedy, as well as comfort for people who need to feel as sence of purpose in their lives."

This is one rational starting point for a discussion about religion that isn't particular to specific sects (I think)

I would like to generate as many of these as possible, so let's keep the debate score provocatively even can we?

Side: Yes
1 point

Much of religion is concerned with how one should live. If there is a way of living that is in fact more beneficial than other ways of living, religion could be analogous to a species. As things they develop, they occasionally manifest benefits here and there. If some religious traits are actually benefits, they live on. Religion could serve the function of evolution. Most mutations are garbage, but some have bits of brilliance.

Side: Yes
1 point

Not if people who believe in religion are involved. They can't stay focused.

Side: No
daver(1770) Clarified
2 points

Agree. But with open minded thinkers there is clearly an opportunity to say that religion provides an avenue to deal with tragedy, as well as comfort for people who need to feel as sence of purpose in their lives. I have NO distain for followers of religions, but personally I find all of religious doctrine implausible.

Side: Yes
atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

Hmm I was thinking: not by people who think particulars define the category, they are so focused that they can't step back to get a broader perspective.

Side: Yes
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

All I know is that really smart debators on other topics will look like complete idiots when they start defending religion.

Side: No